Nebraska Information Technology Commission
Friday, October 29, 2004, 9:00 a.m.
Lincoln--Executive Building Suite 103, 521 S. 14th
Kearney--UNK Communications Center Bldg Room 250, 1918 University Drive
Chadron State College--Student Center Scottsbluff Room, 10th & Main Streets
Omaha--UNMC Poynter Hall 5014, 42nd & Dewey Streets
Wayne State College--Connell Hall 21, 1111 Main Street
Mr. Arnold Bateman, University of Nebraska-Lincoln [Lincoln]
Dr. Michael Chipps, Mid-Plains Community College [Lincoln]
Ms. Linda Engel, Nebraska City Public Schools [Lincoln]
Dr. Terry Haack, Bennington Public Schools [Lincoln]
Ms. Yvette Holly, University of Nebraska Medical Center [Omaha]
Dr. Jack Huck, Southeast Community College [Lincoln]
Mr. Tom Korta, alternate from Lincoln Pius X High School [Lincoln]
Mr. Chuck Lenosky, Creighton University [Omaha]
Mr. Dennis Linster, Wayne State College [Wayne]
Dr. Ed Rastovski, Wahoo Public Schools [Lincoln]
Mr. Al Schneider, Educational Service Unit 5 [Lincoln]
Dr. Robin Smith, alternate from Chadron State College [Chadron]
Mr. Alan Wibbels, Educational Service Unit 10 [Kearney]
Mr. Michael Beach, Nebraska Educational Telecommunications [Lincoln]
Mr. Wayne Fisher, Department of Education [Lincoln]
Ms. Brenda Decker, Division of Communications; Mr. Jeff Johnson, Centennial Public Schools; Mr. Tip O’Neill, Alt. representing Independent Colleges; Mr. Mike Pate, Millard Public Schools; and Dr. David Powers, Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education
Dr. Huck called the meeting to order at 9:01 a.m. It was stated that the meeting notice was posted to the NITC and Nebraska Public Meeting Calendar Web sites on October 15, 2004 and that the meeting agenda was posted to the NITC Web site on October 25, 2004. There were 11 voting members present at the time of roll call. A quorum existed to conduct official business.
Ms. Yvette Holly joined the meeting in Omaha at 9:02 a.m.
Mr. Arnold Bateman moved to approve the October 29, 2004 agenda as presented. Dr. Rastovski seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Bateman-Yes, Chipps-Yes, Holly-Yes, Huck-Yes, Smith-Yes, Korta-Yes, Lenosky-Yes, Linster-Yes, Rastovski-Yes, Schneider-Yes, and Wibbels-Yes. Results: 11-Yes, 0-No. The motion was carried by unanimous vote.
Dr. Ed Rastovski moved to approve the September 17, 2004 minutes. Dr. Chipps seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Wibbels-Yes, Schneider-Yes, Rastovski-Yes, Linster-Yes, Lenosky-Yes, Korta-yes, Smith-Yes, Huck-Yes, Holly-Yes, Chipps-Yes, and Bateman-Yes. Results: 11-Yes, 0-No. The motion was carried by unanimous vote.
Ms. Linda Engel joined the meeting in Lincoln at 9:15 a.m.
Dr. Terry Haack joined the meeting in Lincoln at 9:25 a.m.
Dr. Jack Huck called for comments by the public at any of the sites. There was none.
Dr. Jack Huck opened the discussion on the first information technology project proposal, 13-01 Distance Learning; Infrastructure, Programming, and Support; submitted by the Nebraska Department of Education for $20 million over the two years of the biennium. Numerous questions arose from the Council members about the various aspects of the proposal that supports the three strategic initiatives of the NITC; Network Nebraska, Statewide Synchronous Video Network, and the Nebraska eLearning Initiative. Questions were answered by Wayne Fisher, NDE, and Michael Beach, NET. When all questions had been answered on the 13-01 proposal, Dr. Huck asked that Michael Beach, Wayne Fisher, and Mike Kozak (NDE) draft a statement that would help explain the calculated risk that the Statewide Synchronous Video Network upgrade project represented, whether or not the funding for NDE was successful.
Dr. Huck opened the discussion on the second information technology project proposal, 51-01 University Enterprise Server Upgrade; submitted by the University of Nebraska for $1.85 million over the two years of the biennium. Several questions were asked by the Council members of Rick Golden, Director of Networking for the University of Nebraska, who joined the videoconference from Chadron. Mr. Golden explained that this particular server upgrade was the only option that met all of the University specifications, although it was not the least expensive bid response.
Dr. Huck then asked for Michael Beach, Wayne Fisher, and Mike Kozak to share their draft comments that would accompany the Education Council recommended prioritization to the NITC. The comment statement read as follows: “The Education Council encourages continued efforts to seek other funds and to work with providers to keep annual (recurring) costs to schools at or about the same rate as they currently pay. If this funding request is not successful or only partially successful, there is an additional risk that schools will cease to participate in distance learning and the network upgrade project due to increased costs. However, that same risk exists if the system is not upgraded with State sponsorship and the annual costs increase significantly when a new contract comes due. We encourage the NITC, its work groups, task groups, and councils to continue to coordinate discussions to find a mutually beneficial solution for the telecommunications providers and the educational community.”
The Council members were in agreement that the comment statement appended to the Project Proposal 13-01 Summary Sheet would express the concerns about calculated risk of completing or not completing the network upgrade.
Mr. Chuck Lenosky left the meeting in Omaha at 10:05a.m.
With that, Dr. Terry Haack moved to recommend prioritization of the NDE 13-01 Distance Learning Project as #1 priority and the University of Nebraska 51-01 Enterprise Server Upgrade Project as #2 priority; with the previously stated comments appended to the 13-01 Project Summary Sheet. Dr. Rastovski seconded the motion. There was no further discussion. Bateman-Yes, Chipps-Yes, Engel-Yes, Haack-Yes, Holly-Yes, Huck-Yes, Smith-Yes, Korta-Yes, Linster-Yes, Rastovski-Yes, Schneider-Yes, Wibbels-Yes. The motion was carried by unanimous vote.
Dr. Huck asked for agenda item contributions for the November 19 meeting. Mr. Bateman asked that a summary be given of the eLearning Planning Workshops that were held around the State. Dr. Haack suggested that the Education Council take some type of action to encourage the uninterrupted funding from the Federal eRate program to Nebraska schools.
Dr. Smith asked that the January 21 Education Council meeting be held by NVCN due to variable travel conditions.
The next meeting of the NITC Education Council will be held on November 19, 2004, 2:00 p.m. to avoid the conflict created by the NASB Conference in Omaha. Tom Rolfes will arrange a suitable meeting location near the 72nd & Grover Holiday Inn Convention Center.
With no further business, Dr. Huck adjourned the meeting at 10:20 a.m.
Meeting minutes were taken by Tom Rolfes of the Office of the CIO/NITC.
Meeting Minutes