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Friday, January 27, 2006, 9:30 a.m.
Videoconference Sites:

Executive Building-Videoconference Room 103, 521 South 14th Street, Lincoln, Nebraska

Chadron State College, Student Center-Scottsbluff Room, 10th & Main, Chadron, Nebraska



Lieutenant Governor Rick Sheehy, Chair (Lincoln Site)

Greg Adams, Mayor, City of York (Lincoln Site)

Dr. Eric Brown, Manager, KRVN Radio (Lincoln Site)

L. Merill Bryan, Senior Vice President & Chief Information Officer, Union Pacific (Retired), (Lincoln Site)

Dr. Janie Park, President, Chadron State College (Chadron Site)

Trev Peterson, Attorney, Knudsen, Berkheimer, Richardson, and Endacott, LLP (Lincoln Site)

MEMBERS ABSENT: Linda Aerni, Chief Executive Officer, Community Internet Systems; Dr. Doug Christensen, Nebraska Department of Education; Senator Phil Erdman, Ex-officio; and Dr. Doug Kristensen, Chancellor, University of Nebraska-Kearney


Lieutenant Governor Sheehy called the meeting to order at 9:34 a.m. Roll call was taken. A quorum of seven-voting members was present to conduct official business. It was stated that the meeting notice was posted to the NITC and Public Meeting Calendar Web sites on Wednesday, January 18, 2006. The meeting agenda was posted to the NITC Web site on Friday, January 20, 2006.

Commissioner Bryan arrived at 9:39 a.m.


Great Plains Regional Medical Center, Good Samaritan Hospital, Faith Regional Health System, and Saint Francis Medical Center joined the meeting via the telehealth network. The Nebraska Statewide Telehealth Network has completed its network backbone. The NITC presented letters of appreciation to the following individuals for their efforts in the development of the network: Bryan LGH Medical Center staff Carol Brandl and Jaine Graham; Dave Glover, DKG Consultants; Good Samaritan Hospital staff Lesley Bollwitt and Wanda Kjar; Brandon Kelliher, Great Plains Regional Medical Center; David Lawton, Nebraska Health and Human Services System; Nebraska Hospital Association staff Roger Keetle and Sandy Johnson; Tony Sambol, Nebraska Public Health Laboratory; Nebraska Public Service Commissioners Anne Boyle and Lowell Johnson; Nebraska Public Service Commission staff Gene Hand, Jeff Pursley, and Camelia Rogers; Rita Parris, Public Health Association of Nebraska; Perry Delzer, Regional West Medical Center; Tad Hunt, St. Elizabeth Regional Medical Center; Donna Hammack, St. Elizabeth Foundation; Warren Pennell, St. Francis Medical Center; Max Thacker, University of Nebraska Medical Center; and University of Nebraska staff Rick Golden, Christopher Boilesen, and Walter Weir. Other individuals that were acknowledged but not in attendance were as follows: Central Nebraska Area Health Education Center staff Sarah Cunningham and Stan Sojka; Don Cope, Faith Regional Health Services; Laura Redoutey, Nebraska Hospital Association; Roger Hahn, Nebraska Information Network; Nebraska Public Service Commissioners Rod Johnson, Frank Landis and Jerry Vap.

Mr. Keetle provided remarks and expressed thanks to several individuals, the NITC, the Community Council and the Telehealth subcommittee.

Lieutenant Governor Sheehy commented that Nebraska is one of the country’s leaders in telehealth efforts. On February 23rd, Secretary Levitt will be visiting Nebraska. Plans are to demonstrate the Nebraska Statewide Telehealth Network at that time.

Governor Heineman is attending former Congresswoman Virginia Smith’s funeral today. In the Governor’s absence, Lieutenant Governor Sheehy is responsible for the Governor’s obligations and will need to leave the meeting early. In order to accomplish the action items, a revised agenda was distributed.


Commissioner Peterson moved to approve the November 8, 2005 minutes as presented. Commissioner Brown seconded. Roll call vote: Adams-Yes, Brown-Yes, Bryan-Abstain, Park-Yes, Sheehy-Yes, and Peterson-Yes. Results: Yes-5, No-0, Abstain-1. Motion carried by majority vote.


There was no public comment.


At the September NITC meeting, eight initiatives for the Statewide Technology Plan were approved: Nebraska Statewide Telehealth Network, Network Nebraska, Statewide Synchronous Video Network, Community IT Planning and Development, Digital Education, State Government Efficiency, E-Government, and Security and Business Resumption. The Technical Panel and councils were tasked to develop the action items that would address the eight initiatives. There are 46 action items plus 10 future action items. Ms. Decker reported that 30 of the action items have been completed from the previous plan. Various action items are joint efforts among the councils.

Commissioner Bryan recommended several changes to the draft action items.

Commissioner Adams moved to approve the Action Items (PDF 109k) for inclusion in the Statewide Technology Plan with the recommended changes. Commissioner Brown seconded. Roll call vote: Peterson-Yes, Sheehy-Yes, Park-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Brown-Yes, and Adams-Yes. Results: Yes-6, No-0. Motion carried.

Anne Byers, Community I.T. Manager

The Nebraska Statewide Telehealth Network backbone has been completed. The TIGER mini-grant contacts have been sent to grantees. Ms. Byers and Lieutenant Governor Sheehy visited the grantees to announce their awards. Ms. Byers will be working with the Department of Economic Development regarding the possible use of video and audio casting to promote tourism. Tom Rolfes has contacted Apple Computer about a video tourism contest for the State of Nebraska that would involve K-12 students. There were no action items from the council.

