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December 15, 2000, 9:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m., CT
UNL East Campus Student Union
37th & Fair Streets, Lincoln, Nebraska



Keith Bartels, Boards of Education Jeff Johnson, Centennial Public Schools
Larry Bock, Blair Public Schools Dr. Joseph Preusser, Central Community College
Con Dietz, Independent Universities Art Tanderup, Tekamah-Herman Public Schools
Dr. Kent Hendrickson, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Alan Wibbels, Educational Service Unit 10
Dr. Jack Huck, Southeast Community College Dr. Robert Ziegler, Madison Public Schools
Don Ferneding, Educational Service Unit 5 (Non-voting)


Michael Beach, NETC Dr. Dean Bergman, Department of Education
Brenda Decker, DAS Division of Communications
Members Absent: Dr. William Berndt, UN Medical Center, Dr. Roger Koehler, Independent Universities, Dr. Tom Krepel, Chadron State College, Joe LeDuc, K-12 Private-Parochial Education, Dr. Sheila Stearns, Wayne State College, Dr. David Powers, Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education
Others Present: Max Thacker, UMNC; Dr. John Fiene, UNO; Bob Huber, NET; Lori Lopez Urdiales and Tom Rolfes, CIO/NITC


Dr. Jack Huck, Co-chair, called the meeting to order at 9:10 a.m. Roll call was taken. Ten voting members were present. A quorum existed to conduct official business. Dr. Huck stated that the meeting notice was posted to the NITC and Nebraska Public Meeting Calendar Web sites on November 21, 2000. The meeting agenda was posted to the NITC Web site on December 12, 2000.


Mr. Bock moved to approve the agenda as presented. Dr. Preusser seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Bartels-Yes, Bock-Yes, Dietz-Yes, Hendrickson-Yes, Huck-Yes, Johnson-Yes, Preusser-Yes, Tanderup-Yes, Wibbels-Yes and Ziegler-Yes. Motion was carried.


Dr. Preusser moved to approve the minutes as presented. Mr. Tanderup seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Ziegler-Yes, Wibbels-Yes, Tanderup-Yes, Preusser-Yes, Johnson-Yes, Huck-Yes, Hendrickson-Yes, Dietz-Yes, Bock-Yes, and Bartels-Yes. Motion was carried.


There was no public comment.


Operations Work Group, Tom Rolfes. Mr. Thacker, Operations Work Group Co-chair, will make a report during agenda Item 6 on the agenda.

Policies, Procedures, Planning Subcommittee, Co-Chairs. No meeting has been held.

Training Advisory Work Group, Tom Rolfes. Mr. Rolfes presented the "Request for Proposals" form for final approval by the Education Council before it is released. This will be the first year that the applications will not be sent out to institutions. Instead an informational letter will be sent with the NITC website address for institutions to access the application form. The NITC will host the electronic copy. Discussion followed regarding mail distribution list and the dissemination of information. The mailing goes out to over 2500 institutions (K12 district and higher education institutions). This year, communication efforts include a press release, an announcement in the NITC news and electronic means.

Mr. Dietz moved to endorse the Technology Training Request for Proposals form to be forwarded to the NETC. Mr. Bock seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Johnson-Yes, Huck-Yes, Hendrickson-Yes, Dietz-Yes, Bock-Yes, Bartels-Yes, Ziegler-Yes, Wibbels-Yes, Tanderup-Yes, and Preusser-Yes. Motion was carried.

NET Distance Learning Report - Beach

Copies of the NVCN Report for November were distributed to members. Mr. Beach noted a correction on the last page that the interconnect for the Tri Valley pod is complete and that Ithica is very near completion.

Bob Huber was introduced as the new NET Assistant Director of Engineering. Mr. Huber will serve as Mr. Beach's alternate to serve on the Education Council. Mr. Beach reported that the Technical Panel has formed a Video Standards Work Group that he will be the chair. Mr. Beach is developing the charter and membership for the Work Group for approval by the Technical Panel at the January meeting. The first task of the Work Group would be a study of what standards already exist and are in place. Mr. Beach would like the Education Council's involvement.

At the last meeting, the Education Council also formed a Video Standards Work Group. Mr. Linster agreed to chair the group. Discussion followed on how the two groups can work together, changes in standards, migration and financial burden to institutions.

