All publications and reports are presented in PDF format.
NITC Report: Recommendations on Technology Investments for the FY2007-2009 Biennium - November 15, 2006 (PDF 2MB)
Project Proposals - Full Text | Summary Sheets | Agency (Agency Information Technology Plans) | Project Title |
05-01 | 05-01 | Supreme Court | E-Filing in JUSTICE |
05-02 | 05-02 | Supreme Court | Digital Audio Recorders |
13-01 | 13-01 | Department of Education | Nebraska Transcript Project |
25-01 | 25-01 | Health and Human Services System | New Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) |
25-02 | 25-02 | Health and Human Services System | Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) |
27-01 | 27-01 | Department of Roads | Expansion of Falcon DMS to Agencywide Use |
27-02 | Department of Roads | [Project Not Submitted] | |
27-03 | 27-03 | Department of Roads | Highway Condition Reporting System (HCRS) Enhancement |
37-01 | 37-01 | Workers' Compensation Court | WCC Internet Enhancement and Security |
37-02 | 37-02 | Workers' Compensation Court | Court Re-engineering - Adjudication |
37-03 | 37-03 | Workers' Compensation Court | Court Re-engineering - Vocational Rehabilitation |
47-01 | 47-01 | NET | Satellite Reconfiguration Project |
47-02 | 47-02 | NET | Public Media Archive and Distribution Project |
47-03 | 47-03 | NET | Public Media at the Capitol |
47-04 | 47-04 | NET | Final DTV Transmitter Conversion Project |
50-01 | 50-01 | State College System | Student Information Administrative System |
51-01 | 51-01 | University of Nebraska | Student Information System |
85-01 | 85-01 | Retirement | Migration of PIONEER to the jClarity Platform |