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State Government Council
of the
Nebraska Information Technology Commission

Thursday, September 9, 1999
9:00 a.m.
Department of Labor
3rd Floor Conference Room
550 S 16th Street
Lincoln, Nebraska


1. Roll Call and Meeting Notice

2. Public Comment

3. Approval of Minutes

August 12, 1999

4. Statewide Technology Plan Update and Discussion

1. Coordination of information technology advisory groups (Part 2)
2. Process for preparing standards and guidelines (Part 3.A)
3. Overview of planning and project management requirements (Part 4.A)
4. Project proposal form (Part 4.D)
5. Assessment Document for Project Proposals (Part 4.E)

5. Establish subcommittee to review technology budget request process for FY2001-2002

6. State Government Council Action Plan

7. Agency Reports

8. Other Business

9. Future Meeting Dates

October 14
November 4?

10. Adjourn

First posted: September 2, 1999

Meeting Agenda