Nebraska Information Technology Commission
Tuesday, November 2, 2004, 9:00 a.m.
Varner Hall-Board Room
3835 Holdrege, Lincoln, Nebraska
Mike Beach, Nebraska Educational Telecommunications Commission
Brenda Decker, Department of Administrative Services, State of Nebraska
Christy Horn, University of Nebraska, Compliance Officer
Kirk Langer, Lincoln Public Schools
Steve Schafer, Office of the Chief Information Officer, State of Nebraska
Walter Weir, University of Nebraska
Rick Becker, Government I.T. Manager, Chief Information Officer
Rick Golden, University of Nebraska
Tom Conroy, Department of Administrative Services
Mr. Weir called the meeting to order at 9:07 a.m. The meeting notice was posted to the Nebraska Public Meeting Calendar and the NITC web sites on September 20, 2004. The meeting date change was posted on October 5, 2004. The meeting agenda was posted to the NITC web site on October 29, 2004. A quorum was present at the time of roll call.
PUBLIC COMMENTThere was no public comment.
APPROVAL OF MINUTESA couple of typographical errors were corrected in the minutes.
Ms. Decker moved to approve the September 14, 2004 minutes as corrected. Mr. Beach seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Beach-Yes, Decker-Yes, Schafer-Yes, and Weir-Yes. Motion was carried.
(Project Summary Sheets (PDF 3MB) or Full Text of the Projects)
Mr. Langer arrived at 9:10 a.m. Ms. Horn arrived at 9:14 a.m.
Mr. Becker explained the project reviews process. Agencies were given an opportunity to respond to reviewer comments. The Technical Panel’s role in the process is to approve the technical reviews. For the proposals that did not include a budget, it was recommended to attempt to get this information from the agencies for the NITC meeting. Panel members provided comments and input on the requests and process. Staff indicated there will be an opportunity to evaluate and review the current process and forms.
Mr. Beach moved to approve the project reviews to be forwarded to the NITC. Ms. Horn seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Weir-Yes, Schafer-Yes, Langer-Yes, Horn-Yes, Decker-Yes, and Beach-Yes. Motion was carried by unanimous vote.
Mr. Weir stated that the University of Nebraska utilizes PeopleAdmin software for online employment applications.
Mr. Schafer moved to provided the following comments with respect to the project:
The Technical Panel, having reviewed the grant application entitled "Online Employment Application Redesign", finds that:
Ms. Horn seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Decker-Yes, Horn-Yes, Langer-Yes, Schafer-Yes, Weir-Yes, and Beach-Yes. Results: 6-Yes, 0-No. The motion was carried by unanimous vote.
Lotus Notes Standard for State Government Agencies
The State Government Council’s Lotus Notes Work Group developed the draft standard for password requirements; user names; generic notes Ids; server names; organizational unit names; and group naming conventions. These were forwarded to the State Government Council for their review and input. At the September 16th meeting, the State Government Council reviewed the draft for recommendation to the Technical Panel.
Mr. Schafer moved to post the draft Lotus Notes Standard for State Government Agencies (PDF 87k) for the 30-day public comment period. Ms. Horn seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Langer-Yes, Horn-Yes, Decker-Yes, Beach-Yes, Weir-Yes, and Schafer-Yes. Results: 6-Yes, 0-No. The motion was carried by unanimous vote.
Lotus Notes Guidelines for State Government Agencies
The State Government Council’s Lotus Notes Work Group developed the draft guidelines for Internet address and similar names. These were forwarded to the State Government Council for their review and input. At the September 16th meeting, the State Government Council reviewed the draft for recommendation to the Technical Panel.
Mr. Schafer moved to post the draft Lotus Notes Guidelines for State Government Agencies (PDF 87k) for the 30-day public comment period. Ms. Horn seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Horn-Yes, Langer-Yes, Decker-Yes, Schafer-Yes, Beach-Yes, and Weir-Yes. Results: 6-Yes, 0-No. The motion was carried by unanimous vote.
Identity and Access Management Standard for State Government Agencies
Tom Conroy, Director of IMServices, was available for comments and questions. The University of Nebraska is conducting a similar project. It would be beneficial for the state and the University to discuss progress and update each other. The University has representatives on the state's directory services work group. Mr. Weir stated that there is conference on this topic this month in San Diego, California and he would like the Technical Panel to have a briefing from staff that will be attending the conference. Discussion occurred regarding LDAP, other enterprise protocols, changing technology, and the need for an annual review.
Mr. Beach moved to post the draft Identity and Access Management Standard for State Government Agencies (PDF 99k) for 30-day comment period with the modification to include a provision for annual review as technology evolves. Ms. Horn seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Schafer-Yes, Decker-Yes, Weir-Yes, Beach-Yes, Langer-Yes, and Horn-Yes. Results: 6-Yes, 0-No. The motion was carried by unanimous vote.
Members were asked to provide any comments on the documents. The NITC will address these plans at their meeting on November 10th.
Accessibility, Christy Horn. There has been discussions and interactions with people regarding accessibility of websites. Ms. Horn would like to develop a plan to get information out to agencies and departments. Suggested avenues to get information to state government agencies included publishing an article in NITC news and hold a meeting with agency’s procurement and technology staff.
CAP, Brenda Decker. The group is meeting today after the Technical Panel meeting. The University of Nebraska signed the Internet contract with Time Warner. The State of Nebraska has ordered the service and will be moving Internet service to Time Warner. Members of the group were in Scottsbluff yesterday to discuss next steps with local community members. The community member seemed interested and excited about Network Nebraska. The Nebraska Chapter of the National Management Association gave the DAS Division of Communications the Team of the Year Award for the Statewide Backbone Project.
Security Work Group, Steve Schafer. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 17th. The key agenda item will be to revamp the Incident Reporting Process. The Division of Communications is taking the lead on this. Another agenda item will be to work on the RFP for the next security audit. Mr. Weir would like the Security Work Group to be involved with results of the Terrack testing to be held on November 4th at the University of Nebraska and the Department of Administrative Services.
Statewide Synchronous Video Network Work Group, Mike Beach. There will be meeting this Friday with the consortium directors to discuss issues and it is hoped that an agreement can be reached. The Nebraska Department of Education submitted a federal grant to help fund this effort but unfortunately this attempt was not successful. Several members and other entities are working on the funding efforts.OTHER BUSINESS
Mr. Schafer stated that Dave Mannering, Chief Information Officer, Lincoln Electrical System, recommended that the public sector IT Managers be invited to discuss common areas of interest. He asked members to think about how to approach this request and would like it discussed at a future meeting.
The next meeting of the Nebraska Information Technology Commission will be held on Tuesday, December 14th, 9:00 a.m. in Varner Hall, 3835 Holdrege, Lincoln, Nebraska.
With no further business, Mr. Weir adjourned the meeting at 10:25 a.m.
Meeting minutes were taken by Lori Lopez Urdiales and reviewed by Rick Becker, Office of the CIO/NITC.
Meeting Minutes