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Wednesday, December 12, 2001
State Office Building, Lower Level F
Lincoln, Nebraska



Keith Dey, Motor Vehicles
Dick Gettemy, Department of Revenue
Steve Henderson, IMServices
Bob Howard, Division of Communications
Greg Lemon, Secretary of State's Office
Jim McGee, Health and Human Services
Glenn Morton, Workers' Compensation Court
Jon Ogden, Department of Roads
Steve Schafer, Chief Information Officer
Bob Shanahan, Labor
Gayle Starr, Department of Natural Resources
Pam Taggert, Department of Education (for Bob Beecham)
Rod Wagner, Library Commission
Joe Wilcox, Budget Office


Mike Calvert, Legislative Fiscal Office; Dorest Harvey, Private Sector; Dan Hoffman, Policy Research Office; Lori McClurg, Department of Administrative Services; Mike Overton, Crime Commission; Patrick Flanagan, Private Sector; and Joe Steele, Supreme Court


The Chair, Steve Schafer, called the meeting to order at 1:35 p.m. There were 12 voting members present at the time of roll call. A quorum existed to conduct official business. The meeting notice was posted on the NITC and Nebraska Public Meeting Calendar Web sites on October 23rd with a revision posted on Novemer 28, 2001. The meeting agenda was posted on the NITC and Nebraska Public Meeting Calendar Web sites on Decmeber 5, 2001.


Mr. Ogden moved to approve the October minutes as presented. Mr. Starr seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried by unanimous voice vote.


There was no public comment. Mr. Lemon arrived at the meeting.

Greg Lemon, Deputy Secretary of State

Privacy Policy – Use of Cookies (PDF 49k) . Mr. Lemon reported on a draft policy regarding "cookies" under consideration by the State Record Board. The policy is modeled after the federal government policy on the use of cookies. The following statement on the use of cookies was distribute to the State Government Council of the NITC for comment:
“Nebrask@ Online and state agencies may occasionally use “Cookies” to store user information subject to the following limitations: 1). Cookies shall not be used or enabled on a state agency’s homepage or point of first contact; 2). Cookies shall be session cookies which are erased when a person’s browser session ends, permanent cookies shall not be used; 3). Any use of cookies shall be made known to the user and the user must agree to the use of cookies before they will be utilized.” Adopt a statement on cookies at a later date based upon the Board’s policy decision and input received.”

Some members were concerned regarding the necessity of some cookies. Mr. Lemon indicated that he did not see a problem with the use of cookies if approved by the State Records Board. At the next meeting of the State Records Board, they will take action to approve the policy for public comment.

Mr. Schafer asked members to provide him with their comments.

Retention Standards. In 1999, the State Records Board received a grant from the Government Technology Collaboration Fund to work on the development of retention standards for email, web sites, and images. A pilot project was started. The Pilot project ran into policy issues and ran out of funding. Rather than apply for another grant, it was decided that the guidelines would be on a voluntary trial basis for a year before attempting implementation as a standard. The guidelines should be ready by the end of the week on the Secretary of State’s web site.

Mr. Shanahan arrived at the meeting.


Video and audio compression standard for distance education. The work group report (PDF 301k) is available on the NITC Web site. Members were encouraged to provide comments and feedback before January 8th. Action will be taken by the NITC at the January 23, 2002 meeting.

Mr. Lemon and Mr. Henderson left the meeting.

Incident Response and Reporting Procedure. The Incident Reporting Guidelines (PDF 140k)have been out for the 30-day comment period. Members recommended a notification mechanism, especially for viruses.

Mr. Ogden moved to recommend that the guidelines be adopted on six-month trial basis after which time results and progress will be reviewed. Mr. Dey seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Taggert-Abstained, Ogden-Yes, Howard-Yes, McGee-Yes, Gettemy-Yes, Shanahan-Yes, Morton-Yes, Dey-Yes, Wilcox-Yes, Schafer-Yes, Starr-Yes, Wagner-Yes. The motion was carried by majority vote.


