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Chadron State College
Burkheiser Building-Room 109
1000 Main Street, Chadron, Nebraska
Friday, August 4, 2006, 1:00 p.m.


Lt. Governor Sheehy called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. The meeting notice and meeting agenda were posted to the NITC and Public Meeting Calendar Web sites on July 26, 2006. Lt. Governor Sheehy announced that a copy of the Open Meetings Act was located on the back table next to the entrance.

Roll call: Lt. Governor Sheehy-Yes, Pat Flanagan-Yes, Trev Peterson-Yes, Dan Hoesing-Yes, Mike Huggenberger-Yes, Lance Hedquist-Yes, Dr. Doug Kristensen-Yes, Dr. Janie Park-Yes. Eight commissioners were present and a quorum existed to perform official business.

MEMBERS ABSENT: Linda Aerni, Chief Executive Officer, Community Internet Systems

The Lt. Governor thanked Dr. Park for hosting the meeting.

Commissioner Peterson moved to approve the  May 1, 2006 minutes. Commissioner Hedquist seconded. There were no corrections or discussion. Roll call: Sheehy-Yes, Flanagan-Yes, Peterson-Yes, Hoesing-Yes, Huggenberger-Yes, Hedquist-Yes, Park-Yes. Motion was approved.

Steve Henderson, I.T. Administrator for Planning and Project Management, Office of the CIO
Walter Weir, CIO, University of Nebraska

Portfolio Management is a technique used to analyze and manage IT investment projects and decisions:

  • Uses common, non-technical language to communicate the status of key initiatives
  • Highlights critical success factors of initiatives
  • Balances risk to maximize rate of return
  • Increases performance through effective use of resources: people, funding, assets and processes

The State of Nebraska has been using project management software since 1998 to help manage large-scale I.T. projects.

The University of Nebraska has been using Portfolio Management techniques for the last six years to help evaluate work activity in alignment with their strategic framework. Mr. Weir and Mr. Henderson proceeded with the rest of the PowerPoint presentation and provided time for questions.

Discussions occurred regarding the human factor in scoring the various values and data sets, ownership of the data, and incorporating security, disaster recovery, and infrastructure components. Commissioners would like the commission to address the process not only for new projects but for those old systems needing upgrading.  Security and disaster recovery components/infrastructure related issues can be incorporated.  Lieutenant Governor Sheehy has been meeting with agency directors regarding disaster recovery and business continuity.  The next practical step is to adopt portions of portfolio management for this biennial funding cycle.  The University of Nebraska and State of Nebraska staff will collaborate to develop a tool that will work for the I.T. project proposal reviews and recommendations.

LB 1208, Brenda Decker, Chief Information Officer.  The implementation activities related to LB 1208 are moving forward. Eight different work groups have been established:  Cost Structure and Billing, Distance Education Council Collaboration, Statewide Scheduling System, Edge Device Bidding, Video Codec Bidding, Statewide eRate Application, Other DL Equipment Bidding, and Network Design/Support. Network Nebraska now is recognized in state statutes. Schools do not have to be part of Network Nebraska to participate in eRate. The eRate work group is working out details for a statewide eRate application.  The Nebraska Department of Education could be the entity that would file.  The CIO has awarded Phase III of the backbone to Alltel and it will be an MPLS network. After completion, the costs for entities in Scottsbluff will be similar to entities in Lincoln.  Network Nebraska will soon be reaching to Chadron and South Sioux City.

Broadband Services Task Force, Lieutenant Governor Sheehy.  The Task Force has completed discussing and reviewing all the points addressed by the legislature.  A small sub-group is working on the report that is due December 1st. There is consensus in some areas. In other areas there is not consensus.  The Public Service Commission completed their report on broadband services in Nebraska and will be doing a workshop on August 22nd at 2:30 p.m. in Lincoln.  Dr. Kristensen stated that the group has been very engaged and that there will be some good information coming out of the task force report. 

