"Promote the use of information technology in education, health care, economic development, and all levels of government services to improve the quality of life of all Nebraskans."
State Government Council Priority
"Support implementing electronic government (e-government) to provide for a cost effective, efficient delivery of services while maintaining necessary security and confidentiality of non-public information."
Description of E-Government Action Item
"Utilize e-government solutions to improve government services and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of government operations."
Goals and Objectives of E-Government Action Item
- Improve access to government information and services
- Increase efficiency and effectiveness of government operations
- Remove barriers that restrict agencies from implementing e-government applications
- Implement projects that demonstrate the capabilities and benefits of e-government
Work Plan Elements
- Portal
- Applications
- Payments
- Privacy and Legal Issues
- Security
- Technical Infrastructure and Standards
Summary of Current Activities
- Redesign of the state's home page (www.nol.org/test)
- NOL's efforts to provide a web site for every state agency
- NOL's efforts to add services
- Security Architecture work group
- State Records Board grants
- Government Technology Collaboration Fund grants
- NIS, which could expand the availability of information and provide features such as a portal for state employees and customer relationship management (CRM)
- Agency Comprehensive Information Technology Plans (due July 1)
- Independent activities of agencies
- CJIS Implementation
- Enactment of LB 929 (Uniform Electronic Transactions Act, UETA)
- Enactment of LB 628 Section 4 (electronic filing with state and local government)
- Comparisons with other states (national surveys)
Potential Gaps
- There is no overall strategic plan to guide e-government efforts or priorities.
- A technical infrastructure must provide solutions for security, authentication, payments, and system integration.
- Many agencies provide only limited, static information. There are few web-based applications for services or interactive transactions. There are no integrated applications.
- There is no state government portal for state employees.
Next Steps
- The Technical Panel will evaluate the ability of the state's technical infrastructure to support e-government services. (By July 1?)
- The CIO Office will summarize national surveys and compare Nebraska's e-government services with other states. (By July 1.)
- The State Government Council will evaluate Government Technology Collaboration Fund applications. (By June 8.)
- Evaluate potential role and benefits of NIS. (Prior to RFP issuance.)
- The CIO Office will summarize agency information technology comprehensive plans. (By August 10.)
- Explore need and feasibility for portal for state employees.
- The State Government Council will consider the need for a strategic plan for e-government. (By August 10.)
- The NITC will consider whether to co-sponsor a second conference on e-government in 4th Quarter 2000. (By September?)
e-government action items