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Thursday, November 13, 2003, 1:00 p.m.
State Capitol, Room 1524
Lincoln, Nebraska

Lieutenant Governor Dave Heineman, Chair
Greg Adams, Mayor, City of York
Linda Aerni, Chief Executive Officer, Community Internet Systems
L. Merill Bryan, Senior Vice President & Chief Information Officer, Union Pacific
Trev Peterson, Attorney, Knudsen, Berkheimer, Richardson, and Endacott, LLP
Dr. L. Dennis Smith, President, University of Nebraska

Dr. Doug Christensen, Commissioner, Department of Education Dr. Eric Brown, Manager, KRVN Radio; and Hod Kosman, Chairman and President, Platte Valley Financial Services Companies


Lieutenant Governor Heineman called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. There were four members present at the time of roll call. A quorum was not present. Two Commissioners informed the CIO’s office that they would be arriving late to the meeting.It was stated that the meeting notice was posted to the NITC and Public Calendar Web sites on October 28, 2003 and that the agenda and meeting materials were posted to the NITC Web site on November 6, 2003. The minutes were tabled until a quorum was present.


There was no public comment.

Brenda Decker, Director, Communications, State of Nebraska

Phase I of the project for the University of Nebraska is near completion. The CAP group has been discussing provider and scheduling issues. There has been significant interest from the Educational Service Units. In fact, a consortium led by ESU 10 is already utilizing the statewide network. State attorneys are reviewing and finishing contract negotiations for Phase II. It is anticipated that the contract will be signed within the next 10 days. Some work has already started on Phase II. The project is still on target for the January 31, 2004 implementation date. The CAP work group has been moving forward on other issues such as the organizational and operational structure of the network, billing issues, and agreements between the University of Nebraska and the State of Nebraska to assure compliance with state statutes. Lieutenant Governor Heineman announced that there are news conferences scheduled for December 2nd beginning in North Platte, Alliance, and Norfolk regarding Phase II. Commissioners will be receiving an invitation to attend the conferences. There were no questions from the Commissioners.

K-12 Customer Profile - Alan Wibbels, Media Technology Director, Educational Service Unit 10

Mr. Wibbels distributed information on Project 42 (Word 5MB). Project 42 (a consortium of ESUs 10, 11, 15, 16) came into existence in an attempt to better utilize the fiscal and personnel resources of the four ESUs. The project serves 163 school districts in 33 counties and covers approximately 32,000 square miles. He reemphasized that K-12 and the ESU’s are very excited about the statewide network. The Internet provider for ESU 10 went bankrupt and left the ESU with no service. Staff of ESU 10 consulted with the staff of the University of Nebraska to work out an agreement for Internet service to begin immediately. The connection to the statewide network will save the Project 42 Consortium $2000/month on Internet services.

Mr. Wibbels entertained questions regarding the following:

  • The ESU networks and their involvement with Homeland Security efforts.
  • Redundancy in the network.
  • Discussion as to what part of state would be the next in need to connect to the Network.

President Smith arrived at 1:15 p.m.

Telehealth - Roger Keetle, Nebraska Hospital Association

The Public Service Commission has allocated the use of the Nebraska Universal Service Fund, to support a Statewide Telehealth network. Currently, $900,000 has been granted to support line charge costs for hospitals. In May, upon the request of the Public Service Commission, a proposal was submitted for a phased plan to provide telehealth in Nebraska. A bioterrorism grant has also provided some funding. The Nebraska Hospital Association has retained a full-time consultant to work on this telehealth effort. At the present time, discussions and efforts are being focused on the technical aspects of the network plan to determine how to connect various pods and hospitals. The FCC has just announced some new regulations to provide telehealth services and there could be some funding available to meet the new regulations.

Mr. Keetle entertained questions regarding the following:

  • Issues with HIPPA regulations. Most of Nebraska’s telehealth services will be educational so there should not be any HIPAA issues. President Smith stated that the connectivity and technology of the newly built University of Nebraska-Durham Center in Omaha should help facilitate the telehealth efforts in Nebraska.
  • Implementation of the telehealth network. The hubs are in place and operating but work needs to be completed on connectivity. It is anticipated that within the next 6 months the RFP will be ready for release. It was commented that it is critical to get this in place for bioterrorism preparation and response for Homeland Security.

