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Information Resources Cabinet

Minutes of the November 19, 1996 Meeting

Members Present:

Walter Weir (for Dennis Smith) - University of Nebraska
Dan Dolan - Dept. of Labor
Al Abramson - Dept. of Motor Vehicles
Deb Thomas (for Don Leuenberger) - Dept. of Social Services
David Powers - Postsecondary Coordinating Commission
Berri Balka - Dept. of Revenue
Allan Abbott - Dept. of Roads
Bob Beecham (for Doug Christensen) - Dept. of Education
Ron Tussing - Nebraska State Patrol
Jim Fox (for Joyce Wrenn) - Union Pacific

Others Present:

Rod Armstrong - DAS Information Technology Coordinator
Bill Miller - DAS Communciations/Central Data Processing
Steve Henderson - DAS Central Data Processing
Mary Ann Lapham - CTA, Inc.
Jim Pritchard - DAS Central Data Processing
Tim Erickson - DAS Intergovernmental Data Services
Bob Shanahan - Dept. of Labor
Allan Albers - Dept. of Health
Lyn Heaton - DAS Budget Division
Greg Donovan - Legislative Fiscal Office

Century Date Change - Project Director's Report

Project Director Steve Henderson provided an update on CDC activities (copy of handouts attached).

Dan Dolan indicated that the U.S. Department of Labor remains unresponsive to the CDC issue, stating that a "silver bullet" from a source such as Microsoft is likely to appear. Allan Abbott indicated a similar response from the U.S. Department of Transportation.

Bill Miller indicated that Microsoft does not currently adhere to the date standard adopted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and expressed skepticism about the idea that Microsoft will develop a CDC approach.

Steve Henderson described CDP's approach to the growing number of "silver bullet" ideas that are surfacing. CDP is willing to consider any and all approaches, and routinely requests more detailed information when approaches are brought forward. To date, very little follow-up information has been forthcoming.

Jim Fox suggested that state government take steps to raise the visibility of the issue at the federal level. Allan Albers suggested that contact be made with the Vice President. A motion was made by Dan Dolan, seconded by Allan Abbott to request that the Governor send a letter to Vice President Gore outlining the State of Nebraska's concerns with the lack of responsiveness from federal agencies on the CDC issue. The motion carried unanimously.

Bill Miller also suggested that the issue be raised with the Western Governors' Association in conjunction with their SmartStates initiative.

Century Date Change - Repair vs. Replacement

Rod Armstrong informed the group that the Department of Health has indicated a desire to achieve CDC compliance on certain applications through replacement instead of repair. He indicated that the IRC should determine what procedures to follow in determining whether such replacement requests should be eligible for LB 1190 funds.

Allan Albers described the applications under consideration for replacement. He indicated that the first compliance problem (pharmacy system) will be encountered in November, 1997.

Deb Thomas indicated that the Medicaid system is another example of a possible replacement project. Bill Miller pointed out that the applications are owned by the individual agencies, which are ultimately responsible for decisions affecting those applications.

Jim Fox indicated that Union Pacific has adopted a two-part approach toward CDC compliance. Those applications owned and operated by the central computing division are being handled centrally. Applications developed and operated at the departmental level are handled at that level, although the central organization has made their process available to the departments and is requesting certification from the departments when compliance is achieved.

Berri Balka and Allan Abbott raised concerns about attempting to address repair vs. replacement issues on an agency-by-agency basis. A more workable approach may be to ask all agencies to identify applications they are considering for replacement, and reviewing them as a group. They also suggested gathering information about the degree to which funds other than LB 1190 funds will be applied to the projects.

Consensus was reached that a letter from Steve Henderson to agency directors, already planned in conjunction with interagency agreements, be expanded to include a request for information concerning replacements under consideration. The letter should include a request for identification of funding sources; a request for response to the IRC criteria on repair vs. replacement should the use of LB 1190 funds be contemplated; and an estimated completion date. The responses should be received by December 20, 1996.

Acceptable Use Policy

Rod Armstrong presented a revised draft of an Acceptable Use Policy for the State Data Communications Network. Bill Miller indicated that the Legislative Council was considering adoption of a similar standard based on the existing AUP, and that they have been advised a more current version will be considered by the IRC.

Bob Beecham suggested consideration of additional language requiring employees to report suspected violations, such as solicitations for pornographic material. After discussion, consensus was reached that the preferred approach would be a letter from the Division of Communications requesting that suspected violations be reported to DOC, and that the AUP not be amended for this purpose.

Jim Fox raised a question concerning downloading software from the Internet that might compromise network integrity. Bill Miller responded that something that specific would be impossible to monitor and enforce, and recommended no change to the AUP language.

Allan Abbot asked for a definition of "private or personal business" which appears in #11 under "Unacceptable Uses." He pointed out that most state employees occasionally use phones or electronic mail for personal notes, and that enforcement would be impossible. Bill Miller recommended retaining the AUP language for now, with the possibility of further refinement should the situation warrant at some point in the future.

Dan Dolan moved, and Berri Balka seconded, that the Acceptable Use Policy as distributed be endorsed by the IRC, with a recommendation that the policy be officially issued by the Governor. The motion carried unanimously.

Enterprise Goals Working Group Report

Rod Armstrong gave a progress report on the Working Group established by the IRC to develop an implementation plan for Enterprise Goals (copy of handout attached). The Working Group has met twice and identified ten issues to be addressed in the plan. The group is currently using a series of focus questions to refine and prioritize the issues. One additional meeting is planned on December 4th to complete work on the plan for presentation at the next IRC meeting.

Computerized Training

Jim Pritchard made a brief presentation on opportunities for collaboration in the purchase and use of computer-based training materials. He indicated that several agencies are pursuing these materials independently, which may not be the most cost-effective approach. Following discussion, Bill Miller indicated that CDP would continue to pursue opportunities for collaboration and may seek agency financial participation at some point.

Next Meeting

The next meeting of the IRC was scheduled for Tuesday, December 17 at 8:30 a.m. in the Governor's Residence. The meeting adjourned at 10:20 a.m.

meeting minutes