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Thursday, April 13, 2006 - 1:30 p.m.
Executive Building - Lower Level Conference Room
521 S 14th Street, Lincoln, Nebraska




Dennis Burling, Department of Environmental Quality
Randy Cecrle, Workers’ Compensation Court
Tom Conroy, Information Technology Services
Josh Daws, Secretary of State’s Office
Brenda Decker, Chief Information Officer
Keith Dey, Department of Motor Vehicles
Pat Flanagan, Private Sector
Dick Gettemy, Department of Revenue
Rex Gittins, Department of Natural Resources
Bill Miller, Supreme Court
Jim Ohmberger, Health and Human Services
Mike Overton, Crime Commission
Jayne Scofield, Information Technology Services
Robin Spindler, Correctional Services
Rod Wagner, Library Commission
Bill Wehling, Department of Roads

MEMBERS ABSENT: Bob Beecham, NDE Support Services; Mike Calvert, Legislative Fiscal Office; Dorest Harvey, Private Sector; Lauren Hill, Governor’s Policy Research Office; Butch Lecuona, Department of Labor; Gerry Oligmueller, Department of Administrative Services; and Scott McFall, State Patrol

OTHERS PRESENT:  George Wells, Department of Correctional Services; Steve Henderson, Dale Fangemeier, Steve Hartman and Bev Bornemeier, Information Technology Services


Ms. Decker called the meeting to order.  There were 15 voting members present at the time of roll call.  A quorum was present.  The meeting notice was posted to the NITC Website and the Nebraska Public Meeting Calendar on March 16, 2006.  The agenda was posted to the NITC Website on April 10, 2006.


There was no public comment.


Mr. Flanagan moved to approve the January 12, 2006 minutes as presented.  Mr. Gettemy seconded.  Roll call vote: Burling-Yes, Conroy-Yes, Wehling-Yes, Overton-Yes, Decker-Yes, Gettemy-Yes, Flanagan-Yes, Daws-Yes, Cecrle-Yes, Ohmberger-Yes, Dey-Yes, Scofield-Yes, Spindler-Yes, Wagner-Yes, and Miller-Yes.  Results:  Yes-15, No-0.  Motion carried.


Connie Daly and Nancy Coffman, Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired

Ms. Daly approached the council with concerns regarding state purchases or development of software that must be accessible for the blind and visually impaired.  The agency is concerned not only for the blind and visually impaired citizens but also for those citizens with physical impairments. 

Mr. Gittens arrived at the meeting.

Mr. Votava stated that the Webmasters group have also discussed web accessibility and have talked with CIO about an enterprise effort.  Ms. Decker stated that the Technical Panel also has an Accessibility Work Group addressing the issue.

The following resources were offered to members for assistance with web development:,, JAWS, WAVE, and BOBBY.   Jana Johnson, Assistive Technology Partnership, and Wes Majerus, IMServices, were mentioned as possible resource persons.


Greg Votava, Webmaster Group

Several years ago, the State Records Board issued a policy that prohibited state agencies from using cookies on websites. The Webmasters believe that proper use of cookies would enhance the functionality of web pages and improve service to the public.  The Webmasters Group is recommending a new policy to be approved by the NITC. 

Mr. Miller moved to approve the draft Web Cookie Policy to be forwarded to the Technical Panel and the NITC for appropriate action.  Mr. Conroy seconded.  Roll call vote:  Miller-Yes, Wagner-Yes,  Spindler-Yes, Scofield-Yes, Dey-Yes, Ohmberger-Yes, Cecrle-Yes, Gittens-Yes, Daws-Yes, Flanagan-Yes, Gettemy-Yes, Decker-Yes, Overton-Yes, Wehling-Yes,   Conroy-Yes, and Burling-Yes.  Results:  Yes-16, No-0.  Motion carried.


Steve Hartman, Technical Panel Security Work Group

The work group reviewed the existing guideline and have recommended changes, including making this a standard. Two supporting documents were also discussed:  the approval process and the checklist. 

