Monday, August 30, 1999, 10:00 a.m.
McKinley Education Center,301 West F, North Platte, Nebraska
Lieutenant Governor Dave Maurstad, Chair | Gary Kuck, Centurion International |
L. Merill Byran, Union Pacific | Dr. Dennis Smith, University of Nebraska |
Dr. Doug Christensen, Department of Education | Dr. Eric Brown, Station KRVN |
Hod Kosman, Platte Valley Financial Services | |
MEMBERS ABSENT: Senator Robert Kerrey and Greg Adams, City of York |
Lt. Governor Maurstad called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. Roll call was taken. A quorum existed with seven Commissioners present. Lt. Governor announced that notice of the public meeting was given by electronic means. The meeting date, time and location were posted to the NITC website on August 10th.
Commissioner Smith moved and it was seconded by Commissioner Brown to approve the June 29th minutes. Roll Call Vote: Brown-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Christensen-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Kuck-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, and Smith-Yes. Motion carried.
There was no public comment.
Customer Service Policy (Part 1.E):
Commissioner Christensen moved and it was seconded by Commissioner Smith to accept the Draft Customer Service Policy for discussion. Roll Call Vote: Brown-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Christensen-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Kuck-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, and Smith-Yes. Motion carried.
Steve Schafer, State of Nebraska Chief Information Officer, informed the Commissioners that all code agencies have been requested by the Governor to develop a Customer Service Policy. It was recommended by staff that the policy become part of the Statewide Plan. Commissioner Christensen recommended the inclusion of education under item #5 Local Government Relations. The following reworded sentence was suggested "The CIO and the NITC will promote good working relationships with associations representing local governments for cities, counties and schools/colleges."
Commissioner Kosman moved and it was seconded by Commissioner Brown to approve the Customer Service Policy as amended. Roll Call Vote: Christensen-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Kuck-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, Smith-Yes, Brown-Yes, Bryan-Yes. Motion carried.
Technical Panel Charter (Appendix 2.D):
Rick Becker, Government Information Technology Manager, provided a brief history and summary of the charter. The Technical Panel recommended that the CIO and the NITC Executive Director be included as members. Membership will be discussed under New Business.
Commissioner Smith moved and it was seconded by Commissioner Brown to change the wording of Section 6.1 to read "The Technical Panel may include but not be limited to five members and alternates, as approved by the Commission". Roll Call Vote: Kosman-Yes, Kuck-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, Smith-Yes, Brown-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Christensen-Yes. Motion carried.
Commissioner Smith moved and it was seconded by Commissioner Brown to eliminate Section 6.3 from the charter. Roll Call Vote: Kuck-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, Smith-Yes, Brown-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Christensen-Yes, Kosman-Yes. Motion carried. It was by group consensus to also eliminate Section 6.5 from the Charter.
Commissioner Smith moved and it was seconded by Commissioner Christensen to approve the Technical Panel Charter as amended. Roll Call Vote: Maurstad-Yes, Smith-Yes, Brown-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Christensen-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Kuck-Yes. Motion carried.
Rod Bates, NET Director, provided a brief history and update on the satellite and DTV projects. The satellite replacement project is under way. The goal is to complete transition from analog to digital by late 1999 or early 2000. Comark has been hired as the consultant for the digital television project. The FCC deadline is 2006 or when 85% of the population is able to receive the signal. There is no definite federal funding support at this time. Legislature approved $44 million of the $62 million dollars requested. NETC is pursuing long-term funding. Lt. Governor Maurstad offered to meet with Mr. Bates to discuss federal funding options and strategies. (Copy of presentation is available upon request.)
Advisory Group Guidelines (Part 2.B) - Michael Winkle:
Concerns were expressed regarding the following: 1) number of groups who may want to become an advisory group to the NITC, 2) utilization of the three existing councils and the NITC Executive Director to recommend groups, 3) policy is too broad as written, needs to be more specific. Lt. Governor Maurstad recommended and it was be group consensus that staff rewrite the policy for discussion at the next NITC meeting.
Walter Weir, Chief Information Officer, University of Nebraska, presented a history and overview of the Technical Panel. Responsibilities of the Technical Panel include the following: (1) Review any technology project or request for additional funding recommend to the NITC include any recommendations by working groups established under section 86-1501 to 86-1514; (2) Upon conclusion of the review of technology projects or requests for additional funding, the Technical Panel shall provide its analysis to the NITC; and (3) Recommend technical standards and guidelines to be considered for adoption by the NITC. (Copy of the presentation is available upon request.)
