The council shall have 16 members, eight representing the K-12 sector, eight representing the postsecondary sector, and four non-voting ex officio representatives from the Department of Education, the Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education, the Department of Administrative Services, and the Nebraska Educational Telecommunications Commission.
Each member is responsible for maintaining two-way communication with their sector constituents concerning issues brought before the Council. Each member is responsible for attending the meetings of the Education Council or alerting his/her voting alternate to attend in their absence.
If a change in membership becomes necessary due to resignation, removal, or change of job status, the sub-sector or agency represented is responsible for nominating or recommending the re placement member to the Council. The nomination will then be recommended by a simple majority of the Council members present and forwarded to the Commission for approval.
The current members will serve until June 30, 2001, with subsequent two-year staggered terms expiring on June 30 of each year. There is no limit to the number of consecutive terms that can be served.
One-half of the K-12 and one-half of the postsecondary members' terms shall expire on even numbered years and one-half of the K-12 and one-half of the postsecondary members' terms shall expire on odd numbered years.
A Member with a potential conflict of interest in a matter before the Council or a potential interest in a contract with the Council is subject to the provisions of the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act including sections 49-1499.02 and 49-14,102. A Member with a potential conflict of interest or a potential interest in a contract shall contact the Nebraska Accountability and Disclosure Commission and take such action as required by law.