Tom Rolfes, Education I.T. Manager

The Education Council has discussed and approved their action items for three of the initiatives: Network Nebraska, Statewide Synchronous Video Network and Digital Education. The Council also discussed the Distance Education Enhancement Task Force Report and LB 1208. Rather than take action as a council, council members agreed to address issues and concerns through their sectors and professional organizations at the LB 1208 hearing. At the January meeting, the council voted unanimously to recommend Ron Cone for Alan Wibbels replacement to complete his term representing Educational Service Units. Terry Haack was elected to serve as co-chair with Dr. Huck through June 30, 2006.

Commissioner Peterson moved to approve the Education Council’s nomination of Ron Cone (PDF 8k) to serve as Alan Wibbels replacement. Commissioner Bryan seconded. Roll call vote: Bryan-Yes, Park-Yes, Sheehy-Yes, Peterson-Yes, Adams-Yes, and Brown-Yes. Results: Yes-6, No-0. Motion carried.

The Education Council’s charter was reviewed and discussed. The council approved the following changes: harmonized reference to statutes; 6.2.1 professional associations were designated to nominate sector representation for K12 and high education; 6.3 a sentence was added regarding regular meeting attendance; 7.1.2 service of co-chairs was changed to two-year elected terms; and 7.4 the meeting frequency was changed from monthly to bi-monthly.

Commissioner Brown moved to approve the revised Education Council charter (PDF 30k). Commissioner Adams seconded. Roll call vote: Park-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Brown-Yes, Adams-Yes, Peterson-Yes, and Sheehy-Yes. Results: Yes-6, No-0. Motion carried.

Rick Becker, Government I.T. Manager

The State Government Council has held three meetings since the last NITC meeting. One meeting was a regular business meeting at which time the council discussed shared services. The new manager for was introduced at the meeting. Lieutenant Governor Sheehy chaired two special meetings with agency directors to discuss disaster recovery and business continuity. The council had no action items.

Walter Weir, Chair

The Technical Panel has met twice since the last NITC meeting. The panel would like to recommend for final approval by the NITC the Land Record Information & Mapping Standards. The purpose of the standard is to assure the uniform use, maintenance and distribution of Nebraska’s land records. Most are common standards that are already in use. Larry Zink, GIS Coordinator, was present and recognized for his efforts in the development of the standard.

Commissioner Bryan moved to approve the Land Record Information & Mapping Standards (PDF 59k). Commissioner Park seconded. Roll call vote: Adams-Yes, Brown-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Park-Yes, Sheehy-Yes, and Peterson-Yes. Results: Yes-6, No-0. Motion carried.


Brenda Decker, Chief Information Officer

Commissioner Brown chaired the remainder of the NITC meeting.
Lieutenant Governor Sheehy left the meeting at 10:19 a.m.

NITC Directive for restoration timeline and priority. The State Government Council deals primarily with technical issues, standards and guidelines and is represented by agency information technology staff. As stated in the council’s report, the Lieutenant Governor called a meeting with agency directors to discuss disaster recovery and business continuity for state government. Agencies that are not part of the State Government Council for eg. NEMA, and the Department of Banking were also invited. At the second meeting, the agencies critical service functions were identified, as well as the time frame needed to have services stored. The next phase for the group will be the prioritization of these functions. After agency directors have developed a plan, it will be recommended to the NITC. If approved, the NITC will make a recommendation to the Homeland Security Group.

Legislation: Information Technology Services. During this legislative session, Senator Schimek introduced LB 921 which would officially change the reporting structure of the Division of Communications (voice, data and video services for state government) and the Information Management Services (computing approves programming/hardware/software) from the Department of Administrative Services Director to the Chief Information Officer. It does not create another department or agency. This will give the CIO operational and policy authority. Ms. Decker testified at the hearing yesterday. At the hearing, Senator Mines asked if the NITC was in agreement with the bill.

Commissioner Peterson moved that the NITC declare its support for LB 921 to merge the information technology divisions under the Office of the CIO. Commissioner Bryan seconded. Roll call vote: Peterson-Yes, Sheehy-Yes, Park-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Brown-Yes, and Adams-Yes. Results: Yes-6, No-0. Motion carried.

LB 689 Distance Education Enhancement Task Force Report & LB 1208 Distance Education Enhancement (PDF). Ms. Decker briefing reviewed some of the issues relating to the NITC as indicated in the document sent to commissioners. Ms. Decker stated that the report was not officially approved or voted on by the task force. At the last meeting in December, Senator Raikes made it clear that his staff will be developing the final report and that he will be introducing the bill. LB 1208 will implement recommendations from the Task Force Report. One of the recommendations is the creation of a Distance Education Council that will be receiving funding to purchase some equipment and a scheduling software system. Equipment over $10,000 must be approved by the Technical Panel. The NITC has yet to set a standard for the scheduling system. As the bill currently reads, there is no reporting structure for the Distance Education Council. Commissioner Brown stated that Lieutenant Governor Sheehy raised many of the NITC concerns. Mr. Rolfes informed the commissioners that the hearing for LB 1208 is scheduled for February 13th at 1:30 p.m.


Officially, this is the last meeting for the commissioners whose terms expire in April. On behalf of the Lieutenant Governor, Ms. Decker invited those commissioners to attend the April meeting for a formal recognition, as well as to assist with the transition of the new commissioners.

On behalf of Commissioner Aerni, Ms. Decker distributed an article entitled “Supreme Court Rejects BlackBerry Patent Appeal”.


The next meeting of the NITC is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, April 18, 2006, 1:30 p.m. The location will be determined at a later date.

Commissioner Adams moved to adjourn. Commissioner Peterson seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 a.m.

Meeting minutes were taken by Lori Lopez Urdiales and reviewed by the staff of the Office of the CIO/NITC.

Meeting Minutes