Tim Erickson, Intergovernmental Data Services, and Brenda Decker, Division of Communications, presented information on the study and were available for questions. (Copy of presentation is available upon request.)
TINA Objectives are as follows: (a) Prepare a comprehensive inventory and assessment of the current telecommunications infrastructure; (b) Identify new telecommunications and information technologies and plan for the future public and private development; (c) Identify current and future information applications requirements for communities of interest: state and local government, higher education, K-12, libraries, tribal governments, community networks, etc. and providers; d) Identify policy issues for consideration by appropriate policy making entities; (e) Identify the implication that a proper network design would have on economic development; (f) Engage communities of interest in preparing telecommunications strategies recommendations with a business case, budget and timeline; (g) Recommend an on-going process to implement, review and revise to meet needs; (h) Provide dialog with communities of interest; and (i) Inform Nebraska public officials about strategies.
The TINA study fits with the statewide plan as follows:(a) Provides a portion of the inventory for the technology information clearinghouse; (b) Helps to identify definitions and components of the technical infrastructure; and (c) Augment portions of the strategic directions for the technical infrastructure. Draft plan will be available for implementation in conjunction with Statewide Technology Plan and operational aspects will continue until the final plan is adopted.
Mr. Winkle informed the Commissioners that the Division of Communications did not request or receive additional funding for the study for this biennium. Because there are many of the components of the study that are beneficial to the Statewide technology Plan, there is a strong need for the study to be completed. The total cost for the study is $286,000. Communications will contribute $200,000 and Intergovernmental Data Services will contribute some funding. The NITC/CIO has been approached to contribute $50,000 toward the cost of the study. It is the recommendation of the staff, Technical Panel, Community and Government Councils to utilize the $20,000 from each of their funds and $10,000 from the CIO/NITC budget.
Commissioner Christensen moved and it was seconded by Commissioner Brown to approve the expenditure of $20,000 from the Community Technology Fund, $20,000 from the Government Technology Collaboration Fund and $10,000 from the CIO/NITC budget for the TINA Study. Roll Call Vote: Christensen-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Kuck-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, Smith-Yes, Brown-Yes, Bryan-Yes. Motion carried.
Process for Preparing, Reviewing, and Updating Standards and Requirements (Part 3.A):
Steve Schafer reviewed the document with Commissioners and was available for comments and questions. Commissioner Christensen moved and it was seconded by Commissioner Smith to approve Process for Preparing, Reviewing, and Updating Standards and Requirements (Part 3.A) as presented. Roll Call Vote: Kosman-Yes, Kuck-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, Smith-Yes, Brown-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Christensen-Yes. Motion carried.
Overview of Planning and Project Management (Part 4.A):
Steve Schafer reviewed the document with Commissioners and was available for comments and questions. Commissioner Christensen moved and it was seconded by Commissioner Smith to approve Overview of Planning and Project Management (Part 4.A) as presented. Roll Call Vote: Kuck-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, Smith-Yes, Brown-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Christensen-Yes, Kosman-Yes. Motion carried.
DISCUSSION - Michael Winkle:
Statewide Technology Plan Element - Project Proposal Forms (Part 4.D):
Mr. Winkle requested input from the Commissioner on the proposal forms. After Commissioners review the document, other groups will have an opportunity to provide input - the councils, budget Office, Fiscal Office, Appropriations and Transportation Committees. The financial form was developed with the assistance of the Budget Office. Recommendations from the Commissioners included: 1) utilizing bullets instead of numbers under each sections, 2) add a sentence to each section requesting applicants to address the bulleted points "as appropriate" to their proposal, and 3) include a sample of an accurately completed form.
Statewide Technology Plan Element - Assessment Document for Project Proposals (Part 4.E):
Commissioners recommended designing a scoring mechanism of some type to assist with rating and prioritization. Once the councils have scored and rated the proposal, they would recommend a prioritized list to the NITC. The NITC would then review the Council's lists and make prioritized recommendations. Commissioners also suggested developing a document that would list the Council's score of the project and a brief project description for the Commissioner's review. Staff will work on both documents for the next meeting.