Statewide Synchronous Video Network Work Group – Mike Beach, Director of Technology, Nebraska Educational Telecommunications Commission

At the September NITC meeting, the draft document of Round One Recommendations was shared with the Commission. One standard and one guideline were circulated by the Technical Panel for the 30-day public comment period. Comments were received and included in the document. After inclusion of the public comments, the document was forwarded by the Technical. The standard is an action item later on the agenda. The work group has been discussing the next steps: issues such as centralized scheduling, relationship issues regarding the state’s backbone and local entities, as well as funding sources for upgrading. Mr. Beach wanted to publicly thank the volunteers and their time and efforts serving on the work group. There were no questions from the Commissioners.


Status Report on Mini-planning Grants - Anne Byers, Community Information Technology Manager

There was not much to report since the last NITC meeting. The toolkit and workbook have been getting national recognition. The office has received many calls and contacts about both of these resources.

Lieutenant Governor Heineman asked if the Telecon Conference had any information on how Nebraska is doing in their telecommunications efforts. Ms. Byers stated that Nebraska is considered one of the leaders in this area.

Broadband Policy Study (PDF 74k) - Anne Byers, Community Information Technology Manager

Nebraska is ranked 17 overall and 10th in broadband policy. Ms. Byers submitted a written summary of the report’s recommendations. She reported that the Nebraska Telephone Association has collected information regarding the state’s broadband status and an article will be published in the next TANgents newsletter.

Lieutenant Governor Heineman distributed a letter from Great Plains Communications regarding technology at the new Ponca State Park and the Missouri National Recreational River Resource and Education Center.

E-government Initiative - Steve Schafer, Chief Information Officer

Mr. Schafer and Lieutenant Governor Heineman had an opportunity to brief the Governor on the state's e-government initiatives. The CIO is using grant monies from the State Records Board to implement several initiatives, including: the development and implementation of an education portal, a business portal and a citizens portal; forms automation, interactive licensing applications, and a payment portal. The CIO and NOL have identified high volume forms used by businesses in their interaction with state agencies. The Governor endorsed a goal of providing all high volume forms in electronic format by the end of this calendar year. All forms will be available in electronic format by December 31, 2004.

The management contract Nebrask@ Online is expiring. The State Records Board issued an RFP and is now negotiating a new contract with Nebraska Interactive, Inc. The RFP and new contract will bring several substantial changes and service enhancements for Nebraska.

The last document of the informational packet was the agenda for the upcoming e-government conference next Tuesday.


There was no update.


Commissioner Peterson moved to approve the September 30, 2003 minutes as presented. Commissioner Aerni seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Adams-Yes, Aerni-Yes, Heineman-Yes, Peterson-Yes, and Smith-Yes. Results: 5-Yes, 0-Yes. Motion was carried by unanimous vote.


Steve Schafer, Chief Information Officer

The councils have not been able to work on all of the action items but there has been some progress. Several of the council members have been serving on various work groups addressing several initiatives such as Network Nebraska.

Lieutenant Governor Heineman would like the Commission to take a more active role with the appropriations process for I.T. funding requests.


Community Council Report - Anne Byers, Community Information Technology Manager

Report information was covered earlier under Community and Economic Development.

Education Council Report - Tom Rolfes, Education Information Technology Manager

The October 17 meeting that was to be held at Millard Public Schools was cancelled. The next meeting will be November 21st at Southeast Community College-Downtown Campus at Energy Square in Lincoln. The council had no action items or updates to report. Much of the council’s time has been spent on “communication” efforts to make sure all sectors are informed about what the council is doing as well as the statewide network. Communication has been occurring via meetings, the, and e-mail discussion lists.

Lieutenant Governor Heineman stated that it is critical to continue existing communicating efforts and to continue to reach out more in order to breakdown misconceptions.

Mr. Bryan arrived at 2:05 p.m.

State Government Council - Steve Schafer and Rick Becker

Mr. Schafer reported that the council had no formal action items to bring forward. An action items update was provided. The council has held several working sessions to develop a strategy for enterprise architecture. The council’s goal is come up with a systematic approach to determine what topics should be addressed as enterprise subjects, assure quality services, and the standards that need to be developed.

