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The Nebraska Information Technology Commission promotes the use of information technology in education, health care, economic development and all levels of government service. Members include the Governor or his or her designee, who serves as chairperson of the Commission; one member representing elementary and secondary education; one member representing postsecondary education; one member representing communities; and five members representing the general public. In addition, one member of the Legislature's Transportation and Telecommunications Committee serves as an ex officio, nonvoting member.

The NITC began under Executive Order 97-7 in November 1997, and had its first meeting on December 16, 1997. It was codified in statute with the enactment of LB924 (Laws 1998, effective 4-2-1998). The Commission has numerous goals and responsibilities as set forth in Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 86-501 to 86-530.


Adopt policies and procedures used to develop, review, and annually update a statewide technology plan;

Create a technology information clearinghouse to identify and share best practices and new developments, as well as identify existing problems and deficiencies;

Review and adopt policies to provide incentives for investments in information technology infrastructure services;

Determine a broad strategy and objectives for developing and sustaining information technology development in Nebraska, including long-range funding strategies, research and development investment, support and maintenance requirements, and system usage and assessment guidelines;

Adopt guidelines regarding project planning and management, information-sharing, and administrative and technical review procedures involving state-owned or state-supported technology and infrastructure. Governmental entities, state agencies, and political subdivisions shall submit projects that directly utilize stat e-appropriated funds for information technology purposes to the process established by Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 86-512 to 86-524. Governmental entities and political subdivisions may submit other projects involving information technology to the Commission for comment, review, and recommendations;

Adopt minimum technical standards, guidelines, and architectures upon recommendation by the technical panel;

Establish ad hoc technical advisory groups to study and make recommendations on specific topics, including work groups to establish, coordinate, and prioritize needs for education, local communities, and state agencies;

Make recommendations on technology investments to the Governor and the Legislature, including a prioritized list of projects, reviewed by the technical panel, for which new or additional funding is requested;

Approve grants from the Community Technology Fund and Government Technology Collaboration Fund; and

Adopt schedules and procedures for reporting needs, priorities, and recommended projects.