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Thursday, September 8, 2005
Executive Building-Lower Level Conference Room
521 South 14th Street
Lincoln, Nebraska




Bob Beecham, NDE Support Services
Dennis Burling, Dept. of Environment Quality
Randy Cecrle, Workers’ Compensation Court
Tom Conroy, Information Management Services
Josh Daws, Secretary of State’s Office
Keith Dey, Department of Motor Vehicles
Dick Gettemy, Dept. of Revenue
Steve Henderson, representing Brenda Decker, Chair
Rex Gittins, Department of Natural Resources
Jon Ogden, Department of Roads
Jane Clifford, Health and Human Services
Bob Shanahan, Department of Labor
Robin Spindler, Department of Correctional Services
Rod Wagner, Library Commission


Mike Calvert, Legislative Fiscal Office; Patrick Flanagan, Private Sector; Dorest Harvey, Private Sector; Lauren Hill, Governor’s Policy Research Office; Lori McClurg, Department of Administrative Services; Scott McFall, State Patrol; Gerry Oligmueller, Budget Office; Mike Overton, Crime Commission; and Jayne Scofield, Division of Communications


George Wells, Department of Correctional Services



In the absence of the Chair, Brenda Decker, Steve Henderson called the meeting to order. There were 12 voting members present at the time of roll call. A quorum was present.


There was no public comment.

Mr. Wagner arrived.


Mr. Dey moved to approve the June 9, 2005 minutes as presented. Mr. Ogden seconded. Roll call vote: Beecham-Yes, Burling-Yes, Conroy-Yes, Daws-Yes, Dey-Yes, Gettemy-Yes, Henderson-Yes, Gittins-Yes, Ogden-Yes, Clifford-Yes, Shanahan-Yes, Spindler-Yes, and Wagner-Yes. Results: Yes-13, No-0. Motion carried.


On August 9th, the Technical Panel held a joint meeting with the NITC advisory groups (Community, Education and Government Councils) to discuss and explore collaborative strategic initiatives.

Mr. Cecrle arrived.

After discussion and consensus, a total of five collaborative items were determined. Members were asked to volunteer on a work groups that would further develop action plans to accomplish the NITC initiatives. Those that have signed up will soon be contacted.


Discussion: URL Standard for State Government Agencies

Mr. Henderson introduced Steve Hartman who has been designated to assist with the state’s IT security efforts. Mr. Hartman will chair the Security Work Group, and will also assist with the directory services project. One issue to be addressed by the security work group will be to examine the possibility of creating a URL standard for state government agencies. The work group will bring recommendations to the State Government Council. Members are to contact Mr. Hartman if they are interested in serving on the Security Work Group.

Draft: procurement review guidelines (PDF 29k)

Steve Schafer, IT Administrator, IT Financial Services

Mr. Shafer asked members to provide feedback regarding the guidelines. Questions and concerns were raised regarding state contracts; agency IT plans and how it applies to the guidelines; dollar thresholds; adequate communication to agencies when changes occur; core item list; length of time involved; and front end issues on NIS (getting quotes, fixed assets, etc.).

Members request a good process definition for the entire process. Process should be streamlined. All agency IT purchasing staff, as well as DAS (Material, Purchasing, Division of Communications, etc.) should be involved in the discussions.

Mr. Schafer agreed to explore options and possibility of bringing a group together for a discussion of overall procurement. It was suggested to have this as an agenda item for the next meeting.


Shared Services: Steve Henderson. Issues regarding Homeland Security and disaster recovery, as well as legislation dealing with land parcel info and street addresses, have brought GIS to the forefront again. There are policy issues that need to be addressed. This kind of data is needed by local, city, county and state entities. Larry Zink serves as the state’s GIS Coordinator but the GIS Steering Committee does not have any legislative authority to deal with policy issues. In addition, they have no operational dimension. Brenda Decker, the state CIO, proposes that the council include GIS in the shared services effort.

Mr Dey moved to include GIS in the Shared Services Work Groups. Mr. Gittens seconded. Roll call vote: Beecham-Yes, Burling-Yes, Cecrle-Yes, Conroy-Yes, Daws-Yes, Dey-Yes, Gettemy-Yes, Henderson-Yes, Gittins-Yes, Ogden-Yes, Clifford-Yes, Shanahan-Yes, Spindler-Yes, and Wagner-Yes. Results: Yes-14, No-0. Motion carried.

Mr. Henderson affirmed that the other services are still being discussed, and that all meeting notes are posted to the website.

Directory Services Work Group. Mr. Hartman reported that he is planning a meeting in the near future.

Online Business Registration: There was no report. Members requested that this be an agenda item for the next meeting.

Brenda Decker arrived.


Department of Corrections. The agency is implementing an electronic health records system. Cooperative efforts are in place with the State Patrol in order to provide additional information for Patrol Criminal History records.

Department of Revenue. The Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Project - Rates and Boundaries is now on the Department of Revenue’s website.

Department of Roads. IMS has been assisting with finding a vendor that will modernize legacy applications and convert them to a new language with the same capabilities. It is an 8-step process and is currently in the exploring stage at this point.

Workers Compensation Court. The agency has started a workflow project. Plans are to have the first phase done by end of this calendar year, and have RFP for an independent consultant out by 1st quarter of 2006.

Department of Education. This is the pilot year for the new student information system. New student ID’s will be issued to each student enrolled in a K-12.

Secretary of State. There are now fifty-four (54) counties on the voter registration system.

DAS - Information Technology Services. The agency has completed the first annual report of the IT organizations and it will soon be posted to the website.


There was no other business.



With no further business, Mr. Henderson adjourned the meeting at 2:45 p.m.

The next meeting of the NITC State Government Council will be held on Thursday, October 13th, 1:30 p.m. The location will be determined at a later time.

Meeting minutes were taken by Lori Lopez Urdiales and reviewed by Rick Becker of the Office of the CIO/NITC.

meeting minutes