Mr. Flanagan moved to approve the draft Wireless Local Area Network Standard to be forwarded to the Technical Panel and the NITC for appropriate action.  Roll call vote: Daws-Yes, Gittens-Yes, Cecrle-Yes, Ohmberger-Yes, Dey-Yes, Scofield-Yes, Spindler-Yes, Wagner-Yes, Miller-Yes, Burling-Yes, Conroy-Yes, Wehling-Yes, Overton-Yes, Decker-Yes, Gettemy-Yes, and Flanagan-Yes.  Results:  Yes-16, No-0.  Motion carried.


Rick Becker, Government I.T. Manager

In March, there was a work session to review the form. The group agreed that the form’s focus should be the future planning processes and suggested changes to the form. The Technical Panel will also be reviewing the new form at their next meeting.  

Mr. Cercle moved to approve the revised Agency Information Technology Plan Form.  Mr. Gettemy seconded.  Roll call vote:  Burling-Yes, Conroy-Yes, Wehling-Yes, Overton-Yes, Decker-Yes, Gettemy-Yes, Flanagan-Yes, Daws-Yes, Gittens-Yes, Cecrle-Yes, Ohmberger-Yes, Dey-Yes, Scofield-Yes, Spindler-Yes, Wagner-Yes, and Miller-Yes.  Results:  Yes-16, No-0.  Motion carried.


Lt. Governor Sheehy requested that the council discuss the issue of electronic records when staff are terminated or leave state employment, and whether the state should have a policy.  After discussion, members agreed that we should not create a new state policy since the Records Management Division already has requirements for a records retention schedule. If an agency wants a specific policy to address this, they can do so.


Members were encouraged to go visit the proposed website and provide feedback to staff.

REGULAR UPDATES (as needed):

Business Continuity, Steve Henderson.  The group has met three times.  Mr. Henderson has been facilitating the group along with the Lt. Governor Sheehy.  At the last meeting, timeframes were discussed.  For future discussions, Captain Bryan Tuma suggested a two-fold approach - Response Category (required and desired) and a Recovery Category (required and desired).

LB 921, Brenda Decker.  LB 921 was passed giving the CIO operational responsibility for the Division of Communications and Information Management Services.

Online Business Registration.  Ms. Decker will follow-up on the request for an update.


Workers Compensation Court, Randy Cercle.  An RFP has gone out for the workflow consultant.  IMServices is assisting with the research for virtual clients and VMware.  Plans are to have project completed and a decision made within 30 days.

Revenue, Dick Gettemy.  As of the 12th, a total of 424,321 forms have been filed electronically:

      19,746 - Telefile
      1,546 - 1040N
      7,426 - 1040N Short Form
      395,603 - Fed/State E-file

Corrections, George Wells.  The electronic health records production is progressing. It will be tested in 2 pilot sites and it is anticipated that it will be implemented on time.  The agency is also working with Communications on the thin client solution to meet goal of July 1st.

Information Technology Services, Jayne Scofield.  It has been a year since the Shared Services group discussed SAN issues.  Testing has been occurring for the past 45 days.  More information is available on the website.

Information Technology Services, Steve Henderson.  An RFP is almost ready to be released to conduct another security audit - perimeter scan, inside scan and wireless scan.  On May 24th, there will be a Security Conference targeted at security IT veteran staff.  Members were encouraged to register early since space is limited. Security Work Group and Shared Services group revised the Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity Standard. It will be forwarded to the Technical Panel and the NITC.


Mr. Cecrle stated that Norex has contacted his agency regarding document sharing.  Other agency staff stated that have also been contacted.  The group recommended not to follow-up with the vendor since agencies have other national resources and/or internal resources.

The issue of durable media was raised.  It was suggested that this should be an agenda item for the State Records Boards, and that a letter could be submitted to the board to explain the issue.


The next meeting of the NITC State Government Council will be held on June 8, 2006 at 1:30 p.m. 

Mr. Gettemy moved to adjourn.  Mr. Flanagan seconded. All were in favor.  Motion carried.

Meeting minutes were taken by Lori Lopez Urdiales and reviewed by Rick Becker of the Office of the Chief Information Officer.

Meeting Minutes