Nebraska Information Technology Commission
Wednesday, July 10, 2002, 9:00 a.m.
Nebraska Union-Georgian Suite
14 & R Streets, Lincoln, Nebraska
Brenda Decker, Department of Administrative Services
Walter Weir, University of Nebraska
Christy Horn, University of Nebraska, Compliance Officer (Lance Perez was present at roll call.)
Steve Schafer, Chief Information Officer, State of Nebraska
Kirk Langer, Lincoln Public Schools, K-12 Representative
Mike Beach, Nebraska Educational Telecommunications Commission
The Chair, Walter Weir, called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m. All members were present. The meeting notice was posted to the NITC and Nebraska Public Meeting Calendar web sites on June 14, 2002. The meeting agenda was posted to the NITC Website on July 1, 2002.
There was no public comment.
Mr. Schafer moved to approve the June 10, 2002 meeting minutes as presented. Ms. Decker seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Beach-Abstained, Decker-Yes, Perez-Abstained, Langer-Yes, Schafer-Yes, and Weir-Yes. Voting results: 4-Yes and 2-Abstained. The motion prevailed.
Anne Byers, Community Information Technology Manager, CIO/NITC
Since 1998, $842,032 of grant funds have been awarded. With every passing year, the quality of the projects has improved. The grantees are pleased about what they have accomplished in their communities.
Ms. Horn arrived at 9:12 a.m.
Mr. Weir informed the panel that a meeting was held with the teleco CEOs and Lieutenant Governor Heineman, the University of Nebraska, the Division of Communications, and the state's Chief Information Officer. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss NETCOM and telecommunications issues. The telco representatives indicated that they needed a firm commitment and longer contracts. Mr. Weir invited members to a follow-up meeting to be held on Monday, July 15, 1:00-3:00 p.m. The meeting will be held with the telecos and technical staff from the University of Nebraska to learn what the University is doing and discuss future goals and needs. Lieutenant Governor Heineman has become very involved in championing the state’s telecommunications efforts.
The panel reviewed the following projects:
Ms. Decker moved to have the Technical Panel make the following findings:
Mr. Beach seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Schafer-Yes, Langer-Yes, Horn-Yes, Decker-Yes, Beach-Yes, and Weir-Yes. The motion was carried by majority vote.
Mr. Schafer moved to accept the technical reviews for the Ralston High School grant application. Mr. Beach seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Decker-Yes, Langer-Yes, Schafer-Yes, Weir-Yes, and Beach-Yes. The motion was carried by unanimous vote.
Mr. Weir announced that the NITC approved the panel’s recommendation of Rick Becker as Steve Schafer’s alternate to serve on the Technical Panel.
Wireless, Brenda Decker. The Governor has made the following appointments to the Statewide Wireless Advisory Board representing the State of Nebraska – Lieutenant Governor Heineman, Jon Craig of the Department of Roads and Tom Nesbitt of the State Patrol. Lieutenant Governor Heineman is attempting to organize the first meeting sometime in July.
Network Architecture, Brenda Decker. The Scottsbluff project has settled on some costs with Sprint. The State of Nebraska and the University will have cost savings. The objectives are being met. The termination clauses will cost the state about $100,000.
Al Schneider and Don Ferneding
Mr. Schneider distributed a document entitled “Networking Nebraska” summarizing the projects goals. Below is the content of the document:
”We need to utilize the existing networks for distance learning in Nebraska for the backbone. We would put in place for K-12 a 100 meg or 3 DS3 lines from Omaha to Scottsbluff. These links are put into an RFP for e-rate purposed through the ESUAA. We utilize the Southeast Nebraska infrastructure and request a link at Grand Island, Kearney, North Platte, Sidney or Scottsbluff and a link at Fremont. This allows an interface at each distance learning point of presence. We have requested an ear-mark from Senator Hagel to convert from J-Peg and analogue to an IP network. Video standard will be H.261. The backbone will be H.323. The conversion will be at the Kearney, Holdrege, McCook, North Platte, Sidney and Scottsbluff areas in year one and Fremont, Neligh, Norfolk, Wakefield and Ainsworth areas in year two. The RFP will request additional 100 meg segments or multiple DS3 lines for other entities, including but not limited to, postsecondary, hospitals, county and State agencies. The UNMC will have full connectivity to all communities through the backbone for use in case of any threat to national security in the form of bio-terrorism or nuclear exposure.”
Some of the concerns expressed by Technical Panel members included:
Mr. Schneider indicated that the project is willing to collaborate with the Nebraska Network Work Group and the Technical Panel before taking the proposal to the ESU administrators and prior to release of an RFP.
Nebraska Network Work Group, Steve Schafer. The Work Group met on Monday, July 8th to review the second version of the draft report. Any last comments or feedback are due by Friday, July 12th. The Draft Report will be presented to the Education Council for their input at their July 19th meeting. The draft report will then go out for a 30-day public comment period. The Work Group will meet again in mid to late August to finalize the report. The report will then be submitted to the NITC for their September meeting. The Technical Panel was the entity identified to sponsor all efforts and recommendations.
Security Architecture Work Group, Steve Schafer. A Security Awareness Day is scheduled for July 15th. Efforts are underway for developing a template and handbook for disaster recovery. As a resource, the work group is utilizing NIST (National Institute for Standards and Technology). The security assessment of state’s network is an on-going process.
Accessibility Architecture, Christy Horn. The purpose of the first charter was to develop the standards and guidelines. That has been accomplished. The revised purpose reads as follows: “Make recommendations to the Technical Panel on all matters relating to the accessibility of information systems for state governmental agencies and educational institutions”. The work group would like to focus efforts on training development. The training for state employees went well. Many of the participants were Webmasters who wanted to make sure their web sites were accessible.
Mr. Schafer moved to approved the revised charter for the Accessibility Architecture Work Group. Mr. Weir seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Horn-Yes, Langer-Yes, Schafer-Yes, Weir-Yes, Beach-Yes and Decker-Yes. The motion was carried by unanimous vote.
Application and Implementation Work Group discussion. Mr. Weir will prepare a draft charter at the next meeting.
NIS. The University of Nebraska has postponed their upgrade of SAP until January in order to accommodate the NIS go-live date in November. The NIS Steering Committee continues to meet weekly and is planning on the November date.
Mr. Beach reported that on July 19th, he and Mike Winkle will be briefing the Education Council on the DTT Research Project: Moving the School Tele-learning Service from Broadcast to New-Video on Demand. At a future date, they will brief the Technical Panel as well.
The next meeting of the NITC Technical Panel will be held on Wednesday, August 14th, 9:00 a.m. in Varner Hall, 3835 Holdrege Street, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Mr. Weir requested that members give some thought to holding a future meeting of the Technical Panel in western Nebraska to increase public awareness. It was also suggested to provide videoconference sites for future meetings.
Mr. Weir adjourned the meeting at 11:20 a.m.
Meeting minutes were taken by Lori Lopez Urdiales and reviewed by Rick Becker, Office of the CIO/NITC.
Meeting Minutes