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Thursday, September 12, 2002, 1:30 p.m.
State Capitol, Room 1023
Lincoln, Nebraska



Ron Mowrey, Department of Education
Mike Calvert, Legislative Fiscal Office
Patrick Flanagan, Private Sector
Dorest Harvey, Private Sector
Dan Hoffman, Policy Research Office
Bob Howard, Division of Communications
Greg Lemon, Secretary of State's Office
Gerry Oligmueller, Budget Office
Jim McGee, Health and Human Services
Glenn Morton, Workers' Compensation Court
Jon Ogden, Department of Roads
Steve Schafer, Chief Information Officer
Bob Shanahan, Labor
Rod Wagner, Library Commission


Mike Overton, Crime Commission; Tom Conroy, Department of Administrative Services; Keith Dey, Motor Vehicles; Dick Gettemy, Department of Revenue; Steve Henderson, IMServices; Gayle Starr, Department of Natural Resources; and Joe Steele, Supreme Court


Mr. Schafer called the meeting to order at 1:35 p.m. Roll call was taken. There were 12 voting members present. A quorum existed to conduct official business. Mr. Schafer stated that the meeting notice was posted to the NITC and State Government Council Websites on August 14, 2002 and that the meeting agenda was posted to the NITC Website on September 6, 2002.


There was no public comment.

Mr. Hoffman arrived.


Mr. Ogden moved to approve the August 8, 2002 minutes as presented. Mr. Shanahan seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried by unanimous vote.

Randy Cercle,

The proof of concept has been completed. A diagram was distributed and reviewed that indicated the products tested, testing models and results. Security met federal regulations. Pricing was discussed.

The council was asked if there were any other agencies interested in joining and for an endorsement of the e-fax guidelines.

The council agreed that the guidelines could serve as possible solutions for other agencies to consider. No action was taken at this time. Members were to contact Kevin Keller in IMS, if they were interested in joining in cost sharing.

Greg Lemon and Bill Ptajcek

Schedule 124 covers retention of common records such as personnel, written communications, accounting, etc. A revised draft was sent out to 20 different entities - nine have not responded. The revision includes records retention for electronic communications and web sites. The deadline for responses was extended to Friday, September 13. On Monday, September 16, the draft will be posted to the SOS web site. A notice will also be sent to members of State Government Council, all agency records officers and the webmasters. October 11 is the deadline for comments. After that, it will take a week to incorporate changes. The internal review will take another week. It is anticipated that final approval will occur by the 3rd or 4th week of October. A document titled “Electronic Records Resources on the Internet” (PDF 61k) was distributed that listed web sites of other states record retention procedures.

Discussions occurred regarding the following:

  • Generic retention periods. These may be unique in some agencies. If so, the Records Board will work with them.
  • Durable medium. It is not defined in legislation – needs definition.
  • Secretary of State’s office will not layout technical solutions for agencies due to ongoing technology changes.
  • Relational database need to be addressed on an agency by agency basis. Information within the database determines retention.
  • Email guidelines and strategies were a concern. General strategies need to be discussed with decisions made.

Mr. Ogden moved that the Office of the CIO organize an Electronic Records Retention Work Group to address concerns and issues. Mr. Morton seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mowrey-Abstained, Ogden-Yes, Howard-Yes, McGee-Yes, Flanagan-Yes, Lemon-Yes, Harvey-Yes, Hoffman-Yes, Shanahan-Yes, Morton-Yes, Wagner-Yes, Schafer-Abstained, and Oligmueller-Yes. Results: 11-Yes and 2-Abstain. The motion was carried by majority vote.


Changes in the Draft Revised Charter (PDF 89k) regard the membership of the Council. Several agencies have expressed interested in being part of the council – Nebraska State Patrol, Department of Corrections and the Department of Environmental Quality.

Mr. Harvey moved to approve the changes to the State Government Council Charter. Mr. Lemon seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Wagner-Yes, Schafer-Yes, Oligmueller-Yes, Morton-Yes, Shanahan-Yes, Hoffman-Yes, Harvey-Yes, Lemon-Yes, Flanagan-Yes, McGee-Yes, Howard-Yes, Ogden-Yes, and Mowrey-Yes. The motion was carried by unanimous vote.


Enterprise Security Implementation. Mr. Schafer reported that the External Intrusion Testing Project is underway. Several people have agreed to serve on the selection committee. Currently, discussions are occurring regarding the selection criteria. The RFP is on the DAS Materiel web site. The Work Group is developing templates for disaster recovery and will soon be ready for public comment. A question was raised regarding the state’s enterprise efforts for e-MOAT. The cost is currently $45 per user but if there are over 1000 users the price goes down to $3 per user. Before any final decision is made on e-MOAT, IMS would like more evaluation and feedback from agencies.

Lotus Notes Collaboration Work Group. Mr. Keller reported that there were no new developments.

NIS Project. Mr. Conroy was not present to report.

State Government Council Action Plan (PDF 128k) - Employee Portal Update (PDF 276k). Mr. Becker distributed a handout regarding the web site content. Members were asked to send comments and feedback. Agencies will be asked for feedback, comments and suggestions.

State Government Council Action Plan (PDF 128k) - Citizens Portal Update (PDF 276k). Mr. Armstrong distributed a handout regarding the web site content. Members were asked to send comments and feedback to Doug Gibbs. Once feedback is received, design work will begin. There will be focus groups for input on the citizen’s portal. Nebraska Online is also working with the NITC Education Council to develop an Education Portal. It has already been designed and is currently being refined and revised. Other projects of NOL include a business payment portal; interactive licensing with HHSS; and rules and regulations with the Secretary of State.

A reminder was given for the E-government conference to be held on September 26th at the Cornhusker Hotel in Lincoln.


Department of Roads, Jon Ogden. The department is using videoconferencing from their workstations. There have been audio and video difficulties connecting with North Platte. The agency is working with the Division of Communications. e-MOAT is being tested.


Content Management. IBM is working with the work group. In doing research, there are several agencies already doing content management within the state. The work group anticipates a report will be ready for the October meeting.

With no further business, Mr. Schafer adjourned the meeting at 3:35 p.m.

Meeting minutes were taken by Lori Lopez Urdiales and reviewed by Rick Becker of the Office of the CIO/NITC.

meeting minutes