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The Strategic Plan in 2012 identified several key needs and goals for a statewide geospatial/GIS program. The following working groups were identified in supporting these goals. Most of the work assigned to the groups has veen completed. The Strategic plan was reveiwed in 2018 to affirms that these key needs are still important to the statewide geospatial/GIS program. These work groups and standard, along with the strategic plan are revisited in a timely manner and the work groups are reformed to address any needed changes.

The NebraskaMAP working group is about data sharing – "Build it once, share it many." Currently, NebraskaMAP is on its 3 revision and serves as a geospatial clearinghouse and provides access to over 100 data layers for Nebraska. NebraskaMAP is a multi-use enterprise platform. This will further help users gain access to authoritative and peer-reviewed NESDI data, maps, applications, and GIS web services. This working group also provides data sharing guidelines and standards.

Nebraska Statewide Elevation Program

Facilitates the acquisition, maintenance, and sharing of a statewide elevation dataset by developing standards and specifications for LiDAR point clouds and derivative products. Develops alternatives for systematic and cost-effective acquisition of these products, and defining a program of stewardship for managing and publishing the data.

Nebraska Statewide Imagery Program

Establishing a statewide plan for digitizing and acquisition standards and guidelines, data sharing, and statewide coverage for various levels of imagery products and services.

Land Records

Enabling the integration of different local government land records information into a statewide dataset. Developing guidelines for a common geodatabase model that can provide public data for use in a multitude of state government applications.

Street Centerline Address Database

Developing and maintaining a statewide seamless street centerline and address referencing system used for various transportation, public safety, economic development, Next Generation 911 and other related applications.

Nebraska Administrative and Political Boundaries Program

Establish standards and guidelines to improve authoritative statewide boundary datasets derived from governmental, administrative, statistical and other type boundaries across Nebraska.