Nebraska Information Technology Commission
Tuesday, May 24, 2005, 1:30 p.m.
Lincoln: Executive Building, Suite 103, 521 So. 14th Street
Norfolk: NECC MaClay Bldg, Room 122, 801 East Benjamin Avenue
South Sioux City: City Hall, 1615 1st Avenue
Members and Alternates Present: K.C. Belitz, Len Benson, Donna Hammack, Lynn Manhart , Jerry Vap, Norene Fitzgerald, Michael Nolan, Lance Hedquist, Jeanne Saathoff, Steve Williams, and Bob Sweeney
Members Absent: Chris Anderson, John Jordison, Georgia Masters Keightley, Ted Smith, Max Thacker, Mary Wernke
Guests: Lieutenant Governor Sheehy, Brad McPeak
Staff: Brenda Decker, Steve Henderson, Anne Byers , Tom Rolfes, and Lori Lopez Urdiales
ROLL CALL, CALL TO ORDER, AND NOTICE OF POSTINGMr. Sweeney called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. There were ten members present at the time of roll call. A quorum was present to conduct official business. The meeting notice and agenda were posted to the NITC and Public Meeting Calendar web sites on May 17, 2005.
PUBLIC COMMENTThere was no public comment.
Ms. Hammack moved to approve the February 23, 2005 minutes as presented. Mr. Vap seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Belitz-Yes, Benson-Yes, Fitzgerald-Yes, Hammack-Yes, Hedquist-Yes, Manhart-Yes, Saathoff-Yes, Sweeney-Yes, Vap-Yes, and Williams-Yes. Results: 10-Yes, 0-No. Motion carried.
As new chair of the NITC, one of his goals is to meet with each of the NITC councils. The council members were thanked for their work and efforts as well as for volunteering their time. Information technology and technology literacy are important in enhancing the life and lifestyle of Nebraska’s citizens. The Legislature will be discussing and deciding on several incentives that are vital to connecting Nebraska. Lieutenant Governor Sheehy stated that the active involvement and participation of all advisory council’s is vital to accomplishing the NITC’s initiatives. Council members were given an opportunity to ask questions and/or provide comments.
Mr. Nolan joined the meeting at 1: 40 p.m.
Lisa Dominissee and Carol Brandl have resigned from the NITC Community Council.
Dr. Easterday has been nominated by the Telehealth Subcommittee to serve on the Community Council.
Mr. Vap moved to approve Dr. Jerry L. Easterday’s (PDF 22k) Community Council membership nomination for final approval by the NITC. Ms. Hammack seconded. Roll call vote: Williams-Yes, Vap-Yes, Sweeney-Yes, Saathoff-Yes, Nolan-Yes, Manhart-Yes, Hedquist-Yes, Hammack-Yes, Fitzgerald-Yes, Benson-Yes, and Belitz-Yes. Results: 11-Yes, 0-No. Motion carried.
After discussing possible nominations for Lisa Dominisee, the council recommended that Ms. Byers meet with the new Director of the Rural Development Commission when hired and then move forward to find a nominee.
Anne Byers, Community Information Technology Manager
Ms. Byers explained that the Community Technology Fund is funded through a portion of the cigarette tax dollars. With the drop in cigarette tax revenue, funds have not been available for competitive grants. For the past two years, the NITC has awarded $20,000 for the IT Planning and Mini Grant program. The number of applicants has dropped: 28 applications received the first year with 8 grants awarded; 7 applications received the second year; and only 6 applications received this past year.
Mr. Vap left at 2:22 p.m.
At the last Community Council meeting, members suggested to focus the mini-grant program on economic development. Ms. Byers worked with Connie Hancock, Dewey Teel and Marilyn Schlake to develop the Creating E-entrepreneurs Proposal (PDF 93k). The council questioned the impact of the proposal and whether it would be better to invite proposals from other entities.
Mr. Hedquist moved to proceed with a mini-grant program which would award grants from $1000 up to $5,000 to projects that would use information technology to enhance economic development. Ms. Fitzgerald seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Belitz-Yes, Benson-Yes, Fitzgerald-Yes, Hammack-Yes, Hedquist-Yes, Manhart-Yes, Nolan-Yes, Saathoff-Yes, Sweeney-Yes, and Williams-Yes. Results: 10-Yes, 0-No. Motion carried.
Mr. Hedquist suggest naming the mini grant program TIGER (Technology Innovation Grants for Economic Revitalization). By group consensus, the Council approved naming the program TIGER.
Anne Byers, Community I.T. Manager
TANgents. The next issue is being developed. In the last issue, Ms. Byers article, “Debate over public provision of telecommunication services heats up”, received national recognition.
IT Planning and Mini Grant Program. The communities enrolled are progressing smoothly. Hartington is planning a community e-Bay project. Cheyenne & Chappell Counties will be sending out an I.T. survey. Chappell is using their Nebraska Internet Enhancement Funds monies to fund wireless receivers for citizens. Nemaha County also received a NIEF grant and is assessing community demand. West Point has been focusing an e-government and holding community forums to gather input regarding the revision of their web site.
Anne Byers, Community IT Manager
At the June meeting, the NITC will review and approve the draft initiatives. Once approved, the NITC will rely on the councils to provide input and recommend action plans.
Mr. Belitz left the meeting at 3:00 p.m.
There was no new business.
The next meeting of the NITC Community Council will be in late August or early September.
Mr. Nolan moved to adjourned. M. Williams seconded. Roll call vote: Belitz-Yes, Benson-Yes, Fitzgerald-Yes, Hammack-Yes, Hedquist-Yes, Manhart-Yes, Saathoff-Yes, Sweeney-Yes, and Williams-Yes. Results: 9-Yes, 0-No. Motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:09 p.m.
Meeting minutes were taken by Lori Lopez Urdiales and reviewed by Anne Byers of the Office of the CIO/NITC.