Nebraska Information Technology Commission
December 9, 1999, 1:30 p.m.
SECC, Energy Square, 1111 O Street, Board Room
Lincoln, Nebraska
Bob Beecham, NDE |
Dick Gettemy, Revenue |
Robert Shanahan, Labor |
Mike Calvert, LFO |
Mike Justus, DAS |
Joe Steele, Supreme Court |
Tom Conroy, IMS |
Greg Lemon, Secretary of State |
Steve Schafer, CIO |
Al Curtis, Crime Commission |
Glenn Morton, Workers' Comp. Court |
Rod Wagner, Library Commission |
Brenda Decker, DOC |
Jim McGee, HHS |
Dayle Williamson, NRC |
Keith Dey, DMV |
Jon Ogden, DOR |
Dennis Zimmerman, Private Sector |
Dorest Harvey, Lauren Hill, Gerry Oligmueller |
Steve Schafer called the meeting to order at 1:31 p.m. Mr. Schafer stated that notice of the State Government Council meeting was posted to the web site on December 2nd. Roll call was taken. There were fourteen (14) members present at the time of roll call. A quorum was present to conduct official business.
There were no public comments.
Mr. Beecham arrived at 1:33 p.m. Fifteen (15) members were present.
The Chair asked for any corrections and/or addition to the October minutes. The following corrections were requested: Under "Agency Reports" first paragraph, change the initials NCR to NRC; and in the sixth paragraph change the word "Workman's" to "Workers'" and change "State Bar Association" to "Workers' Compensation Court".
Mr. Williamson moved to approve the October minutes as amended. Mr. Ogden seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion was carried by voice vote.
Rod Wagner arrived at the meeting at 1:35 p.m. Mr. Schafer acknowledged and welcomed Mr. Wagner as a new member to the Council representing non-code agencies. Sixteen (16) members were present.
DIGITAL SIGNATURE, Greg Lemon: Mr. Lemon distributed draft copies of the proposed legislation. The State Patrol had concerns about security issues and the verification of digital signatures for fraud investigations. The draft attempts to address these issues. This Legislation would not require agencies to use digital signatures but would offer this as an option to agencies.
Ms. Decker arrived at 1:36 p.m. Mr. Shanahan arrived at 1:37 p.m. A total of eighteen (18) members were present.
Suggestions, recommendations, or additions from the Council were as follows:
Mr. Schafer reported that there is legislation being proposed for a uniform electronic transaction act. This legislation is designed not to effect any statutes that states may have in place.
Mr. Conroy moved that the Council endorse the concept of the legislation to amend the state's digital signature law, with the provisions recommended by the Council. Mr. Ogden seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Beecham-Yes, Conroy-Yes, Ogden-Yes, Curtis-Yes, Decker-Yes, McGee-Yes, Gettemy-Yes, Shanahan-Yes, Justus-Yes, Lemon-Yes, Morton-Yes, Dey-Yes, Steele-Yes, Schafer-Yes, Wagner-Yes, Williamson-Yes, Zimmerman-Yes. Motion was carried.
RETIREMENT SYSTEM, Anna Sullivan: Ms. Sullivan provided an update on the retirement system project. A consultant has been hired. The consultant recommends re-engineering the current system and is building the business case for automation. There are companies that can provide a template which can be customized to meet the client's needs. A deficit budget request relating to this project has been submitted. Tom Conroy and Brenda Decker have been consulted. Total estimated costs for the project are between $10-$20 million.
The question was raised as to what is the role of the SGC/NITC in reviewing projects already reviewed before. Mr. Schafer thought it would be best to bring to this to the Council for information purposes and have a Technical Panel review also. It may be an item for discussion after the consultant’s report is done.
The Council suggested posting the report on the Retirement Systems web site. The council will receive a paper copy. Ms. Sullivan will have more in-depth materials at January’s meeting.
