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Nebraska Information Technology Commission
Tuesday, April 11, 2000, 9:00 a.m.
Varner Hall - Board Room, 38th and Holdrege
Lincoln, Nebraska


MEMBERS PRESENT: Brenda Decker, Department of Administrative Services; Steve Schafer, Chief Information Officer; Michael Winkle, Nebraska Information Technology Commission; and Walter Weir, University of Nebraska

OTHERS PRESENT: Rick Golden, University of Nebraska; Mark Schultz, Nebraska's Assistive Technology Partnership Project; Bob Shanahan, Labor; Allen Amsberry, Labor; and Bob King, Labor; Rick Becker, Office of the CIO/NITC; Anne Byers, Office of the CIO/NITC; Tom Rolfes, Office of the CIO/NITC; Lori Lopez Urdiales; and Mirta Hansen, Future Kids


Mr. Weir, Chair, called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m. Roll call was taken. Three members were present at the time of roll call. A quorum existed to conduct official business. Mr. Schafer will be arriving late. Mr. Weir stated that the meeting notice and agenda was first posted to the NITC Web site on April 4, 2000 with a revision posted on April 6, 2000.

PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment.


Corrections included in the "Others Presents" section for Rick Golden, University of Nebraska-Lincoln should be changed to University of Nebraska and in the Wireless Study Update section "Jeffries" should be changed to "Jeffres".

Ms. Decker moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Mr. Winkle seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion was carried by voice vote.

Mr. Schafer arrived at 9:08 a.m.



The Technology-Related Assistance for Individual with Disabilities Act has been in existence since 1988. Nebraska's Assistive Technology Partnership Project has been in existence for 10 years. The project's goal is to assist individuals with disability of all ages to obtain and access assistive devices and services. Mr. Schultz distributed the project's newsletter "Bright Ideas". Mr. Schultz cited the Federal Technology-Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Act of 1988 which states: "Appointment to Certain Information Technology Panels - The State shall appoint the director of the lead agency described in section (d) or the designee of the director, to any committee, council, or similar organization created by the State to assist the State in the development of the information technology policy of the State." In order for states to receive federal funding, they need to comply. Discussion followed regarding guidelines, standards, and best practices for assistive technology.

Mr. Schafer moved to make a recommendation to the NITC to expand the membership of Technical Panel to include a member with expertise in assistive technology. Mr. Weir seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Decker-Yes, Schafer-Yes, Weir-Yes, Winkle-Yes. Motion was carried.

Mr. Weir will ask Christy Horn, University of Nebraska-Lincoln's Compliance Office, to provide information to the Technical Panel at a future meeting. Mr. Schultz also has technical staff who could provide information and will coordinate the meeting with Ms. Horn.

Mr. Winkle moved to form a subcommittee, headed by the CIO, to work on developing guidelines, policies and standards and best practices for assistive technology. Ms. Decker seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Weir-Yes, Schafer-Yes, Decker-Yes, Winkle-Yes. Motion was carried.

Mr. Weir offered to assist Mr. Schafer. Mr. Schultz provided the following web site to access information on federal regulations:


The following staff members from the Nebraska Department of Labor provided an update and were available to entertain questions: Bob Shanahan, Information Technology Manager; Allen Amsberry, Director, Unemployment Insurance; and Bob King, Unemployment Insurance, Benefits Field Manager. The department has been evaluating technology in the claims area. After researching other states, it was discovered that eighteen (18) states have converted to call center technology. Including Nebraska, twenty (21) states are in the planning phase to implement call centers. Thirty-four (34) states have received grants to assist them in their efforts. Nebraska has received a $861,000 grant to assist with the technology and hardware for a call center. A Core Team has been formed to work on the project. The team and the department have been working with Information Management Services and the Division of Communications as well. It has been determined that the call centers will be in Lincoln and Omaha. The Contractor selected for the Nebraska project also worked on the Vermont project. Procurement for the call centers has already started. Part of contract will include training of a DOC staff member on the system. Recommendations from the Technical Panel included: close collaboration with the NIS project; establishment of a web-based migration; and to address issues of imaging, indexing, guidelines, standards and best practices.

Mr. Weir got called away from the meeting. Mr. Schafer assumed the role of chair.


