Tuesday, January 8, 2008, 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Nebraska State Office Building - Lower Level C
301 Centennial Mall South, Lincoln, Nebraska
Steve Henderson, Alt. for Brenda Decker, CIO, State of Nebraska
Christy Horn, University of Nebraska, Compliance Officer
Rick Golden, Alt. for Walter Weir, CIO, University of Nebraska
Mike Winkle, Assistant GM, Nebraska Educational Telecommunications
In the absence of the chair, Mr. Winkle called the meeting to order at 9:12 a.m. Mr. Becker stated that meeting notice was posted to the NITC Website (http://nitc.ne.gov/) and Nebraska Public Meeting Calendar on November 29, 2007 and the agenda was posted to the NITC Website on December 21, 2007. The Open Meeting Act was located at the front table.
There was no public comment.
Mr. Henderson moved to approve the November 21, 2007 minutes as presented. Mr. Golden seconded. Roll call vote: Henderson-Yes, Horn-Abstain, Golden-Yes, and Winkle-Yes. Results: Yes-3, No-0, Abstained-1. Motion carried.
PROJECT REVIEWS - Ongoing Reviews (as needed)
Retirement Systems - Jerry Brown
A question was raised regarding accessibility for persons with disabilities. The Office of the CIO is participating in the user acceptance phase. Staff member, Wes Majerus, who is visually impaired, is assisting. Ms. Horn will provide names of other individuals who can assist with testing to Mr. Brown.
Health and Human Services (LIMS) - James Ohmberger, Administrator, DHHS Information Technology Services. DHHS operates a state lab for testing water and water quality related issues. Nebraska’s municipalities utilize the data. Currently, there is only one part-time staff person. DHHS issued an RFP and received two bids. Vendor presentations have been conducted. Evaluations are in progress. It is anticipated that the intent to award will be offered by end of the month. Staffing is a major concern. The new system’s cost estimated is $300,000-$500,000. Members requested information on the implementation plan.
Health and Human Services (MMIS) - James Ohmberger, Administrator, DHHS. Three bids were submitted in response to the RFP. One bid did not meet the requirements and was not accepted. The two remaining vendors -- ACS and Forethought -- completed an interview process. The intent to award has been made for the Forethought proposal. The tentative plan is to begin the project in mid-February after working through the negotiations process. Forethought is recommending using the State of Oklahoma’s system, created by EDS, to be modified for Nebraska’s needs. This request has been submitted to Oklahoma. Staffing estimates include: 48 technical and business resources; 21 business partners; and 60-70 from the vendor. This is a 3-year project with the first 2 years focusing on development and the third on testing. The project will be housed in the Gold’s Building. An RFP has released to hire the Project Manager and interviews are currently being held. The overall project oversight is done through an Executive Steering Committee consisting of Mr. Ohmberger, the State’s Chief Information Officer, the CEO for DHHS, and the Operations Managers.
Nebraska State College System (Student Information Administrative System). No report.
University of Nebraska (Student Information System). Mr. Golden reported that the University of Nebraska and the State College Systems have been meeting to discuss the technical aspect of the RFP that would address the needs of the University of Nebraska and State College System. Planning and communication is occurring.
Game and Parks - Request for Waiver from Password Standard and Identity and Access Management Standard for State Government Agencies
Steve Hartman, Security Officer, State of Nebraska
The OCIO developed an application for Game and Parks Commission to purchase park and gaming licenses online. The Game and Parks Commission is also currently providing this service through Wal-Mart stores. The Wal-Mart stores are experiencing difficulties relating to password expirations and resets. Mr. Hartman recommended that the waiver be granted.
Mr. Henderson moved to approve the waiver for the Identity and Access Management Standard for State Government Agencies. Mr. Golden seconded. Roll call vote: Winkle-Yes, Golden-Yes, Horn-Yes, and Henderson-Yes. Results: Yes-4, No-0. Motion carried.
Discussion followed regarding the requested waiver of the Password Standard. It was recommended to include a condition that the agency address the risks and related issues with vendor.
Mr. Henderson moved to conditionally approve the waiver, contingent upon the agency reporting to the Technical Panel, by the March 2008 meeting, that they have addressed the risks and related issues with the vendor. Mr. Golden seconded. Roll call vote: Horn-Yes, Golden-Yes, Winkle-Yes, and Henderson-Yes. Results: Yes-4, No-0. Motion carried.
STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES - Set for 30-Day Comment Period*
NITC 01-101: Definitions
NITC 01-103: Waiver Policy
NITC 01-204: IT Procurement Review Policy
NITC 08-401: Incident Response and Reporting Standard and Reporting Form
Mr. Henderson moved to approve NITC 01-101, NITC 01-103, NITC 01-204, and NITC 08-401 for the 30-day comment period. Ms. Horn seconded. Roll call vote: Henderson-Yes, Horn-Yes, Golden-Yes, and Winkle-Yes. Results: Yes-4, No-0. Motion carried.
Accessibility of Information Technology Work Group, Christy Horn . Ms. Horn distributed copies of Jeremy Sydik’s book, “Designing Accessible Websites.” She will be getting the work group reorganized.
Learning Management System Standards Work Group, Kirk Langer. No report.
Security Architecture Work Group, Steve Hartman. On December 31st, the State of Nebraska signed an “unbinding” letter to purchase PGP.
There was no other business.
The next meeting of the NITC Technical Panel will be at 9:00 a.m., February 12, 2008, in the University of Nebraska, Varner Hall-Regents Board Room, 3835 Holdrege Street, Lincoln, Nebraska.
With no further business, Mr. Winkle adjourned the meeting at 10:25 a.m.
Meeting minutes were taken by Lori Lopez Urdiales and reviewed by Rick Becker, Office of the CIO.