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Friday, October 15, 1999, 10:00 a.m.
Elkhorn Room, Wayne State Student Center
Wayne, Nebraska



Mr. Keith Bartels
Lincoln Public Schools
Dr. Richard Gilliland
Metro Community College
Dr. Sheila Stearns
Wayne State College
Dr. Reba Benschoter
Alternate, UN Medical Center
Dr. Uma Gupta
Creighton University (via phone)
Mr. Art Tanderup Tekamah-Herman Public Schools
Dr. Dean Bergman
NDE, (Non-voting liaison - via phone)
Steve Henderson,
Alternate, DAS (Non-Voting Liaison)
Mr. Alan Wibbels
ESU 10
Mr. Larry Bock
Blair Public Schools
Dr. Kent Hendrickson
Alternate, UNL
Dr. Woody Ziegler
York Elementary School
Mr. Peter Ford
NET (Non Voting Liaison)
Mr. Jeff Johnson
Centennial Public Schools

Members Absent

Dr. Jack Huck, Southeast Community College; Dr. Tom Krepel, Chadron State College; Dr. John Muller, Bellevue University; Dr. David Myers, Lincoln Public Schools; Dr. David Powers, CCPE

Others Present

Con Dietz, Creighton University; Rob Ziegler, Madison Public Schools; Dennis Linster, Wayne State College; Michael Winkle, NITC Executive Director; Tom Rolfes, Education I.T. Manager; Lori Lopez Urdiales, Administrative Assistant; Mike Beach, NETC, Paul Sautter, NETC

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of the Education Council of the Nebraska Information Technology Commission was called to order at approximately 10:05 a.m. by co-chair Mr. Wibbels. Roll call was taken - eight of sixteen voting members were present at time of roll call. A quorum was present in order to conduct official business. Mr. Wibbels announced that notice of the public meeting was given by electronic means. The meeting date, time and location was posted to the NITC web site on September 29, 1999. The agenda was posted October 11th with a revision posted October 13th.

Mr. Bartels arrived at 10:07a.m. Mr. Johnson arrived at 10:10 a.m.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Dr. Benschoter moved to approve the agenda as posted. Dr. Steams seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Benschoter-Yes, Bartels-Yes, Gilliland-Yes, Dietz-Yes, Johnson-Yes, Hendrickson-Yes, Stearns-Yes, Tanderup-Yes, Wibbels-Yes, Ziegler-Yes. Motion carried.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Dr. Gilliland moved to approved the September 17th minutes as written. Dr. Stearns seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Bartels-Yes, Gilliland-Yes, Dietz-Yes, Johnson-Yes, Hendrickson-Yes, Stearns-Yes, Tanderup-Yes, Wibbels-Yes, Ziegler-Yes, Benschoter-Yes. Motion carried.

Mr. Bock arrived at 10:12 a.m.

PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment.


Operations Working Group - Tom Rolfes, Education I.T. Manager:Mr. Rolfes distributed a document containing the notes from the October 6th Organizational Meeting. The group spent time discussing the charge of the committee. Other items of discussion included identification of challenges and suggestions for short-term and long-term action.

Policy, Procedures, and Planning Subcommittee - Alan Wibbels: Mr. Wibbels distributed a a document containing the notes from the October 14th meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss and form recommendations concerning NETC deficit requests for NEB*SAT Improvements. The committee voted to recommend that both projects move forward for funding. The projects were ranked as follows: #1 NEB*SAT Network 3 System Upgrade Project and #2 NEB*SAT Statewide Interconnection Project-Phase 1. This item will be taken up later on in the meeting as an action item.

Dr. Gupta (alternate, Con Dietz present for first part of meeting) and Dr. Bergman joined the meeting via telephone conference at 10:14 a.m.

Training Advisory Committee: Mr. Wibbels reported that the committee has not met yet but are planning to meet in the near future.

