Nebraska Information Technology Commission
Tuesday, July 10, 2001, 9:00 a.m.
Varner Hall, Regents Board Room
3835 Holdrege, Lincoln, Nebraska
Bob Huber, Nebraska Educational Telecommunications Commission
Brenda Decker, Department of Administrative Services, State of Nebraska
Steve Schafer, Chief Information Officer, State of Nebraska
Mike Winkle, NITC Executive Director
Walter Weir, Chief Information Officer, University of Nebraska
Christy Horn, Compliance Officer, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Rick Golden, University of Nebraska
Ruth Michalecki
Tom Rolfes, Office of the CIO/NITC
Dave Wagaman, Budget Office, State of Nebraska
Steve Henderson, Department of Administrative Services, State of Nebraska
Kathy Tenopir, Legislative Fiscal Office, State of Nebraska
Dr. Jim Emal, University of Nebraska
The Chair, Walter Weir, called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m. Roll call was taken. There were five members present at the time of roll call. A quorum was present to conduct official business. The meeting notice and agenda were posted to the NITC and Nebraska Public Meeting Calendar web site on July 3, 2001
There was no public comment.
Under the section titled “Briefing-Department of Roads, 511 System and Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) the wording of the last sentence in the third paragraph was changed for clarification to read as follows: “Mr. Weir recommended that the project team work with the Technical Panel to protect the state’s investment.”
Mr. Winkle moved to approve with the June 12th minutes with the proposed change. Ms. Decker seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Huber-Yes, Decker-Yes, Schafer-Yes, Weir-Yes and Winkle-Yes. The motion was carried by unanimous vote.
A SGC work group meeting will be held this week to discuss revisions to the Agency Information Technology Plan form and the Project Proposal Form. The revisions will be presented to the SGC and the Technical Panel.
Accessibility Architecture. The Work Group has not met since the approval of the Assistive Technology Clause for State Contracts in December. There are some concerns regarding the length of the Accessibility Checklist (PDF 508k) and the work that remains to be done in order to meet the timeline. Recommendations from the Work Group are to be completed by September 2001. Since Ms. Horn was not available, this will be an agenda item for the August meeting.
Application Architecture. No work group has been formed. It was suggested to identify large projects such as NIS, CJIS, GIS, HHS, and task them to address these issues regarding data and application architecture. Mr. Schafer and Mr. Henderson agreed to take the lead and will discuss how to involve large state agencies. Mr. Weir would like to bring in a consultant to discuss and explain application architecture to the Technical Panel.
Groupware Architecture. For subsection “Document Management”, the Secretary of State’s Records Division will be invited to discuss this with the Technical Panel.
Data and Information Architecture. GIS standards are in development.
E-Government Architecture. Guidelines are under development. A grant application will be submitted to the Government Technology Collaboration Fund to continue the work on E-Government. Mr. Schafer is exploring consultant services.
Hardware Platform Architecture. The same approach that was recommended for the Application Architecture will be taken. Mr. Becker, Mr. Schafer and Mr. Henderson agreed to further develop the concept.
Network Architecture. Subsection “Other” was taken out. It is anticipated that the completion of NETCOM standards for transport only will be completed by 12/01.
Security Architecture. The completion of the Security Handbooks is anticipated for August 2001.
Systems Management Architecture. For Subsection “Quality Assurance and Management”, Mr. Schafer agreed to take the lead and to have a Work Group formed September 2001.
Video Architecture. Work group will be meeting again next week. After research, the Work Group has standards are down to two which be tested at the next meeting.
Discussion followed regarding the composition and duration of the Work Groups. Suggestions were as follows:
Mr. Becker had developed a prototype of the NITC Enterprise Architecture (Standards and Guidelines) web site for the members to review and suggestions. Mr. Henderson suggested including a search engine and index for better identification.
Mr. Schafer requested a technical review of application by the Technical Panel.
The Technical Panel, having reviewed the grant application entitled “Governor’s Business Portal Initiative,” finds that:
Mr. Winkle moved to forward the Technical Panel technical review of the “Governor’s Business Portal Initiative” grant to the State Records Board. Ms. Decker seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Winkle-Yes, Weir-Yes, Schafer-Abstained, Decker-Yes, and Huber-Yes. Motion was carried by unanimous vote.
Wireless. Ms. Decker reported that the release of the RFP has been postponed for 30 days.
NETCOM. After discussions with the DAS Director, Lt. Governor and the CIO, it was decided to move the RFP due date to August 27th.
Security. The Security Handbooks should be ready by end of August. Incident reporting will be the next issue to be addressed by the Work Group. The CERT conference is scheduled for the first week in August.
Accessibility. No report.
E-government Architecture. The “Governor’s Business Portal Initiative” grant application will be submitted to the State Records Board.
Video Standards. The Work Group will be meeting again at the end of next week. Vendors will be invited to do testing and analysis.
Ms. Michalecki serves on the FCC’s Network Reliability and Interoperability Council V. A written report of their recommendations was distributed to the Technical Panel members. Council V’s next meetings are in September and October. Final recommendations of the group are to be submitted in January.
Mr. Weir distributed an article titled “Searching for New Directions for IT Financing” for informational purposes.
Ms. Decker alerted the Panel that the implementation of LB 833 may become an issue for the NITC and the Technical Panel. There are concerns regarding vendors, contracts, ongoing support, and video issues regarding connectivity.
NIS. The contract has not been signed. Consequently, the Kickoff that was scheduled for Friday has been cancelled. Negotiations are continuing.
Mr. Weir adjourned the meeting at 11:35 a.m.
Minutes were taken by Lori Lopez Urdiales and reviewed by Rick Becker of the Office of the CIO/NITC.
Meeting Minutes