Nebraska Information Technology Commission
July 21, 2000, 9:00 a.m., CDT
Clifford Hardin Nebraska Center for Continuing Education, North Platte Room
33rd & Holdrege, Lincoln, Nebraska
Keith Bartels, Boards of Education | Dr. Don King, Chadron State College |
Dr. William Berndt, UNMC | Dennis Linster, Wayne State College |
Larry Bock, Blair Public Schools | Dr. David Myers, Lincoln Public Schools |
Con Dietz, Creighton University | Dr. Joseph Pruesser, Central Community College |
Dr. Jack Huck, Southeast Community College | Art Tanderup, Tekamah-Herman Public Schools |
Jeff Johnson, Centennial Public Schools | Alan Wibbels, Educational Service Unit 10 |
Dr. Roger Koehler, Nebraska Methodist College | Dr. Robert Ziegler, Madison Public Schools |
Wayne Fisher, Nebraska Department of Education | Paul Sautter, Nebraska Educational Television |
Brenda Decker, Division of Communications; Dr. Kent Hendrickson, University of Nebraska; Tom Korta, Pius X; Dr. David Powers, Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education | |
OTHERS PRESENT Roger Hahn, Nebraska Information Network; Tracie Klosterman, NETC; Max Thacker, UNMC; Dave Wagaman, Budget; Michael Winkle, Tom Rolfes, Jen Soucie and Lori Lopez Urdiales, Office of the CIO/NITC |
Co-chair, Dr. Jack Huck, called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m. Roll call was taken. There were 10 members present. A quorum existed to conduct official business. Dr. Huck stated that the meeting notice was first posted to the NITC Web site on May 24, 2000 and that the agenda was posted to the Nebraska Public Meeting Calendar and the NITC web sites on July 14, 2000.
Mr. Bartels arrived to the meeting at 9:06 a.m. Dr. Preusser arrived to the meeting at 9:07 a.m.
Due to technical difficulties, it was announced that the presentations would need to be moved to a later time on the agenda. Mr. Dietz moved to approve the agenda as changed. Mr. Bartels seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Bartels-Yes, Berndt-Yes, Bock-Yes, Dietz-Yes, Huck-Yes, Johnson-Yes, Koehler-Yes, Myers-Yes, Pruesser-Yes, Linster-Yes, Tanderup-Yes, Wibbels-Yes, and Ziegler-Yes. Motion was carried.
Dr. King arrived to the meeting at 9:08 a.m.
Dr. Berndt moved to approve the minutes as presented. Mr. Bock seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Ziegler-Yes, Wibbels-Yes, Tanderup-Yes, Linster-Yes, Pruesser-Yes, Myers-Yes, King-Yes, Koehler-Yes, Johnson-Yes, Huck-Yes, Dietz-Yes, Bock-Yes, Berndt-Yes, and Bartels-Yes. Motion was carried.
Roger Hahn, Nebraska Information Networks, requested to contribute to the discussion of agenda item #10 "Educational Technology 2010 White Papers".
Operations Working Group, Tom Rolfes
A meeting was held on June 14th in conjunction with the NEB*SAT Training Conference. A majority of members were not able to attend. There will be a videoconference meeting on July 17th. The working group will focus on two actions:
Policies, Procedures, Planning Subcommittee, Co-Chair
The sub-committee reviewed mini-grants budget requests. The NITC was informed of the sub-committee's recommendations.
Training Advisory Work Group, Tracy Klosterman
A summer retreat is scheduled for June 7th to discuss the mini-grants process and to determine what will be done with carryover funds of approximately $50,000. There has been some discussion of utilizing some of the carryover to do training needs assessment.
Burma Kroger is requesting to be replaced on the work group. The work group would like to have a K-12 representative. Recommendation for replacement will be done later on in the meeting work session.
After discussion, it was suggested that the work group and the Education Council give consideration to the following:
Mr. Linster moved to have the Training Advisory Work Group bring their recommendations for the application process to the Education Council for approval not later than February. Dr. Ziegler seconded the motion. A friendly amendment was proposed and accepted that the work group report no later than December. Roll call vote: Bartels-Yes, Wibbels-Yes, Berndt-Yes, Tanderup-Yes, Bock-Yes, Linster-Yes, Dietz-Yes, Pruesser-Yes, Huck-Yes, Myers-Yes, Johnson-Yes, Koehler-Yes, and Ziegler-Yes. Motion was carried.
NET Distance Learning Report - Sautter
Mr. Sautter provided a brief description of the report distributed to member and entertained questions.
