Minutes of the March 2, 1998 Meeting
IRC Members in Attendance:
Allan Abbott, Dept. of Roads
Berri Balka, Dept. of Revenue
Tom Conroy, DAS Central Data Processing
Allen Curtis, Crime Commission
Dorest Harvey, GDE Systems
Scott Moore, Secretary of State
Yvonne Norton Leung, GPRO
Gerry Oligmueller, DAS Budget Division
Steve Schafer, DAS IDSD
Dennis Zimmerman, Commercial Federal
Others in Attendance:
Brett W. Andersen, Military Dept.
Mollie Anderson, DAS Personnel
Rod Armstrong, State I.T. Coordinator
Rick Becker, GPRO
Howard Boardman, HHS Reg. & Licensure
Lori Burrage, Commission for the Deaf
Deepa Buss, DAS Personnel
Loralee Byrd, State Treasurer's Office
Paul Caron, Computer Associates
Randy Cecrle, Worker's Comp. Court
Scott Danigole, Legislative Fiscal Office
Keith Dey, Dept. of Motor Vehicles
Cheryl Elton, Public Service Commission
Mike Floyd, Nat'l. Federation for the Blind
Lyn Heaton, DAS Budget Division
Dennis Johnk, DAS TSB
Tim Kelso, Dept. of Labor
Jan Lane, DAS TSB
Greg Lemon, Secretary of State's Office
Jon Ogden, Dept. of Roads
Jim Ohmberger, DAS CDP
J.L. Schmidt, DAS Director's Office
Mark Schultz, Dept. of Education
Mike Wemhoff, NCCPE
IRC Chair Yvonne Norton Leung convened the meeting at 1:30 p.m. at the Governor's Residence. Open discussion was held on the structure of the agenda with regard to 1) changes to the agenda; 2) placement of action items; and 3) placement of work items.
Mike Floyd, representing the Nebraska Chapter of the National Federation for the Blind, voice his concerns regarding the need for compatibility between state computer systems and technology used by the visually-impaired. He noted that technology exists that will translate computer screen displays into audible communication or Braille displays, but that through benign neglect, accommodating the blind is never considered when computer systems are developed. As a result, some agencies' systems are not compatible with the assistive technology that would enable blind individuals to be employed.
He stated that a request was made to the Appropriations Committee for an amendment to LB 924 that would assure the rights of the blind are protected. Yvonne Norton Leung responded that the IRC would consider inserting language into standards presently under discussion to accomplish that objective. Mike Floyd agreed to forward language to Yvonne that could be posted on the IRC web page.
Mark Schultz, with the Department of Education -- Assistive Technology informed the IRC that section 508 of the federal Rehabilitation Act may provide the assurance necessary to address Mike Floyd's concerns. He agreed to provide information about this act to the IRC.
Tom Conroy presented a report on the Century Date Change project on behalf of Project Director Steve Henderson. Tom described two action items for which approval of the IRC was requested.
The first involved a reallocation of $99,195 of Information Technology Infrastructure Funds for the Secretary of State's office to finance a replacement project as opposed to repairing the current system. Tom Conroy recommended approval of the reallocation. A motion was made by Dorest Harvey and seconded by Al Abbott to approve the reallocation. The motion passed unanimously, with Secretary of State Moore abstaining.
It was pointed out that the material provided by Tom Conroy contained an arithmetic error, showing a total of $96, 195 instead of $99, 195. It was noted for the record that this error exists and will be corrected.
The second CDC action item involved a transfer of work related to HHS systems from the contractor (CTA, Inc.) to CDP staff, and an allocation of an additional $23,500 in ITIF funds. Tom Conroy recommended approval of the work transfer and additional allocation and moved for approval. Gerry Oligmueller seconded the motion.
A question was raised concerning the additional $23,500 in ITIF funds requested. Tom Conroy responded that Steve Henderson could answer the question, and that the funding portion of the recommendation should be deferred until Steve can be present. Accordingly, Tom withdrew his prior motion and offered a second motion to approve the transfer of work only, and not the additional funding. Gerry Oligmueller seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Questions were also raised about accounting for the use of ITIF funds. DAS Budget and Central Data Processing divisions will work on an account presentation for the next IRC meeting.
Yvonne Norton Leung clarified that future requests for approval of changes to the CDC project will be channeled through Steve Henderson, who will consult with the agency, DAS Budget division, and other appropriate parties and bring a recommendation to the IRC.
