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Thursday, March 13, 2003
NSOB, Conference Room 6z
Lincoln, Nebraska



Bob Beecham, NDE Support Services
Randy Cecrle, Workers' Compensation Court
Patrick Flanagan, Private Sector
Dick Gettemy, Department of Revenue
Steve Henderson, IMServices
Greg Lemon, Secretary of State's Office
Jim McGee, Health and Human Services
Jon Ogden, Department of Roads
Mike Overton, Crime Commission
Steve Schafer, Chief Information Officer
Robert Shanahan, Department of Labor
George Wells, Department of Correctional Services


Dennis Burling, Department of Environmental Quality; Mike Calvert, Legislative Fiscal Office; Brenda Decker, Division of Communications; Dorest Harvey, Private Sector; Dan Hoffman, Governor’s Policy Research Office; Lori McClurg, Department of Administrative Services; Scott McFall, Nebraska State Patrol; Bev Neth, Department of Motor Vehicles, Gerry Oligmueller, Budget, Gayle Starr, Department of Natural Resources, Joe Steele, Supreme Court, Rod Wagner, Library Commission


Mr. Schafer called the meeting to order at 1:40 PM. Roll call was taken. There were twelve voting members present. A quorum existed to conduct official business. Mr. Schafer stated that the meeting notice was posted to the NITC and State Government Council websites on January 31, 2003 and that the meeting agenda was posted on the NITC Website on March 7, 2003.


There was no public comment.


Mr. Flanagan moved to approve. Mr. Henderson seconded. All were in favor. The motion was carried by majority voice vote.


Mr. Becker reviewed the e-government strategic plan document. Once adopted by the State Government Council, the intent is for this document to remain largely unchanged in its final approved form. The only section intended to be dynamic is the actions and recommendations section. Periodic review and adjustment is anticipated to keep that section current.

Several suggestions were made during discussion of the document.

  • 1. The term 'portal' is referred to many times within this document but no definition is given. A definition of portal and subportal will be included, possibly via use of a diagram.
  • 2. There was some confusion as to the intended target audience. Mr. Schafer explained that this document is intended to be internal, for state agencies to use to create internal plans rather than the general public.
  • 3. There is quite a lot of activity within the document with respect to government to citizen and government to business but not much in the way of government to government. Forms automation is one possible avenue to address government to government action as it provides the greatest cost savings.

Mr. Henderson moved to endorse this document, subject to the changes discussed. Mr. Flanagan seconded. Roll call vote: Beecham-Yes, Ogden-Yes, Overton-Yes, McGee- Yes, Gettemy-Yes, Wells-Yes, Flanagan-Yes, Lemon-Yes, Henderson-Yes, Cecrle-Yes, Shanahan-Yes Schafer-Yes. The motion passed.


Rod Armstrong

Mr. Armstrong navigated the citizen portal, demonstrating the functionality of the product. Accessibility testing has been completed and a text version of the site is available.

The demonstration revealed that NOL used the same general design and architecture for the citizen portal as they used for the other portals to maintain consistency, and organized information within this portal around major life events such as moving, car, children, free time, health etc.

This portal is now ready for review and comment and can be found at Note that the domain name has changed due to naming convention changes at the federal level that opened the .gov domain for use by state entities.


There has been no opportunity to move forward in this arena. There have been some recent issues with NIS training and Internet Explorer, which has raised the question of whether there would be any future upgrade issues with the Enterprise Directory, Lotus Notes, Netscape, Internet Explorer, NIS, etc. Mr. Henderson and Mr. Ogden agreed to send out a meeting notice to the Council to solicit members to work on this issue.


Security Work Group
The security work group has been working on draft wireless guidelines as well as guidelines for remote access.

Members discussed the issue of certifying e-mail systems as "secure." Recently there has been an increased demand for secure email. For example, HIPAA has secure email requirements and BLS is requiring secure email. Technical issues are involved ensuring the server is secure as well as procedural issues of education within agencies, including the automatic forwarding of emails to Internet email addresses. Processes and procedures need to be put in place for certifying agencies within the same domain as secure as well as those in a heterogeneous email environment. Mr. Schafer agreed to add this issue to the security work group agenda and will be actively seeking volunteers to produce an initial draft of policies and procedures.

Enterprise Security Implementation
This project relates to efforts that were initiated last summer to locate a good method of implementing security training. A six-month evaluation of a product called E-MOAT has been underway within IMS, paid for by a grant. A survey followed the six-month trial and revealed that the majority of users felt the training was worthwhile.

If E-MOAT is hosted by IMS, the cost to implement the system would be under $5 per seat per year, though it is unclear what the overhead impact would be. Allowing IMS to host the product would also allow for it to be used for other types of training. If the company hosts the product the cost will be something under $20 a seat per year with the HIPAA module costing an additional $1 per seat. Further pursuit would require determining approximately how many other agencies would be participating. Interested parties should contact Mr. Hielen.

Directory Services
An update will be given at next meeting.

Enterprise Content Management
Six months were spent evaluating products before grant money was cut for this project. Currently, research on possible internal options is underway but the group would like to meet with CIO to discuss options.

Lotus Notes Collaboration
There has been no Collaboration meeting since the last State Government Council meeting therefore there is no update.

There will be an E-fax presentation at the next Lotus Notes Collaboration meeting, which will be held at 10:00 AM at the State Capitol.

NIS Project
Work is beginning on setting the procurement and inventory module implementation schedule. Plans are to make an announcement sometime next week.Electronic Records Retention

One additional meeting will be held to finalize the Notes recommendations as well as to determine what other areas should be addressed.

Juvenile Data Sharing
This group will meet March 21 to work on developing a scope for the project. Key players have been invited but additional participants are welcome.


Greg Lemon

Secretary of State's office has a test rules and regulations search page. Go to Secretary of State’s Page and follow the rules and regulations link.

Jon Ogden
The Department of Roads is continuing work on a truck permitting system. They are also engaged in discussions with DMV about issuing commercial safety permits via the web. That system should be active July 21. Other efforts include locating a system to identify alternate routes using the Internet and researching a user friendly system to issue oversize/overweight permits.

Dick Gettamy
The 2002 tax season well underway. The Department of Revenue has received 238,000 e-filed taxes, a figure that is 19% ahead of last year. They are still working on the 1040N.

George Wells
Corrections is continuing to work on expanding the information available to citizens by placing absconder and escapee information on web.

Jim McGee

All employees in Health and Human Services will be receiving HIPAA training.


There was no other business.


The next scheduled meeting is Thursday, April 10, 2003. Mr. Schafer adjourned the meeting.

Minutes taken by Trish Souliere and reviewed by Rick Becker.

Meeting Minutes