Dennis Burling, Department of Environmental Quality
Randy Cercle, Workers’ Compensation Court
Tom Conroy, Department of Administrative Services
Jack Falconer, Department of Correctional Services
Dick Gettemy, Department of Revenue
Steve Henderson, IMServices
Bob Howard, Division of Communications
Jim McGee, Health and Human Services
Jon Ogden, Department of Roads
Gerry Oligmueller, Budget
Steve Schafer, Chief Information Officer
Bob Shanahan, Department of Labor
Bob Beecham, NDE Support Services; Mike Calvert, Legislative Fiscal Office; Al Curtis, Crime Commission; John Gale, Secretary of State's Office; Lauren Hill, Governor’s Policy Research Office; Scott McFall, Nebraska State Patrol; Patrick Flanagan and Dorest Harvey, Private Sector; Bev Neth, Department of Motor Vehicles; Gayle Starr, Department of Natural Resources; Joe Steele, Supreme Court; and Rod Wagner, Library Commission
Mr. Schafer called the meeting to order at 1:35 p.m. Roll call was taken. There were nine voting members present at time of roll call. A quorum was not present at the time to conduct official business. It was stated the meeting notice was posted to the NITC Website and Nebraska Public Meeting Calendar websites on August 15, 2003 and the meeting agenda posted to the NITC Website on September 8, 2003. The meeting proceeded with information items until a quorum was present.
There was no public comment.
Report on recommended approach for forms automation, Rick Becker
The Office of the CIO, IMServices, and NOL have been addressing two issues: the tool set and coordination. It is recommended that no changes be made to the current tool set. NOL and IMServices will coordinate their activities during their regular meetings with the Office of the CIO.
Mr. Falconer and Mr. Morton arrived at 1:39 p.m.
Report on Potential Efficiencies by Narrowing the Range of Supported Products-IMServices, Steve Henderson, Acting Director, IMServices
After attending the NASCIO conference, Mr. Henderson informed the Council that Nebraska is in good shape. For example, some states have to deal with 40 different e-mail systems. This agenda item was brought to the council for discussion purposes. There are opportunities for efficiencies. Several questions and issues were brought forward regarding: the enforcement and evaluation of guidelines and standards; the state’s architecture; limitations of revolving funds; and leadership.
Mr. Henderson offered to convene a group of interested member to further discuss issues.
Network Management and Security Policies
On September 26 at 10:00 a.m., a meeting will be held on Network Security Issues to discuss the results of security assessment and the next steps. Mr. Schafer would like the vulnerability portion of the assessment be performed again in six months.
GTCF Amendment. Mr. Schafer informed the council that there is a balance of approximately $25,000 for this grant. The authority to spend expired in June. Mr. Schafer is proposing an extension of the grant so that another vulnerability assessment can be done. The NITC will need to approve the extension. There were no objections to requesting the extension..
TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURE – Groupware Architecture
Blocking Unsolicited Bulk E-mail/SPAM
Glen Riedel commented that a group met and felt that if agencies wanted to block e-mail, there should be a certain set of standards to follow. The draft presented was their revision.
Mr. Conroy arrived at 2:40 p.m. A quorum was now present.
Mr. Ogden moved to recommend adoption of the draft September 5th, 2003 version of Blocking Unsolicited Bulk E-mail/SPAM (PDF 116k) to be reviewed by the Technical Panel with the following recommendation: that the document serve as a guideline. Mr. Wells seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Burling-Yes, Ogden-Yes, McGee-Yes, Howard-Yes, Gettemy-Yes, Falconer/Wells-Yes, Henderson-Yes, Shanahan-Yes, Conroy-Yes, Cecrle-Yes, Oligmueller-Yes, and Schafer-Yes. Motion was carried by unanimous vote.
TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURE – Groupware Architecture
Blocking E-mail Attachments
The comments included a recommendation to allow for blocking attachments without blocking the rest of the message, and a revised list of extension which could be blocked
Mr. Schanahan moved to recommend adoption of the guideline, Blocking E-mail Attachments (PDF 58k), with the changes discussed. Mr. Ogden seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Schafer-Yes, Oligmueller-Yes, Cecrle-Yes, Conroy-Abstained, Shanahan-Yes, Henderson-Yes, Falconer-Yes, Gettemy-Yes, Howard-Yes, McGee-Yes, Ogden-Yes, and Burling-Yes. Motion was carried by majority vote.
Mr. Ogden moved to approve the July 10, 2003 and August 14, 2003 minutes as presented. Mr. Henderson seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Burling-Yes, Ogden-Yes, McGee-Yes, Howard-Yes, Gettemy-Yes, Falconer/Wells-Yes, Henderson-Yes, Shanahan-Yes, Conroy-Yes, Cecrle-Yes, Oligmueller-Yes, and Schafer-Yes. Motion was carried by unanimous vote.
TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURE – E-Government Architecture
E-government – Internet Gov Domain Naming Convention (PDF 108k)
Due to the number of comments, staff will make changes and will bring back to the council at a future meeting.
Mr. Burling left at 3 p.m.
Security Work Group, Steve Schafer. The next meeting of the work group will be held on Sept 26th.
E-mail Work Group, Rick Becker. The work group has been meeting regularly.
Directory of Services, Rick Becker. Phase I recommendations were presented at the last meeting.
Juvenile Data Sharing Work Group. No report.
Lotus Notes, Kevin Keller. No report.
NIS Report, Tom Conroy. Mr. Conroy provided an update on the project.
Electronic Records, Bill Ptjacek. The Best Practices for Management of Lotus Notes E-mail Records (PDF 161k) report was provided to the council. Mr. Schafer asked the council to give some thought to adopting this as a resource document at the next meeting.Automation was also suggested as a future discussion item.
Statewide Network, Steve Schafer. The Division of Communications is currently evaluating responses for Phase II.
Interim Network Policy Work Group. The work group has been established and the Interim Network Policy Work Group Charter (PDF 113k) must now be endorsed by each of the NITC councils. There were no objections to the charter.
E-Government Strategic Planning, Steve Schafer. The E-Government Conference draft agenda (PDF 110k) was provided to the members. Members were asked to provided ideas and suggestions.
Department of Roads. The agency has hired a person responsible for business continuity planning.
With no further business, Mr. Schafer adjourned the meeting at 3:30 p.m.
Meeting minutes were taken by Lori Lopez Urdiales and reviewed by Rick Becker of the Office of the CIO/NITC.