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Tuesday, June 29, 1999, 9:00 a.m.
1507 State Capitol, Lincoln, Nebraska


Lt. Governor Dave Maurstad, Chair Greg Adams, City of York
L. Merill Bryan, Union Pacific Eric Brown, Station KRVN
Doug Christensen, Department of Education Dennis Smith, University of Nebraska
Hod Kosman, Platte Valley Financial Services (Video Conference Site - Scottsbluff, NE)
MEMBERS ABSENT: Senator Robert Kerrey and Gary Kuck, Centurion International


Lt. Governor Maurstad called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and asked for a roll call. A quorum existed with six Commissioners present. Lt. Governor stated that notice of the public meeting was given by electronic means. First notice of the meeting date, time and location was posted to the NITC website on approximately April 29th. The second notice included the NITC meeting agenda and was posted to the NITC website on June 18th.


Due to unforeseen circumstances, Senator Bromm would not be present for the 9:25 a.m. discussion item as indicated on the posted agenda. The Senator, or one of his staff, would be available later on in the meeting during the New Business time slot. Other changes to the agenda included Cathy Danahy reporting on the State Records Board Imaging, E-Mail and Website Standards and Tom Rolfes reporting on the Education Council.

Commissioner Smith moved and it was seconded by Commissioner Brown to approve the revised agenda. Roll call vote: Adams-Yes, Brown-Yes, Christensen-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, and Smith-Yes. Motion carried. Commissioner Bryan was not present at time of voting.


Commissioner Smith moved and it was seconded by Commissioner Bryan to approve the April 14th minutes. Roll Call Vote: Adams-Yes, Brown-Yes, Christensen-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, and Smith-Yes. Commissioner Bryan was not present at time of voting. Motion carried.

PUBLIC COMMENT: Michael Jay (at the video conference site in Scottsbluff) wanted to acknowledge that Nebraska has a huge challenge facing them in Information Technology and that Western Nebraska needs the state's assistance in this area. Mr. Jay thanked the commission for the opportunity to attend the NITC meeting.


Senator Wehrbein presented a document regarding the NITC Review Criteria to the Commissioners for the review and further discussion at a later time. Some of the issues discussed included the following:

  • Avoidance of duplication and inappropriate, inadequate funding choices
  • Oversight issues of code and non-code agencies, independent commissions
  • Funding for I.T. training that is on-going and continual
  • Ranking and prioritization of projects for the appropriations funding process
  • Adding discipline to process of acquiring I.T. needs and developing appropriate criteria for proposals
  • Implementation of projects need a statewide, as well as a worldwide perspective
  • Expectations and role of the NITC

Comissioner Bryan arrived during the discussion. Senator Wehrbein informed the commission that he will be meeting with Senator Bromm to discuss the review criteria. The Senator and the Commissioners agreed to a continual dialogue.

STATE RECORDS BOARD REPORT - Cathy Danahy, Assistant Director of Records Management

An RFP for consulting services was issued and Greg Hunter has been hired as the project's consultant. His directives for the project were to develop the project as a ground up effort to involved as many users as possible; (2) gather other plans in the development process to avoid duplication; and (3) create a website to provide project updates including a comment page. As a result of the comment page, the office has developed an email list of 300 addresses of interested individuals. Ms. Danahy distributed a sign-up sheet for anyone interested receiving project updates. Public hearings and forums utilizing video conferencing were held in Scottsbluff, Omaha, Grand Island, Norfolk, and Valentine. The first draft of the report was received two weeks ago and is currently being reviewed by the state webmaster group. Initial draft reports will be posted to the website for public comment. The next forums are scheduled for after August 15th with the final public hearings scheduled for late September to adopt the final draft.

A concern was expressed by Commissioner Smith regarding the standards. Ms. Danahy explained that the standards would be guidelines that would broad enough to allow flexibility. Site testing is scheduled prior to final adoption.

STAFF REPORT - Michael Winkle, Executive Director

Satellite Digital TV: Mr. Winkle reported that the Satellite RFP opened yesterday. There have two responses thus far. Comark is looking at infrastructure and will report at the NETC July 16th meeting on their findings. The financing RFP was awarded to Ameritas. Both RFP's for the bond and underwriting counsels were non-compliant. Mr. Winkle informed the Commissioners that NET management will provide a more detailed report at the next meeting.

NEB*SAT Training Funds Project: Mr. Winkle indicated to the commissioners that the NITC is be informed as to how $130,000 training funds are utilized. The report was submitted for information purposes.

Community Technology Collaboration Fund: Two projects may be brought to the attention of the Community Council for recommended action. A report will be given at the next meeting.

Government Technology Collaboration Fund and the 1999 Legislative Report: There were no further information to report or questions from the commissioners.


NITC GOALS - Lt. Governor Maurstad

Commissioner Christensen moved and it was seconded by Commissioner Smith to accept the goals recommended by staff for discussion and review . Roll Call Vote: Adams-Yes, Brown-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Christensen-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, and Smith-Yes. Motion was carried.

After discussion of the goals statements, the following amendments were made:

Lt. Governor Maurstad moved to change the word "function" to "prosper" in the first goal, second bullet sentence. Commissioner Christensen seconded. Roll Call Vote: Adams-Yes, Brown-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Christensen-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, and Smith-Yes. Motion was carried.

