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Nebraska Information Technology Commission
Thursday, October 12, 2000, 9:00 a.m.
Energy Square, Board Room, 1111 'O' Street
Lincoln, Nebraska



Mahendra Bansal, Natural Resources
Nancy Busch, Library Commission
Mike Calvert, Legislative Fiscal Office
Steve Henderson, IMS
Greg Lemon, Secretary of State
Jim McGee, HHS
Tom Conroy, DAS
Glenn Morton & Randy Cercle (1 p.m.), WCC
Brenda Decker, DOC
Jon Ogden, Department of Roads
Keith Dey, Motor Vehicles
Steve Schafer, CIO
Dick Gettemy, Revenue
Gerry Oligmueller, Budget Office
Dorest Harvey, Private Sector
Joe Steele, Supreme Court

Bob Beecham, NDE; Al Curtis, Crime Commission; Lauren Hill, PRO; Butch Lecuona, Labor



The Chair, Steve Schafer called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. Mr. Schafer stated that the meeting agenda was posted to the NITC and Public Calendar Web sites on October 6, 2000. Roll call was taken. There were twelve out of nineteen voting members present. A quorum was present to conduct official business.


There was no public comment.


Mr. Conroy moved to approve the minutes as presented. Mr. Ogden seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion was carried by voice vote.


Council members received Project summary sheets (PDF 141k) and a list of projects prior to the meeting for review and in preparation for discussion. Representatives from agencies that submitted project proposals were available to entertain Council member's questions regarding their project(s). The Council reviewed and discussed each of the projects.

The Council broke for lunch at noon.

The Council reconvened the meeting at 1:00 p.m.

Glenn Morton, Nancy Busch and Mahendra Bansal were not present.

The Council discussed the definition of "project" and the interpretation document developed by the Office of the CIO, Legislative Fiscal Office, and Budget Office. That document states:

The Statewide Technology Plan (Section 4, page 8) defines an information technology project as "a specific series of activities involving the implementation of new or enhanced IT systems for the sponsoring agency." This definition does not include on-going operational costs of information technology such as replacement of computers, operating system upgrades, routine data procession costs, existing support personnel, or application maintenance. Only when information technology investments represent a new or enhanced information technology system does it require NITC review and prioritization pursuant to Section 86-1605(8). Agencies should contact their budget analyst with any questions about whether specific projects constitute an information technology "project." The Budget Division will consult with the Office of the CIO/NITC on these questions.

Mr. Harvey joined the meeting via telephone conference at 1:55 p.m.

The State Government Council agreed not to rank the following requests because they did not meet the definition of "project" and were therefore outside the scope of the ranking process. This should not reflect negatively on the merits or value of these requests:

  • Project #05-01, Administrative Office-Currency from the Supreme Court
  • Project #21-01, LCD Projectors from the State Fire Marshal
  • Project #34-01, Nebraska's e-Library: Content (Grants portion of request) from the Library Commission
  • Project #34-02, Nebraska's e-Library: Infrastructure from the Library Commission
  • Project #34-03, Nebraska's e-Library: Training from the Library Commission
  • Project #37-01, E-Files from the Workers' Compensation Court
  • Project #37-02, Network Switch from Token Ring to Ethernet from the Workers' Compensation Court
  • Project #37-03, Internet Enabling Court Data from the Workers' Compensation Court
  • Project #37-04, Lotus Notes Mail Server Backup from the Workers' Compensation Court
  • Project #37-05, Server Protection from the Workers' Compensation Court

Mr. Harvey moved to approve the following prioritized list of State Government Information Technology Projects. Mr. Gettemy seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Ogden-Yes, Decker-Yes, McGee-Yes, Gettemy-Yes, Harvey-Yes, Henderson-Yes, Conroy-Yes, Lemon-Yes, Cecrle-Yes, Dey-Yes, Oligmueller-Abstained, Steele-Yes, and Schafer-Yes. Motion was carried.

  • Project #05-04, Payment of Traffic Tickets by Internet from the Supreme Court
  • Project #09-01, County Website Project from the Secretary of State
  • Project #21-02, Web Based Applications from the Fire Marshal
  • Project #05-03, Productivity Enhancement from the Supreme Court
  • Project #05-05, Move Training and Documentation Online from the Supreme Court
  • Project #05-06, Client/Server Web Enabled Project from the Probation Administration
  • Project #05-02, Courthouse Access to Court Information from the Supreme Court
  • Project #34-01, Nebraska's e-Library: Content (Software portion of request) from the Library Commission
  • Project #27-01, Preparation for Migrating to PC/WEB Application Development from the Department of Roads
  • Project #82-01, Telehealth Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing People from the Commission on Dead & Hard of Hearing
  • Project #27-05, Implement a Capital Facilities Management System from the Department of Roads
  • Project #27-01, Implementation of Selected Recommendations from the 'NDOR GIS Strategic Plan from the Department of Roads
  • Project #27-02, Implementation of Selected Recommendations from the 'NDOR Document Management Strategic Plan from the Department of Roads
  • Project #27-06, Upgrade the Department's Equipment Management System from the Department of Roads
  • Project #27-07, Upgrade the Department's Highway Maintenance Management System from the Department of Roads


Since the resignation of Dennis Zimmerman, representing the private sector, the Council has had a vacancy. Mr. Harvey recommended Pat Flanagan to Mr. Schafer. Mr. Flanagan’s vitae was distributed to members.

Mr. Steele moved to approve the nomination of Pat Flanagan as a new member representing the Private Sector on the State Government Council. Mr. Henderson seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Schafer-Yes, Steele-Yes, Oligmueller-Yes, Dey-Yes, Cecrle-Yes, Lemon-Yes, Conroy-Yes, Henderson-Yes, Harvey-Yes, Gettemy-Yes, McGee-Yes, Decker-Yes, and Ogden-Yes. Motion was carried.

Mr. Schafer will present Mr. Flanagan's nomination to the NITC at the November meeting for final approval.


Revenue: Mr. Gettemy reported that the Sales and Use tax reporting is now available on-line.

Department of Roads: Mr. Ogden reported that an RFP is scheduled to go out soon to acquire oversize/overweight permits through the web. The agency will be visiting other states that are currently providing this service.

Secretary of State: Mr. Lemon reported that the E-Government Conference is October 19th and 20th at the Cornhusker Hotel. Agendas were distributed.


E-government. The question was raised regarding funding available for agencies to comply with the e-government goals and objectives. Mr. Schafer suggested the Government Technology Collaboration Fund as a possible resource.


The next meeting of the State Government Council will be held on November 9th, 1:30 p.m. at the State Office Building.

Mr. Schafer adjourned the meeting at 2:20 p.m.

meeting minutes