ITS Annual Report 2006, Brenda Decker.  The report is near completion.  The Office of the CIO decided that it was necessary for agencies to know what has been happening and what has been done in the area of ITS.  It is in the final draft stages and will be out electronically to commissioners.

Security, Steve Hartman, State Security Officer.  Feedback for the first Cyberspace Security conference has been very positive.  Planning is currently underway for next year’s conference.  The conference will be held earlier in the Spring so that college students can participate.

Anne Byers, Community I.T. Manager

MEMBERSHIP.  The Council recommends approval of the following five new nominees to serve on the Community Council:
Stacey Aldrich, representing Local Government and Libraries
Scott W. Bovick, representing Rural and Community IT Development
Brad McPeak, representing Rural and Community IT Development
Donald F. Costello, representing Rural and Community IT Development
Delane A. Wycoff, MD, representing Health

Commissioner Peterson moved to approve the Community Council’s membership recommendations as presented.  Mr. Park seconded.  Roll call: Sheehy-Yes, Peterson-Yes, Park-Yes, Kristensen-Yes, Huggenberger-Yes, Hoesing-Yes, Hedquist-Yes, and Flanagan-Yes. Motion was approved.

Senator Erdman left the meeting.

TIGER Mini grant 6 Month Report.  Commissioner Hedquist commented that the TIGER grants have started economic development in communities and that it was an excellent way to spend the dollars.  Mr. Huggenberger commented that Great Plains Communications would like to do more basic Internet 101 classes in smaller communities and would like to see more projects like Wayne in other communities.


The Community Technology Fund was created by the Legislature.  Originally, there was approximately $200,000 of general funds to award to projects.  Currently, monies come from the cigarette tax dollars.  The funding amount available for this funding cycle is $20,000.

The University of Nebraska in conjunction with the NITC Community Council is requesting $19,030 to work with three pilot communities or regional groups to develop podcasts which promote tourism, events, recreation, historic sites, and other activities. The project will also train approximately 30 University of Nebraska Extension, Division of Tourism, Department of Economic Development, and Nebraska Lied Main Street staff on podcast production. Project partners include the NITC Community Council, University of Nebraska, Network Nebraska, Department of Economic Development, Division of Tourism, and Nebraska Lied Main Street program. Commissioners were given an opportunity to ask questions.  Commissioners recommended that smaller communities be given serious consideration.  There is a lot of interest in podcasting across the state.

Commissioner Flanagan moved to approve the Community Council’s recommendation for  the special project proposal Podcasting Across Nebraska to be funded through the Community Technology Fund.  Commissioner Kristensen seconded.  Roll call:  Huggenberger-Yes, Hoesing-Yes, Kristensen-Yes, Peterson-Yes, Flanagan-Yes, Sheehy-Yes, Park-Yes, and Hedquist-Yes. Motion was approved.

Tom Rolfes, Education I.T. Manager

The council met on May 19th at Creighton University to discuss LB1208 and to encourage involvement of members to serve on the LB1208 activity work groups.  There was good discussion and insight gained regarding the network design, equity in costs and rates for K-12 and higher education, and the regional support mechanisms that will be in place once LB 1208 is implemented.

The council is recommending approval of the following nominees to serve on the Education Council:
Higher education membership renewals - Arnold Bateman, Dennis Linster, and Clark Chandler
Higher education new member representing Community colleges - Eileen Ely
K-12 Education membership renewal - Ron Cone, Terry Haack, Jeff Johnson, and Linda Richards

Commissioner Hedquist moved to approve the Education Council’s membership recommendations as presented.  Commissioner Huggenberger seconded. Roll call vote:  Kristensen-Yes, Park-Yes, Peterson-Yes, Sheehy-Yes, Flanagan-Yes, Hedquist-Yes, Hoesing-Yes, and Huggenberger-Yes. Motion was approved.

