Make recommendations to the Technical Panel on all matters relating to the creation and implementation of an accessibility of information technology policy for state governmental agencies and educational institutions.
Information technology, as it pertains to the scope of this policy, includes the following areas:
Web-based information and services including those associated with the provision of services, employment, administration, and courses of instruction,
Hardware and software to be developed, purchased or acquired by state governmental agencies and educational institutions.
Environments specific to information technology including classroom and general use computer facilities, on-line instruction, distance learning, places of employment, libraries, and resource centers.
Exemptions Extreme difficulty or expense (Undue Burden); Hardware and software tools specific to a research or development process in which no member of the research or development team requires accessibility accommodations; Hardware or software for which no equivalent option is available (Non-availability).
The intent of the accessibility of information technology policy is to promote equal access to electronic in formation resources, technologies and services for citizens, students, employees, and visitors—including those with disabilities.
The work group will make recommendations to the Technical Panel regarding policies, guidelines and training regarding accessibility for information technology.
Decisions on proposed recommendations will be determined by a vote of the members.