October 9, 1998
Clifford Hardin Center for Continuing Education
33rd & Holdrege Streets
Lincoln, Nebraska
Arnold Bateman (for Chancellor Moeser) UNL |
Terry Miller, Administrator, ESU 13 |
Dr. William Berndt, Chancellor, UNO Medical Center |
Dennis Linster, Director of Network Services, Wayne State College |
Keith Bartels, School Board Member, Lincoln Public Schools |
Art Tanderup, Teacher, Tekamah-Herman Public School |
Susan Fees, Teacher, Christ the King School |
Alan Wibbels, Media Technology Director, ESU 10 |
Dr. Richard Gilliland, President, Metro Community College |
Dr. Kristine Wolzen, Superintendent, Arlington Public Schools |
Dr. Uma Gupta, McGraw Chair of Information Science, Creighton University |
Woody Ziegler, Co-Principal, York Elementary |
Dr. Jack Huck, President, Southeast Community College |
Jeff Johnson, Teacher, Centennial Public Schools |
Dr. John Muller, President, Bellevue University |
Dr. Dean Bergman, Administrator, Technology Center, NDE |
David Powers, Executive Director, Post Secondary Coordinating Commission |
Tom Rolfes, Office of CIO/NITC |
Lori Lopez Urdiales, Office of CIO/NITC |
Don Ferneding, ESU 3 |
Donald Vanderheiden, NDE |
Chuck Friesen, LPS |
Walter Weir, UNCSN |
John Horvath, SNDLC |
Mike Winkle, NITC |
Jay Jacobsen, Peru State College |
Al Schneider, ESU 5 |
The meeting of the Education Council of the Nebraska Information Technology Commission was called to order at approximately 9:00 a.m. by co-chair, Dr. Jack Huck. Dr. Huck asked for corrections, additions and/or comments to the September minutes. Dr. Berndt would like to have a salutation and last name of members used in the minutes rather than first names. On page three of the minutes under "Education Proposal and Process", Dr. Gilliland wanted it clearly stated that there were strong objections raised from some of the council members to the relative lack of adherence to the September 15th deadline agreed upon by the council. Under this same section in the discussion regarding NEB*SAT, Dr. Berndt wanted the minutes to read that he suggested as one option that NEB*SAT become a subcommittee of the Education Council and is one of many options. Mr. Wibbels wanted his title corrected to read Media Technology Director. Under "New Business", Mr. Wibbels corrected the spelling of SYSCO to Cisco and will work with the recording secretary for clarification on this section. Dr. Gilliland moved and it was seconded by Dr. Bergman to approve the minutes with the above corrections/additions. All were in favor. Minutes were approved.
With the number of proposals to be reviewed at the meeting, it was by group consensus to table this discussion until the next meeting.
Prior to the council meeting, a technical panel reviewed the thirty-three proposals and rated them according to six key project proposal considerations. In addition, staff members also reviewed the proposals, using the Education Assessment Document. This information, copies of the proposals and rating sheets were shared with the council members. The Council will review each proposal and make a recommendation as to High, Medium or Low priority. Proposals will not be ranked first, second, etc. within each of these categories. The Council's recommendations will be forwarded to the NITC for final approval.