NIS, Mike Justus: Several requested items (financial recommendations, cost savings, etc) of the report were omitted in the first draft. The consultant was asked to resubmit the report by November 18th. As of today it has not been received. The project is on hold at the moment. Mr. Schafer stated that the project may be on a future agenda for discussion and information.
IT PLANNING AND BUDGET WORK GROUP, Steve Schafer: The group's charge was to assist in developing project management guidelines for the statewide technology plan - Part 4 Planning and Project Manager. Mr. Schafer asked if there were any more suggestions or recommendations. There were none.
A question and concern was raised regarding IT requests/projects and the need for agencies to submit two separate processes (NITC and Appropriations). Mr. Schafer and Mr. Winkle explained that the plan attempts to improve the process.
Mr. Beecham left the meeting at 2:57 p.m.
E-MAIL AND CALENDAR WORK GROUP, Steve Schafer: The work group has met three times. A report of their recommendations will be done soon. Some of their findings included: there is support for a centralized email directory; the current Softswitch works well but not all agencies are participating; OfficeVision has some deficiencies (such as attaching documents); and exchanging calendaring and scheduling is not feasible at this time. Copies of the work group report will be available to the council members.
The Work Group's short-term solution to the Governor’s need to access code-agency director's calendars is for each Director to install and utilize Lotus Notes.
LOTUS NOTES COLLABORATION WORK GROUP, Steve Schafer: The charter was discussed. Adopting and approving the charter would establish this group as an official working group of the State Government Council. There is a need for a forum for users to exchange ideas. Keith Larson was given credit for his organization and involvement in the group. Mr. Larson noted that a State Government Council sponsor is required as stated in the charter and he recommended Mr. Conroy. Mr. Conroy agreed to serve as the group's sponsor.
Mr. Williamson moved to adopt and approve the Lotus Notes Collaboration Work Group Charter. Mr. Justus seconded the motion.
Roll call vote: Zimmerman-Yes, Williamson-Yes, Wagner-Yes, Schafer-Yes, Steele-Yes, Dey-Yes, Morton-Yes, Lemon-Yes, Justus-Yes, Shanahan-Yes, Gettemy-Yes, McGee-Yes, Decker-Yes, Curtis-Yes, Ogden-Yes, Conroy-Yes. Motion carried.
The Action Plan has been posted for review and recommendations by the Council. Mr. Schafer asked if there were any changes. There was a question about the processes and approach to accomplish the Action Plan steps. For eGovernment, it was stated that this could be an opportunity for collaborative efforts and/or a standardized approach (example licensing/inspections). Work groups will be established to work on each of the priorities of the Action Plan. Mr. Schafer will extend an invitation to members.
Mr. Ogden moved to approve and adopt the State Government Council Action Plan. Mr. Conroy seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Conroy-Yes, Ogden-Yes, Curtis-Yes, Decker-Yes, McGee-Yes, Gettemy-Yes, Shanahan-Yes, Justus-Yes, Lemon-Yes, Morton-Yes, Dey-Yes, Steele-Yes, Schafer-Yes, Wagner-Yes, Williamson-Yes, Zimmerman-Yes. Motion carried.
Criminal Justice Information System, Mike Overton: Mr. Overton provided an update on CJIS activities. (Click here to view the PowerPoint presentation.)
Mr. Lemon left at 3:31 p.m. Mr. Dey left at 3:43 p.m. Mr. Justus left at 3:47 p.m.
Due to time constraints, guidelines and recommendations for the Government Technology Collaboration Funds was tabled until the next meeting.
Tabled until the next meeting.
The topic of IMS rate changes was raised as a possible future item for discussion. Mr. Conroy clarified that IMS was investigating how costs are currently being recovered but did not anticipate any major changes.
Mr. Schafer adjourned meeting at 3:55 p.m.
Minutes taken by Lori Lopez Urdiales and reviewed by Steve Schafer and Rick Becker, Office of the CIO/NITC.
meeting minutes