Rick Becker, Government I.T. Manager

Agencies have been working on agency I.T. plans and biennial project proposals. The Technical Panel will be discussing the use of portfolio management for the project proposal forms.  The budget review timelines were presented.  The NITC will be voting on biennial budget proposals at the November meeting.

Walter Weir, Chair

The Technical Panel has met three times since the last NITC meeting.  Their work continues with the review and recommendation of standards.  There are three standards being recommended to the NITC today.


The original cookie standard was established by the State Records Board.  They are aware that the new standard is being recommended to the NITC. The Board has reviewed the standard and has passed a resolution endorsing the standard if approved by the NITC.

Commissioner Peterson moved to approve the Web Cookie Standard as recommended by the Technical Panel.  Commissioner Flanagan seconded. Roll call vote:  Hoesing-Yes, Park-Yes, Peterson-Yes, Hedquist-Yes, Sheehy-Yes, Kristensen-Yes, Flanagan-Yes, and Huggenberger-Yes. Motion was approved.

(Related Documents)

The Security Work Group is advocating for the use of strong passwords, authentication, use of firewalls, as well as recommending to agencies not to undertake wireless efforts without understanding the complications and challenges.  A checklist has been included for agency use.  This document was previously a guideline but it has been revised and is now being recommended as a standard.

Commissioner Flanagan moved to approve the Wireless Local Area Network Standard as recommended by the Technical Panel.  Commissioner Park seconded.  Roll call vote: Hedquist-Yes, Peterson-Yes, Flanagan-Yes, Sheehy-Yes, Kristensen-Yes, Huggenberger-Yes, Park-Yes, and Hoesing-Yes. Motion was approved.


The Technical Panel strongly recommends that every agency should have a plan with at least minimum requirements.

Commissioner Park moved to approve the  Information Technology Disaster Recovery Plan Standard as recommended by the Technical Panel.  Commissioner Peterson seconded.  Roll call vote: Park-Yes, Hoesing-Yes, Sheehy-Yes, Huggenberger-Yes, Flanagan-Yes, Peterson-Yes, Kristensen-Yes, and Hedquist-Yes. Motion was approved.

Steve Hartman, Security Officer

Mantech was awarded the contract to perform the security assessment and will begin activities on August 7th.  They will be assessing all external IP addresses, wireless scans, all wireless access points, signals in and out of buildings, and all servers (approximately 1,700).  In addition to the security assessment, Mantech will conduct an applications penetration test for the Department of Labor.  Interim reports will be done by September with the final report to be completed in November. The question was raised regarding security and laptops.  The Security Work Group is addressing this issue and will be developing a standard for recommendation to the Technical Panel.  Laptops are not part of this security assessment. 

NITC Security Initiative, Brenda Decker.  Since a recently publicized security breach, agencies have been asking for assistance from the Office of the CIO regarding security issues.  There are still some agencies that are not part of the state’s enterprise firewall.  The security assessment was a voluntary initiative. Due to the Governor’s concerns about security, it is now mandatory.  The Technical Panel’s Security Work Group is requesting the assistance of the NITC in adopting security standards.  The work group has been developing the standard and is almost ready to forward it to the Technical Panel for review and approval for the 30-day public comment period.  It will be forwarded to the NITC for final approval.  The process could take up to six months.  Ms. Decker wanted to make the Commissioners aware that due to the time frame the Security Work Group will be working with the Governor and the Lieutenant Governor to issue an Executive Order.  Commissioners requested that they be informed when the Executive Order is announced.

Brenda Decker, Chief Information Officer

The report is due to the Legislature by November 15, 2006.  A copy of the 2004 Biennial Report was distributed to the Commissioner for their review and recommendations for this year’s report.  Commissioners were asked to send in any suggestions.


There was no other business. 

Dr. Park provided a tour of the Chadron State College’s I.T. departments and their accomplishments.


The next meeting will be held some time between October 30 and November 9th.

Commissioner Hedquist moved to adjourn the meeting.  Commissioner Peterson seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried by voice vote.

Meeting Minutes