The GIS Council membership will include representatives from a broad cross-section of the areas of interest in the GIS/geospatial technology user community. The GIS Council may solicit nominations from organizations or individuals with an active interest or involvement in GIS/geospatial technologies. The Commission may also seek out additional qualified candidates. Nominations shall describe the qualifications of the person relative to the goals of the GIS Council. In choosing members, the GIS Council and the NITC shall strive for a balance of perspectives on GIS/geospatial technology issues. The number of members shall be no more than 27.
Each member is responsible for maintaining two-way communication with their sector constituents concerning issues brought before the Council.
A Member with a potential conflict of interest in a matter before the Council or a potential interest in a contract with the Council is subject to the provisions of the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act including sections 49-1499.02 and 49-14,102. A Member with a potential conflict of interest or a potential interest in a contract shall contact the Nebraska Accountability and Disclosure Commission and take such action as required by law.
Certain GIS Council seats can designate an official voting alternate. This official voting alternate shall be registered with the Office of the Chief Information Officer and Commission and, in the absence of the official member, have all the privileges as the official member on items of discussion and voting.
If the official member and his/her official alternate are unable to attend a GIS Council meeting either in person or electronically, then the sub-sector affected may send a non-voting alternate to gather or share information.