The Council worked through the noon hour to review the thirty-three proposals. Recommendations listed below were by group consensus or by a majority vote. The following recommendations will be submitted to the NITC:
High Priority Proposals |
ESU Administrators Association/Dept. of Education (include 37 school districts in distance education) |
ESU Administrators Association/Dept. of Education (replace .5 cent reduction in levies) |
ESU Administrators Association/Dept. of Education (replace .5 cent reduction in levies) |
Metropolitan Community College/UNO (High speed connectivity project) |
Southeast Community College-Lincoln (Link SCC to 4 other locations to offer Surgical Technology Program) |
Nebraska Educational Telecommunications Commission (Replace aging traffic/scheduling software) |
Nebraska Dept. of Education (School Financing Reporting System Project) |
Coordinating Commission on PostSecondary Education (contingent upon disapproval of Collaborative Grant) |
NETC-NEB*SAT (Satellite Receiver-only Antennas Project to K-12 schools, contingent upon approval of KU-band Technology) |
NETC-NEB*SAT (Ku-band Satellite System Project for educational programming, contingent upon approval of KU-band Technology) |
University of Nebraska-Lincoln (University-wide Technology Plan) |
NETC-NEB*SAT (Network 3 System completion of modernization) |
NETC-NEB*SAT (Network 3 Digital Switch Project to replace VTEL MCU-II) |
Nebraska State College System (Purchase Resource 25 software for all three state college campuses) |
NETC-NEB*SAT (statewide interconnection project) |
University of Nebraska-Lincoln (Extended Education Project) |
NETC-NEB*SAT (Digital Switch Expansion Project) |
Medium Priority Proposals |
Tri-Valley/Southeast Nebraska Distance Learning Consortia (High speed video/audio/data link) |
Little Priest Tribal College-Winnebago (Distance learning Center to connect to AITHEC) |
Low Priority Proposals |
Central Community College-Grand Island (Build distance learning classrooms at 3 new locations) |
Western Nebraska Community College (Distance learning link between WNCC and Sidney High School) |
Western Nebraska Community College (Distance learning link between WNCC and Sidney High School) |
NETC-NEB*SAT (Help Desk staff expansion project) |
NETC-NEB*SAT (additional engineers/technicians) |
NETC-NEB*SAT (equipment Satellite Internet Data System) |
NETC-NEB*SAT (Video on Demand) |
NETC-NEB*SAT (Digital Satellite MCPC Encoder Project, contingent upon approval of KU-band Technology) ** |
**(This rating would change to high contingent on the Skjei recommendation regarding Ku-band.) |
Proposals that did not fall within the domain of the Education Council |
NETC-NET*SAT (Distance Learning Formative Evaluation Project) |
Nebraska Dept of Education (computer replacement & LAN upgrade) |
Nebraska Dept of Education (computer replacement for distance learning lab) |
Wayne State College (replacement of administrative computer) |
Peru State College (request for staff person) |
Peru State College (upgrading of computer lab request) |
Chadron State College (request for hardware and software for "web for students") |
Nebraska Dept of Education (new office computers) |
Action Items that resulted from proposal discussions were as follows:
It was moved by Dr. Bergman and seconded by Dr. Gilliland that the Education Council endorse the recommendation to extend the consultant contract with Skjei Telecom to include a study of a statewide infrastructure. All were in favor. Motion carried.
It was by group consensus to submit the following recurring themes to the NITC for consideration:
Issues and items that arose for discussion at a future meeting and prior to the next round of applications were as follows:
Mr. Wibbels informed the Council that in September he began working with Mr. Rolfes to hold a meeting to begin discussion of this issue. As other entities got word of the meeting, more and more individuals wanted to attend. Due to the time frame and law regarding notice of public meetings, the meeting was not held. Discussion followed and it was suggested that this should be discussed by subcommittee composed of members from all NITC councils and used as a type of needs assessment. Mr. Winkle reported that the NITC wants to take the same approach. Dr. Bergman moved and it was seconded by Dr. Gilliland to endorse discussion and conduct a needs assessment survey through the NITC councils with the different sectors involved. All were in favor. Motion was carried.
The August minutes were in the council members' packets for their review. These will be discussed at the November meeting and will not be posted to the website until approved.
The next meeting will be held Monday, November 16th, 9:00 a.m. at the Southeast Community College-Lincoln Downtown Campus, 1111 O Street. Parking is available on the south side. Dr. Gilliland moved and it was seconded by Dr. Bergman to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m.
Minutes taken by Lori Lopez Urdiales, Administrative Assistant, and reviewed by Tom Rolfes, Education Information Technology Manager, Office of the Chief Information Officer/NITC.
Meeting Minutes