COMMUNITY COUNCIL - Anne Byers, Community Information Technology Manager, reported that the council has been working on and the development of an action plan. An item of discussion had been the use of the Community Technology Collaboration Fund. The Community Council of the NITC recommends that first priority for Community Technology Fund awards be given to projects which directly address the Council's action plan. The Council will determine the amount of funds necessary for projects before the NITC's November 15 meeting. Any remaining funds will be available for competitive grants. A competitive grant round would be announced in late November with a late January application deadline. The Council recommends that competitive grants be awarded only to projects which clearly address Council priorities. Specific guidelines would be issued with the announcement of the competitive grants.
Commissioner Christensen moved and it was seconded by Commissioner Brown to approve the Community Council's Technology Fund Guidelines for 1999-2000. Roll Call Vote: Christensen-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Kuck-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, Smith-Yes, Brown-Yes, Bryan-Yes. Motion carried.
EDUCATION COUNCIL - Allan Wibbels, Education Council Co-Chair and Tom Rolfes, Education Information Technology Manager presented three documents for the Commissioners' review and approval. The first two documents were the Council's proposed Telecommunications Committees Structure and Duties and Proposed Membership. Discussion followed regarding the need for representation of the Department of Education. Commissioner Smith moved and it was seconded by Commissioner Christensen to add a representative from the Department of Education on each of the committees changing their status from liaison to a voting member. This would make a change of five K-12 and five postsecondary voting members for the Policies, Procedures and Planning Committee. Roll Call Vote: Kosman-Yes, Kuck-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, Smith-Yes, Brown-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Christensen-Yes. Motion carried.
The Education Technology 2010-Preparing Learners for the 21st Century Conference will be held on February 24-25, 2000 in Grand Island. The Education Commission of the States is assisting in planning the conference. Commissioner Smith recommended contacting the Council on Competitiveness, Business Higher Education Forum, National Association of Systems Heads to be consulted about the conference. Mr. Wibbels asked if the NITC would like to endorse the conference. Lt. Governor Maurstad moved and it was seconded by Commissioner Christensen that the NITC endorse the Education Technology 2010 Conference. Roll Call Vote: Kuck-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, Smith-Yes, Brown-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Christensen-Yes, Kosman-Yes. Motion carried.
Mr. Wibbels also reported that the Education Council has been working on sector priorities and that the next meetings will focus on the development of an action plan.
GOVERNMENT COUNCIL - Mr. Schafer reported that the council has met twice since the last NITC meeting. The Council has been working on the sector priorities and strategies for developing an action plan. At the August meeting, the Council heard reports on NIS (Nebraska Information System), GIS (Geographic Information System), TINA (Telecommunications Infrastructure Needs Assessment) and the Secretary of State's E-mail, Imaging and Website Standards Project.
Mr. Schafer announced that the Secretary of State Records Board, Governor's Office and the NITC are sponsoring an E-Government Conference to be held on September 30th and October 1st at the Continuing Education Center in Lincoln.
The Governor's Y2000 Council met on August 25th. Each of the sectors shared information on Y2K readiness status. There is concern regarding readiness of smaller local governments, communities, and small businesses. State government is in good shape.
There will be a Providers Forum on September 8th, 10:00 a.m., Energy Square, Southeast Community College Board Room, 1111 O Street in Lincoln.
Discussions have been initiated with Secretary of State and Nebraska On-Line regarding the development of on-line public notice for state government meetings.
Mr. Schafer distributed an organizational chart of the CIO/NITC and was commended by the Commission for his effots.
Mr. Winkle presented the Technical Panel membership for approval by the NITC. Members would include the following: Brenda Decker, Department of Administrative Services; Walter Weir, Chief Information Officer, University of Nebraska; Peter Ford, Assistant General Manager for Engineering, Nebraska Educational Telecommunications; Michael Winkle, NITC Executive Director; and Steve Schafer, Chief Information Officer, State of Nebraska.
Commissioner Brown moved and it was seconded by Commissioner Kosman to approve the Technical Panel membership as presented. Roll Call Vote: Maurstad-Yes, Smith-Yes, Brown-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Christensen-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Kuck-Yes. Motion carried.
Staff will check on Commissioners' availability for the first or second week in November. Lt. Governor Maurstad adjourned the meeting at 2:35 p.m.
Minutes taken by Lori Lopez Urdiales, Administrative Assistant, and reviewed by staff of the Office of the Chief Information Officer/NITC.
Meeting Minutes