Dr. Hendrickson moved to have Dennis Linster serve as the Education Council representative on the Technical Panel's Video Standards Work Group. Mr. Bock seconded the motion. Discussion followed regarding K12 representation. Mr. Bock offered a friendly amendment to the original motion.

Dr. Hendrickson moved that the Education Council have both K12 and higher education representation on the Technical Panel's Video Standards Work Group. Mr. Bock seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Preusser-Yes, Tanderup-Yes, Wibbels-Yes, Ziegler-Yes, Bartels-Yes, Bock-Yes, Dietz-Yes, Hendrickson-Yes, Huck-Yes, and Johnson-Yes. Motion was carried.

Mr. Beach will take recommendations for members to serve on the Work Group.


Dr. Huck read the following portion of the document for clarification purposes:
"During 1999 the Coordinating Council for Educational Telecommunications ceased to exist and along with it the Council's three standing committees (Executive, Operations and Policy and Planning). The Nebraska Information Technology took over the comprehensive policy making functions for the NEB*SAT systems. The NITC's Education Council and the Operations Working Group were entrusted with the task of providing Policy and Guidelines that govern the scheduling and related procedures for the system."

Mr. Thacker reported that the Operations Work Group formed a subcommittee, comprised of K-12 and higher education representatives, to work on the Policies and Procedures. The draft was taken to the NEB*SAT summer workshop for feedback and input. Mr. Thacker highlighted some of the sections addressing equality and fairness. Despite the equity language, there were still concerns regarding the wording in the Priorities Section geared toward higher education. Following are suggestions and recommendations for revisions of the document:

  1. Under "Program Priorities", Priority Level One:
  • Define "institutions" to include K-16
  • Change wording of "academic institution" to "educational institution"
  • Clarify the term "credit course" to include high school credit courses
  • Clarify "at least 2/3 of the curriculum", how is this determined; and
  • Clarify mandated certification (institution or individual, etc.)
  1. Under "Other Network 3 and Network 4 Requirements and Policy", Item #8, the last sentence needs to be omitted or changed to reflect that currently there is no charge. A question was raised about LB1217 and legal authority. Mr. Beach will research this issue and get information back to Mr. Thacker.
  1. Under "NEB*SAT POLICY Usage of NEB*SAT Network 3":
  • Clarify NETC and NITC roles. Mr. Rolfes will work with the Operations Work Group; and
  • Need to include a statement about scheduling occurring on a first come first serve basis after the deadlines.
  1. Under "NEB*SAT POLICY Usage of NEB*SAT Network 3 PROGRAM UTILIZATION COMMITTEE. It was recommended to include a NEB*SAT technical representative to serve in advisory capacity.
  2. Deadline timetable. Timelines are difficult for K-12 especially with the teacher shortage. For institutions operating in quarters, suggested wording such as "or the continuous equivalent thereof" that guarantees continuity.
  3. Policies should include an appeals process with timelines.

A special thanks was given to the Operations Work Group for the work completed thus far. Mr. Thacker will take the Education Council's recommendations back to the subcommittee for further development of the policies.

P3 Subcommittee

The group decided to spend ten minutes discussing issues and agreed this should be a continuing agenda item. Following is the list of issues:


  • Statewide standards
  • Convergence networks
  • Universal connectivity
  • Immediacy focal point

Diverse Training Opportunities:

Life Cycle Funding:

Needs of the Learner:

  • Digital divide

Public/Private Partnerships:

Leading Edge Technology Applications:

  • Convergence networks

Mr. Rolfes will get the list to members to reflect on prior to next month's meeting.


Mr. Hendrickson reported that he is the University of Nebraska’s representative on the Great Plains Network for Internet 2. At the October meeting, it was announced that Internet 2 is open to any state with a statewide network. The price is $30,000 plus 2 times the state's number of congressional representatives. Nebraska would be charged $36,000. The cost does not include connectivity. Currently UNL, UNO and Creighton University are on Internet 2. If members are interested in receiving a copy of the Great Plains Network statement, contact Mr. Hendrickson.


The next meeting of the Education Council will be held on Friday, January 19, 2001, 9 a.m. It has been proposed to conduct video IP conferencing with the originating site at Wayne State. Members recommended that this demonstration be postponed until the February meeting. Mr. Rolfes will work on a location.

Dr. Huck adjourned the meeting at 12:05 p.m.

Minutes were taken by Lori Lopez Urdiales and reviewed by Tom Rolfes, Office of the CIO/NITC.

Meeting Minutes