Anne Byers, Community Information Technology Manager, distributed a summary of the projects and their scores. Ms. Byers explained that three content reviewers and two technical reviewers were selected to review each grant. Members were provided with a list of reviewers for each project. Staff made every attempt to assure that there was no conflict of interest. The Nebraska Rural Development Commission, AIM, and the University are collaboratively submitting a revised grant to conduct E-commerce training in communities.

Mr. Winkle moved to approve the technical reviews of the Community Technology Fund grants. Ms. Decker seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Decker-Yes, Schafer-Yes, Winkle-Yes. Motion was carried by majority vote.

Discussion followed regarding approval of technical reviewers by the Technical Panel. Approval of technical reviewers for the upcoming Government Technology Fund grants and budget requests will be done via email. Staff will send the reviewers list and their area of expertise to the panel members. The Technical Panel will approve and/or make recommendations via email.



Ms. Decker distributed copies of the TINA Advisory Committee's recommendation that the state move forward on pursuing the "Prime Contractor" alternative for implementation (Alternative 3 from the consultants. The TINA update is on the agenda for all the councils (including the Telehealth Subcommittee) this month and will go before the NITC at the April 20th meeting. At their meeting on April 7th, the Community Council endorsed the concept of a "Prime Contractor" and to move forward to build the business case. On May 23rd, Ms. Decker will present the TINA update at the NTA (Nebraska Telephone Association) Annual Conference. Upon approval of the NITC, the next steps would be to organize the Technical Advisory Committees (including two representatives from each of the councils) and build the business case.

Mr. Winkle moved that the Technical Panel endorse the recommendation of the TINA Advisory Committee to prepare the business case and evaluate Alternative 3. Mr. Schafer seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Schafer-Yes, Winkle-Yes, Decker-Abstained. Motion was carried by majority vote.


Mr. Schafer reported that the group has been organized. The first meeting is scheduled for May 4th. After discussion on how to get the other working groups implemented, it was decided to identify persons of expertise, task them with timelines, and require them to provide progress reports to the Technical Panel. Mr. Becker will develop a list of persons to lead the work group and will send this to the tech panel for approval.


Mr. Schafer will develop a draft access clause and bring to the Technical Panel for review. LB 352 focuses on visual impairments.


Mr. Schafer reported that the work of the group is near completion. The Working Group has approved the Project Status reporting form to be used by non-education agencies. Mr. Schafer requested input and suggestions from the panel members. It will go before the NITC at the June meeting for adoption.


Ms. Decker reviewed the charter. The TINA Advisory Group would be the members at this time but the membership can be expanded, if needed.

Mr. Schafer moved to establish a Network Architecture Work Group and to adopt the charter. Ms. Decker seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Decker-Yes, Schafer-Yes, Winkle-Abstained. Motion was carried by majority vote.


Mr. Schafer reminded the panel that technical reviews of the Government Technology Collaboration Fund grants will be occurring soon. The deadline for applications is May 1st.

The second round of the State Records Boards grants are ready for review. These must be done before the next Records Board meeting in June. Technical Panel recommended using the process used in the Community Council review. A list of reviewers will be sent to the panel members for approval.

NITC resolution for regarding NIS. Mr. Schafer asked for any input or suggestions from the panel members on the following draft resolutions he developed for the NITC:

  1. The Department of Administrative Services is authorized to expend funds appropriated in LB 1217 (2000) Section 65 for work relating to vendor selection, project management, and preparation of a detailed project plan to guide implementation.
  2. The Technical Panel shall review the following documents relating to the NIS: a) the request for proposal, b) the project implementation plan, and c) quarterly status reports. The Technical Panel shall report its findings to the project sponsor and the NITC.
  3. NITC approval of the project implementation plan is required, prior to further expenditure of funds for the NIS; and
  4. The implementation plan shall include, but not be limited to, objectives, scope, financial plan, change management, project management and project team, timetable and milestones, and technical requirements.

Mr. Weir returned to the meeting at 11:40 a.m.

Mr. Weir has asked the Nebraska Higher Education Information Technology group to provide information on the organization to the Technical Panel at next month's meeting.


The next meeting of the Technical Panel will be on May 9, 2000, 9:00 a.m. at Varner Hall, 3835 Holdrege Street in Lincoln.


Ms. Decker moved to adjourn. Mr. Weir seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion was carried by voice vote. Meeting was adjourned at 11:55 a.m.

Minutes were taken by Lori Lopez Urdiales and reviewed by Rick Becker, Office of the CIO/NITC.

Meeting Minutes