Mr. Becker provided an update on the state’s email systems. The State Government Council re-chartered the 1997 e-mail Work Group to address email enterprise efforts. There are currently four email systems in place for the state – Lotus Notes, Outlook Exchange and internet accounts. The Work Group is exploring issues such as the development of an enterprise architecture, security, back-up, and integration of directory services. The workgroup will prepare a report and recommendations for the council.

Technical Panel Report - Walter Weir, Chief Information Officer, University of Nebraska

The Technical Panel has met twice since the last NITC meeting. The most recent meeting was November 12, 2003. The Department of Roads provided a briefing on the Enterprise Maintenance Management System (EMMS). An RFP is ready to be released. In addition, Alan Wibbels provided a briefing on ODIE (Open Door Information Exchange) System used by ESU 10. The Technical Panel recommended the following four guidelines/standards for review and final approval by the NITC.

Blocking E-mail Attachments Guidelines

Commissioner Smith moved to approve the Blocking E-mail Attachment Guideline (PDF 114k) to include the option of sending the e-mail on to the receiver without the attachment. Commissioner Peterson seconded the motion: Roll call vote: Smith-Yes, Peterson-Yes, Heineman-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Aerni-Yes, and Adams-Yes. Results: 6-Yes, 0-No. Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Blocking Unsolicited E-mail/”SPAM” Guidelines

Issues discussed included the following: number of spam e-mail received at the state level; agencies' preference to allow blocking; untraceable emails; prescribed black lists; identified white list; concerns with need to send back to the SPAM sender, esp. due to virus detectors; agencies need to know when these events occur if blocked; and difficulty in determining what is legitimate e-mail and which is not.

Commissioner Smith moved to approve the Guideline for Blocking Unsolicited E-mail/”SPAM” (PDF 104k). Commissioner Peterson seconded the motion: Roll call vote: Peterson-Yes, Aerni-Yes, Smith-Yes, Adams-Yes, Heineman-Yes, and Bryan-Yes. Results: 6-Yes, 0-No. Motion carried by unanimous vote.

IP Communication Protocol Standard for Synchronous Distance Learning and Videoconferencing

Mr. Beach stated that the Statewide Synchronous Video work group involved representatives from the K-12, Higher Education, the Military, libraries and telehealth sectors. The recommendation is for the network to be IP-based.

Commissioner Smith moved to approve the IP Communication Protocol Standard for Synchronous Distance Learning and Videoconferening (PDF 145k). Commissioner Peterson seconded the motion: Roll call vote: Bryan-Yes, Heineman-Yes, Aerni-Yes, Peterson-Yes, Adams-Yes, and Smith-Yes. Results: 6-Yes, 0-No. Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Contracting Guidelines for Upgrade of Distance Learning Services

Mr. Beach reviewed the changes made after the 30-day comment period.

Commissioner Smith moved to approve the Contracting Guidelines for Upgrade of Distance Learning Services (PDF 114k). Commissioner Peterson seconded the motion: Roll call vote: Heineman-Yes, Adams-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Smith-Yes, Peterson-Yes, and Aerni-Yes. Results: 6-Yes, 0-No. Motion carried by unanimous vote.


The Commissioners discussed possible statutory changes for the use of videoconferencing for official meetings. Lieutenant Governor Heineman spoke with Alan Peterson, representing the Nebraska Media Association, and they’re not prepared to support a change to the statute at this time. Commissioner Aerni expressed concern regarding travel and time involved for outstate Nebraska Commissioners.


After collecting input from the commissioners, some proposed 2004 meeting dates did not work. Staff will finalize dates within the next few days. Lieutenant Governor Heineman emphasized the importance of the work tasks for the upcoming year. Commissioners were invited to stay and participate in the briefing with Senator Baker, Chair of the Legislative Transportation and Telecommunications Committee.

Commissioner Adams moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Bryan seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion carried by voice vote.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:55 p.m.

Meeting minutes were taken by Lori Lopez Urdiales and reviewed by the staff of the Office of the CIO/NITC.

Meeting Minutes