March 16, 2001, 9:00 a.m., CT
Room 114 of the Creighton University West Campus Building,
11111 Mill Valley Road, Omaha, Nebraska
Keith Bartels, Boards of Education | Dr. William Berndt, UNMC |
Larry Bock, Blair Community Schools | Con Dietz, Creighton University |
Jack Huck, Southeast Community College | Jeff Johnson, Centennial Public Schools |
Joe LeDuc, Lincoln Diocese | Dr. Don King, alt. Chadron State College |
Dr. Joseph Preusser, Central Community College | Dennis Linster, alt. Wayne State College |
Art Tanderup, Tekamah-Herman Public Schools | Alan Wibbels, ESU 10 |
Dr. Rob Ziegler, Madison Public Schools |
Dr. Dean Bergman, Dept of Education |
MEMBERS ABSENT: Dr. Harvey Perlman, UNL; Dr. Roger Koehler, Nebraska Methodist College; Al Schneider, ESU 5; Michael Beach, NETC; Brenda Decker, DAS DOC; Dr. David Powers, CCPE.
OTHERS PRESENT: Woody Ziegler, alt. Doane College; Yvette Holly, alt. UNMC; Jamison Lucchino, DAS Budget; Myrta Hansen, FUTUREKIDS Nebraska; Dr. Jean Jones, Nebraska Catalyst Project; Michael Winkle, NITC; Tom Rolfes, CIO/NITC.
Call to Order, Electronic Posting, Roll Call, Introductions
Dr. Jack Huck, Co-chair, called the meeting to order at 9:02AM Roll call was taken. Ten voting members and alternates were present. A quorum existed to conduct official business. Dr. Huck stated that the meeting notice was posted to the NITC and Nebraska Public Meeting Calendar Web sites on February 16, 2001. The meeting agenda was posted to the NITC Web site on March 12, 2001.
Approval of the Agenda for the March 16, 2001 Meeting
Mr. Linster moved to approve the agenda as presented. Dr. Preusser seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Bartels-Yes, Berndt-Yes, Bock-Yes, Dietz-Yes, Huck-Yes, King-Yes, Preusser-Yes, Linster-Yes, Tanderup-Yes, Wibbels-Yes. Motion was carried.
Approval of Minutes from the February 16, 2001 meeting
Mr. Linster moved to approve the minutes as presented. Mr. Tanderup seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Berndt-Yes, Bock-Yes, Dietz-Yes, Huck-Yes, King-Yes, Preusser-Yes, Linster-Yes, Tanderup-Yes, Wibbels-Yes, Bartels-Yes. Motion was carried.
Public Comment
There was no public comment.
Committee reports were suspended for this meeting to accommodate the rigorous agenda/discussion.
Dr. Rob Ziegler arrived at the meeting at 9:20AM. Jeff Johnson arrived at the meeting at 9:33AM. Joe LeDuc arrived at the meeting at 10:39AM
Revise Education Council Action Items for FY2002-2003
A. Review FY2001 Action Items (PDF 11k) < Item Update 3.09.01.htm>
Mr. Rolfes gave a review and status of the 10 action items that were undertaken by the Education Council during the 2000-01 fiscal years. Most action items were completed successfully; several were ongoing programs or initiatives still underway.
Mr. Winkle gave a background to the importance and timeline of the current action item identification and prioritization in accordance with the updating of the UNITED 2001, Statewide Technology Plan.
B. Develop new action items
To facilitate discussion and brainstorming, Mr. Rolfes distributed a worksheet listing the six major priorities and a document entitled Issues Identification (PDF 80k), from an earlier Education Council meeting. He suggested two possible approaches to brainstorming; first, to approach action items randomly from members on the floor or secondly, to address each priority separately with possible action items. The Council opted to approach each of the six priorities individually until all ideas had been shared.
Mr. Dietz distributed a document entitled, "A Proposal for A Nebraska Internet Backbone" that helped stimulate discussion on the infrastructure priority. The members opted to capture this project as a bullet under Infrastructure Provision, "Provide equitable Internet access across the State", with additional elements of the proposal distributed among other action items.
The Council finished their brainstorming and came up with 31 action items spread among the 6 priorities. The Action Item document was to be distributed to the Education Council electronically to verify the wording of the 31 action items.
No other items were brought before the Education Council
Next Meeting and Adjournment
The next Education Council Meeting will be held April 20, 2001 from 9AM-12PM at ESU 10 in Kearney, Nebraska.
Dr. Huck adjourned the meeting at 11:45AM.
Minutes were taken by Tom Rolfes, Office of the CIO/NITC.
Meeting Minutes