Co-chair, Alan Wibbels, conducted the rest of the meeting.
New Members/Alternates. Mr. Rolfes reported that the NITC approved the Council's recommendations for staggered terms and the replacement nominations:
Staggered Terms [Work Session]. Members broke up into their sectors to determine which members will serve a one-year term and who will serve a two-year term. The K-12 sector also needed to nominate a replacement for Barb Krueger for the Training Advisory Committee.
Results for the K-12 sector are as follows:
One-year term members: Larry Bock, Tom Korta, David Myers, and Art Tanderup.
Two-year term member: Keith Bartels, Jeff Johnson, Alan Wibbels, and Rob Ziegler.
Linda Dickeson, Lincoln Public Schools, was nominated to replace Burma Kroger.
Results for the higher education sector are as follows:
One-year term members: Dr. William Berndt, Con Dietz, Dr. Jack Huck, and Dr. Tom Krepel.
Two-year term member: Dr. Roger Koehler, Dr. Joseph Preusser, and Dr. Sheila Stearns.
Members recommended that staff develop information packet and orientation for new members.
Mr. Ziegler moved to approve the appointments of staggered terms. Mr. Bartels seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Bartels-Yes, Wibbels-Yes, Berndt-Yes, Tanderup-Yes, Bock-Yes, Linster-Yes, Dietz-Yes, Pruesser-Yes, Huck-Yes, Myers-Yes, Johnson-Yes, Koehler-Yes, and Ziegler-Yes. Motion was carried.
New State Home Page, Rod Armstrong, Nebraska Online
Mr. Armstrong provided a brief history on the need for a revision to the present Nebraska State Home Page. NOL and agencies want the home page to be more citizen-centric in order to assist them with easy access to information. Mr. Armstrong demonstrated the new prototype which included the following features: focus on areas of information menu; drop down menus; a keyword search; a rotating new sites and news bar; and "ask a librarian" option. The goal is for the user to be 2-3 clicks away from needed information. The prototype is in its final draft stages. A Governor's press conference is being planned to launch the new web site within the next couple of weeks. If approved, migration to new website will begin. Mr. Armstrong invited feedback from members for the education section of the prototype.
Suggestions from the council members included:
Information Technology Clearinghouse, Tom Rolfes, NITC
The Information Clearinghouse Project Charter was distributed to members. Mr. Rolfes demonstrated the prototype of the new NITC web site, which included the clearinghouse. Mr. Rolfes would like feedback and suggestions on items to include as links in the categories. Mr. Winkle suggested that this task be assigned to the joint sub-committee working with Rod Armstrong, NOL.
NITC REPORT - Michael Winkle, NITC Executive Director
Mr. Winkle reported that the NITC commissioners met in Lexington, Nebraska on June 22nd, 9:30 a.m. In addition to the council reports and a demonstration of the new State and NITC web sites, the following action items were approved:
Project Proposal Prioritization Process & Conference Committee: The Commission indicated by group consensus to form a review committee comprised of council members. At its November 6th meeting, the NITC will review and make decisions regarding a final prioritized list of appropriation requests. The meeting date has been set for October 30th.
Comprehensive Technology Plans for State Agencies. July 1st was the due date for agencies to submit their I.T. plans. Staff are summarizing sections of the plan and posting the information on the web site. Mr. Winkle commended the Education sector for their collaborative efforts.
Sid McCartney has been hired as the consultant but was not available for a project report. Mr. Winkle reminded members that updates on the project are available on the Division of Communications web site
TINA Education Inventory. Mr. Rolfes reported that there are still many inventories for the education sector that are needed. Division of Communications would like to have these by August 1st. Mr. Rolfes requested the assistance of Mr. Dietz to work with Tip O'Neill for the inventories from independent colleges.
Members were sent a draft of the Education Technology 2010 white papers dealing with the Council's six priorities. Mr. Rolfes would like comments and feedback by August 11th . Mr. Hahn suggested that the authors be more specific when speaking about band width and cost issues.
Mr. Dietz stated that he is receiving positive comments about the NITC electronic newsletter and commended the staff on their efforts.
The next meeting of the Education Council will be held on August 11th in Chadron with videoconference sites at Kearney, Lincoln, and Omaha. Members requested that the Wayne State or Norfolk site be added.
The co-chair, Mr. Wibbels adjourned the meeting at 11:30 a.m.
Minutes were taken by Lori Lopez Urdiales and reviewed by Tom Rolfes, Office of the CIO/NITC.
Meeting Minutes