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Nebraska Information Technology Commission
Wednesday, January 8, 2003, 9:00 a.m.
Varner Hall, 3835 Holdrege Street, Lincoln, Nebraska



Brenda Decker, State of Nebraska, Department of Administrative Services
Christy Horn, University of Nebraska, Compliance Officer
Bob Huber, Nebraska Educational Telecommunications Commission
Kirk Langer, Lincoln Public Schools, K-12 Representative
Steve Schafer, Chief Information Officer, State of Nebraska
Walter Weir, University of Nebraska


The Chair, Walter Weir, called the meeting to order at 9:10 a.m. Roll call was taken. All members were present at the time of roll. The meeting notice posted to the NITC and Nebraska Public Meeting Calendar Websites on December 11, 2002. The agenda was posted to the NITC Website on January 6, 2003.


There was no public comment


Ms. Decker moved to approve the December 11, 2002 minutes as presented. Mr. Langer seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Huber-Yes, Decker-Yes, Horn-Yes, Langer-Yes, Schafer-Yes, and Weir-Yes. The motion was carried by unanimous vote.

Wayne Fischer

BNI and Polycom vendors recently provided demonstrations to several Distance Learning Coordinators. BNI’s demo used the H.261 video standard, but indicated a switch to H.263 would occur within the next couple of months. BNI had not determined which audio standard would be used. Mr. Fischer reported that several coordinators felt that the quality of the demos was sufficient to consider this as an alternative.


Wireless, Brenda Decker. There was no progress to report. The SCAN board has not met since the last Technical Panel meeting.

Network Architecture Work Group - Charter (PDF 41k) and Draft Revised Charter* (PDF 60k)
Brenda Decker. It has been recommended that there be separate work groups - one technical work group and one policy work group. The Network Architecture Work Group would serve as the technical group. A revised draft charter for the Network Architecture Work Group was provided to the Technical Panel members prior to the meeting. Membership of the work group will need further discussion and consideration. Mr. Weir made a recommendation for item a. in the Desired Goals and Outcomes section to change the word “determine” to “recommend”.

Mr. Schafer moved to approve the Network Architecture Revised Chart with the recommended change. Ms. Horn seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Weir-Yes, Schafer-Yes, Langer-Yes, Horn-Yes, Decker-Yes, and Huber-Yes. The motion was carried by unanimous vote.

CAP - Draft NETCOM Concepts and Assumptions (PDF 183k)
Ms. Decker made a recommendation to include an updated map showing that the Scottsbluff Pilot Project has been completed. The map as it read now it looks like the Scottsbluff Pilot Project is part of Phase 1, which it is not. Mr. Langer also made a recommendation to include a statement reflecting the relationship and roles of different groups on the organizational chart.

Mr. Schafer moved to approve the NETCOM Concepts and Assumptions document with the recommended changes to the map and inclusion of descriptive paragraphs of the groups on the organizational chart. Mr. Langer seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Horn-Yes, Langer-Yes, Schafer-Yes, Weir-Yes, Huber-Yes, and Decker-Yes. The motion was carried by unanimous vote.

Mr. Weir suggested sending letters of appreciation to Quest and Sprint for their work and efforts with the Scottsbluff Pilot Project. Mr. Becker will draft a letter.

Statewide Synchronous Video, Mike Beach. No report.

Security Architecture, Steve Schafer. The Security Assessment project is in the process of choosing a vendor. There are some questions and issues that need to be resolved but these will be addressed in the best-and-final process. It is anticipated that the project will begin by February 1st with a duration of 6-8 weeks. The Work Group is currently developing a disaster planning document. The next Work Group meeting is scheduled for the end of the month to discuss security issues relating to remote access.

Accessibility, Christy Horn. No report.

NIS, Tom Conroy. Mr. Conroy was not available to report. Mr. Schafer reported that the first payroll was issued today and that the Go-live date for Financials is still scheduled for February 1st.


Mr. Weir has contacted Don Leuenberger of UNMC regarding their work on health networks.


Ms. Decker moved to adjourn. Mr. Langer seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion was carried by voice vote.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 a.m. The next meeting of the NITC Technical Panel will be held on Wednesday, February 12th, 9:00 a.m. at Varner Hall, 3835 Holdrege Street, Lincoln, Nebraska.

Meeting minutes were taken by Lori Lopez Urdiales and reviewed by Rick Becker of the Office of the CIO/NITC.

Meeting Minutes