Gerry Oligmueller presented the report of the Technology Planning Subcommittee. Discussion ensued; Gerry made a motion, seconded by Tom Conroy, to adopt the subcommittee report. The motion was approved unanimously, and the Technology Planning Subcommittee was directed to begin work on implementing their recommendations and report back at the April IRC meeting. Al Abbott asked to have Jon Ogden added to the subcommittee.
Jim Ohmberger made a brief presentation from the Standards group. The DAS/CDP Service Manual, which contains a list of platforms and applications supported by CDP, is now linked to the IRC Home Page. Responses are coming in to the request for each agency to identify a contact person for technical issues. Once complete, the list will be posted on the IRC Home Page.
Secretary of State Moore gave a brief report from the State Records Board and Nebrask@ Online. He indicated that the State Treasurer had reached agreement with a financial institution for online credit card payments, which will enable Nebrask@ Online to pursue making payment for services available electronically. Over 40 state agencies have now signed agreements to make information and services available through Online. The State Records Board will hold its next meeting in late March. Yvonne Norton Leung suggested that Sam Somerhalder, network manager for Nebrask@ Online, be invited to an upcoming meeting to brief the IRC. His presentation will be scheduled for the May meeting.
Al Abbott renewed a request for IRC approval to proceed with presenting to the Nebraska Information Technology Commission the issue of installation of fiber optic cable in the Interstate 80 right-of-way. The matter was tabled at the February IRC meeting to allow members to review material distributed at that meeting. Al indicated he has sent a letter in support of the state of Minnesota's position before the Federal Communications Commission with respect to a similar project. A motion was made by Berri Balka, seconded by Gerry Oligmueller, to approve the presentation of the issue to the NITC. The motion carried unanimously.
Tom Conroy reported that the electronic mail project is moving ahead as planned.
Rod Armstrong reported that the Appropriations Committee has advanced LB 924 to General File for floor debate. He distributed a proposed amendment by Senator Bruning requiring all state agencies to be connected to the internet by July 1, 1999. Rod indicated that Sen. Bruning was willing to reconsider presenting his amendment to the legislature if the IRC would take steps to encourage agencies to use electronic means to access legislative information, reducing the amount of paper required to be used by the legislature to print legislative documents. He suggested adding the following language to the policy on Electronic Publishing adopted by the IRC on September 10, 1997:
"The IRC also encourages the use of electronic access to legislative documents such as bills, agendas, and reports to enable a reduction in the production and distribution of paper documents."
On a motion by Dorest Harvey, seconded by Tom Conroy, the IRC approved unanimously the addition of the proposed language to the electronic publishing policy statement.
Mollie Anderson provided an update on the report being developed by DAS Personnel regarding recruitment and retention of information technology workers. She highlighted the major issues facing the state, and presented several recommendations. She distributed a final draft of the report and asked IRC members to review and comment prior to release of the report.
Yvonne Norton Leung presented a short video of an online government project in Ontario. Discussion ensued concerning an action agenda to follow up from the executive seminar attended by several IRC members. Several agencies are in the midst of planning or implementing interactive services. Berri Balka reported that the Department of Revenue should be in a position to offer tele-filing services for taxes within 6 to 9 months. He indicated that security is a significant concern in this initiative. Howard Boardman estimated that birth certificates might be made interactive in 6 months, and that HHS is currently deciding whether to use a service such as Nebrask@ Online or maintain their own web server. Professional licenses may be another area where interactive services can be developed. Yvonne Norton Leung requested that all agencies involved in developing interactive services provide a monthly report to the IRC.
The capability of the Ontario online project to offer a one-stop address change service to its citizens prompted discussion of initiating a similar project in Nebraska. The Department of Motor Vehicles was asked to convene a work team around the issue. Roads, HHS and Revenue agreed to serve on the work group.
Secretary of State Moore raised the possibility of offering a single personal identification number, or "pin," for citizens to conduct business electronically with state government. Secretary Moore offered to convene a work group around this issue. Yvonne Norton Leung asked the work group leaders to offer participation to agencies not represented on the IRC. She asked that final reports from the work groups be delivered at the June IRC meeting.
The next IRC meeting was scheduled for Monday, April 6 at 1:30 p.m. in the Governor's Residence. The meeting adjourned at 3:53 p.m
meeting minutes