EDUCATION COUNCIL ACTION PLANS - Tom Rolfes: A sample action plan format was distributed to members. The Council discussed next steps. Some of the issues and concerns expressed by members included: staff's and council members time, ability to get feedback, work already done by the task force, and input from others within their institutions, and the time frame needed to accomplish the task for NITC approval in January. Mr. Rolfes offered to develop an action plan. The plan would be reviewed by the Education Council's task force. Task force members will get feedback to Mr. Rolfes. Council members will receive the action plan prior to the November meeting. The action plan will be voted on at the November meeting. It was by group consensus to accept Mr. Rolfes' offer to work on the Action Plan.

FY 2000-01 NETC DEFICIT REQUEST PRIORITIZATION: Michael Winkle relayed information from the Budget Office to the Council per the Governor's request. Deficit requests, if approved, are expected to replace something else within the current agency budget. Peter Ford, Mike Beach, and Paul Saudder, of NET were available for questions.

NEB*SAT Network 3 System Upgrade Project (Phase 3) - Members discussed many features of the project. Dr. Gilliland moved to table deficit decisions until the next meeting. There was no second. Motion failed. Further discussion followed. Dr. Benschoter moved to approve the Policies, Procedures and Planning Committee's recommendation to move the proposal forward for funding consideration. Dr. Hendrickson seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Ziegler-Yes, Bartels-Yes, Wibbels-Yes, Benschoter-Yes, Tanderup-Yes, Bock-Yes, Stearns-Yes, Gilliland-Yes, Hendrickson-Yes, Gupta-Yes, Johnson-Yes. Motion carried.

NEB*SAT Statewide Interconnection Project (Phase 1) - Members discussed many questions about the project. Mr. Bock moved to approve the Policies, Procedures and Planning Committee's recommendation to move the proposal forward for funding consideration. Dr. Stearns seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Wibbels-Yes, Benschoter-Yes, Tanderup-Yes, Bock-Yes, Stearns-Yes, Gilliland-No, Hendrickson-No, Gupta-Yes, Ziegler-Yes, Bartels-Yes, Johnson-Yes. Motion carried.

Prioritization - Mr. Bock moved to rank the projects as follows: #1 NEB*SAT Network 3 System Upgrade Project and #2 NEB*SAT Statewide Interconnection Project-Phase 1. Dr. Gilliland seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Bock-Yes, Gilliland-Yes, Gupta-Yes, Johnson-Yes, Hendrickson-Yes, Stearns-Yes, Tanderup-Yes, Wibbels-Yes, Ziegler-Yes, Bartels-Yes, Benschoter-Yes. Motion carried.

It was strongly recommended that Council members have information for review of proposals prior to the meeting date.

NITC CLEARINGHOUSE - Michael Winkle: Mr. Winkle distributed Part 5.E Outline for Information Clearinghouse Development of the Statewide Technology Plan. Along with this document, a summary of the Council members' ideas for a clearinghouse discussed at the December 14, 1998 meeting was also distributed. Mr. Winkle asked members to review these and get electronic feedback to him or staff.

NITC PROJECT PROPOSAL/ASSESSMENT FORMS - Michael Winkle: Mr. Winkle distributed Part 4.D Project Proposal Form and Part 4.E Assessment Document for Project Proposals of the Statewide Technology Plan. Mr. Winkle asked members to review these and get electronic feedback to him or staff.

OTHER: Dr. Ziegler suggested that the NITC acknowledge past Council members that have left the council with a certification of appreciation. Dr. Ziegler informed the Council that he will not be able to attend the meeting for the next couple of months and that his alternate, Dr. Rob Ziegler will be attending.

NEXT MEETING: The next meeting of the Education Council will be held on Friday, November 19, 1999, 9:00 a.m. at Creighton University.

ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Wibbels adjourned the meeting at 11:55 a.m.

Minutes taken by Lori Lopez Urdiales and reviewed by Tom Rolfes, Education I.T. Manager, of the Office of the CIO/NITC.

Meeting Minutes