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State Government Council
of the
Nebraska Information Technology Commission

Thursday, October 12, 2000
9:00 a.m.
Energy Square
Board Room
1111 'O' Street
Lincoln, Nebraska


1. Roll Call and Meeting Notice

2. Public Comment

3. Approval of Minutes*

4. Prioritize list of state government information technology projects for the FY2001-03 biennial budget process*

- Project summary sheets (PDF 140k) for state government (please print and bring to the meeting)
- List of projects with links to documents submitted (for your information)

5. SGC Membership*

- Make recommendation to the NITC for new private sector member of the Council.

6. Agency Reports

7. Other Business

8. Next Meeting 

9. Adjourn

* Denotes action items.

Revised: October 6, 2000
Meeting Agenda