The NITC approved the State Government Council’s GTCF 2001 funding recommendations at the October 31st meeting. Members were asked to begin to thinking about the guidelines for the next funding cycle. In order to award grants at the start of next fiscal year, the GTCF 2002 Draft Guidelines need to approved by the Council in January. Staff will propose changes at the January meeting.


Business Portal, Rod Armstrong. Focus meetings were done in October and staff are incorporating suggestions and recommendations. The project is about 3 weeks away from completion of the architecture. A reminder will go out to all agencies, boards, and commissions requesting that their forms information be updated on the database.

E-government, Steve Schafer. No active progress since the last meeting.

Licensing Project, Laurie Schlitt. HHSS is working with the project regarding License 2000 software. Currently, waiting on signing of the contract.

Lotus Notes Collaboration-Electronic Forms Automation Report (PDF 336k), Kevin Keller. The EFA work group recommends that the State of Nebraska specify a policy direction for all state agencies to use in working toward automation of electronic forms. The Workgroup identified several of these issues as follows.

  • EFA efforts are proceeding and will continue to proceed within the State ... either independently or collaboratively.
  • Key questions of scope and coordination must be answered before collaborative efforts can proceed.
  • Without a policy direction for state agencies the following may occur: duplication of costs for hardware, software, coding, support, and processing, missed opportunities for volume discounts, and lack of consistency in look and feel of the final product.
  • Additional data gathering is needed from state agencies in order to determine policy direction and resource commitment.

The Workgroup has developed this as far as they can and needs the input from the Council as to how to proceed. It was suggested to survey agencies. It was also stated that eventually NOL and IMServices should be involved in the RFP. Mr. Keller will take the recommendations back to the Workgroup and report at the January meeting.

NIS (Nebraska Information System). Mr. Conroy was not present to provide a report. Members had several questions regarding account codes, inventory pieces, and fixed assets. Mr. Schafer will set a separate meeting in January for interested members and agency’s I.T. staff to meet with Mr. Conroy, IBM and J.D. Edwards.

Security Architecture, Jerry Heilen. IMServices contracted with IBM to design a security architecture. IMS is reviewing the cost of authentication and building a central directory. The Work Group is addressing training and awareness for the policies and templates.


Department of Roads. Mr. Ogden reported that the department has hired a security officer. The department is working Communications on a pilot project with Plycom.

Revenue. Mr. Gettemy encouraged members to do electronic filing this year.

Health and Human Services Systems. Mr. McGee reported that HHSS hopes to hire a security office by beginning of the year. HIPPA efforts are underway.

Workers Compensation Court. Oracle is pulling their client server support. Mr. Cecrle will be contacting agencies to research what they are utilizing.


Nebraska Digital Network (PDF 124k). At the October 31st NITC meeting, the Commission passed a resolution to evaluate the feasibility of the development of a digital network and related support functions to serve education, communities, and state government. The proposed membership of a work group for this evaluation is as follows:

  • Education: Two members each from K-12 and Higher Education, as determined by the NITC Education Council;
  • Communities: One member each from telehealth, public libraries, and local government, as determined by the NITC Community Council;
  • State Government: The Chief Information Officer; and
  • Technical Panel: One member each from Nebraska Educational Telecommunications, University of Nebraska Computing Services Network, DAS Division of Communications, and DAS Information Management Services, as determined by the NITC Technical Panel.

Steve Schafer volunteered to serve as the State Government Council representative but an alternate is needed. Any interested member is to contact Mr. Schafer.

Content management. Mr. Keller would like to do a survey on content management in January.


The next meeting of the State Government Council will be held on January 10, 2002. Location to be determined.

Mr. Schafer adjourned the meeting at 3:37 p.m

Minutes were taken by Lori Lopez Urdiales and reviewed by Rick Becker, Office of the CIO/NITC.

meeting minutes