Commissioner Christensen moved and it was seconded by Commissioner Brown seconded to change the wording of the Goal 3's third bullet to read as follows, "Support the rapid deployment of appropriate technology and reduce or eliminate cumbersome regulations or bureaucracy." Roll Call Vote: Adams-Yes, Brown-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Christensen-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, and Smith-Yes. Motion was carried.

Lt. Governor Maurstad moved and it was seconded by Commissioner Christensen to change the word in Goal 1, first bullet "efficiency" to "effectiveness". After discussion, Commissioner Smith moved and it was seconded by Commissioner Smith to strike the previous motion and to change the word "efficiency" to read "efficiency and effectiveness" and to make another bullet beginning with "Expand citizen access...." Roll Call Vote: Adams-Yes, Brown-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Christensen-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, and Smith-Yes. Motion was carried.

The Goals shall read as follows:

  1. Support the development of a unified statewide telecommunications infrastructure that is scalable, reliable and efficient so as to:
    • Improve government efficiency and effectiveness;
    • Expand citizen access to government information;
    • Broaden educational opportunities to include expanded access to lifelong educational and training opportunities so that Nebraska's citizens and workforce can prosper in the emerging information society;
    • Enhance services to Nebraska communities and citizens.
  2. Coordinate the state's investment in telecommunications infrastructure so as to:
    • Develop new ways to aggregate demand, reduce costs, and create support networks;
    • Encourage collaboration between communities of interest;
    • Encourage competition among technology and service providers
  3. Determine a broad strategy and objectives for developing and sustaining information technology development in Nebraska, including long-range funding strategies so as to:
    • Stimulate and support information-based economic development;
    • Encourage the appropriate use of information technology in education, health care, and economic development, and every level of government service;
    • Encourage and enable long-term infrastructure innovation and improvement;
    • Support the rapid deployment of appropriate technology and reduce or eliminate cumbersome regulations or bureaucracy.

With no further discussion or changes, Lt. Governor Maurstad requested a vote to approve the NITC goals as amended. Roll Call Vote: Adams-Yes, Brown-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Christensen-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, and Smith-Yes. Motion was carried.


COMMUNITY COUNCIL - Donna Hammack, Co-Chair

Sector Priorities: Ms. Hammack was available for questions or comments from the commissioners. Lt. Governor asked for a vote to accept the Sector Priorities as presented for discussion. Roll Call Vote: Adams-Yes, Brown-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Christensen-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, and Smith-Yes. Discussion followed. Ms. Hammack shared with the commissioners that common issues were training and systems interoperability and compatibility. Future council meetings will focus on barriers and an action plan to address barriers.

After reviewing the sector priorities, Commissioner Christensen moved and it was seconded by Commissioner Brown to approve the Community Council priorities. Roll Call Vote: Adams-Yes, Brown-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Christensen-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, and Smith-Yes. Motion was carried.

Council Charter: Ms. Hammack discussed the proposed membership changes of adding to the health and library representation, as well as an at-large sector which would serve as resource persons such as Department of Economic Development and/or Rural Health Department as voting members. The question was raised regarding the quorum and equal representation of the sectors.

Commissioner Brown moved and it was seconded by Commissioner Adams to change Section 7.2 Quorum percentage from 42% to 50% to assure representation of all sectors. Roll Call Vote: Adams-Yes, Brown-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Christensen-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, and Smith-Yes. Motion was carried.

With no further discussion, Lt. Governor requested a vote to approve the Community Council charter as amended. Roll Call Vote: Adams-Yes, Brown-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Christensen-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, and Smith-Yes. Motion was carried.

EDUCATION COUNCIL - Tom Rolfes, Education Information Technology Manager

Sector Priorities: Mr. Rolfes was available for questions and/or comments from the commissioners. Lt. Governor asked for a vote to accept the Sector Priorities as presented for discussion. Roll Call Vote: Adams-Yes, Brown-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Christensen-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, and Smith-Yes. Discussion followed.

Commissioner Brown moved and it seconded by Commissioner Smith to remove the last sentence in third bullet "Ensure life cycle funding". Roll Call Vote: Adams-Yes, Brown-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Christensen-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, and Smith-Yes. Motion was carried.

Commissioner Christensen moved and it was seconded by Commissioner Adams to strike the language outside the bolded bullet statements, change the stem sentence to read "The sector priorities of the Education Council of the Nebraska Information Technology Commission are to provide recommendations that support;", and add "ing" to the action verbs at the beginning of each priority statement. Roll Call Vote: Adams-Yes, Brown-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Christensen-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, and Smith-Yes. Motion was carried.

Commissioner Smith moved and it was seconded by Commissioner Brown to approve the Education Sector Priorities as amended. Roll Call Vote: Adams-Yes, Brown-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Christensen-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, and Smith-Yes. Motion was carried.

Council Charter: Mr. Rolfes explained that LB 880 Intent Language calls for two additional members, one representative from State Department of Administrative Services and one representative from the Nebraska Educational Telecommunications Commission, serve on the NITC Education Council as ex-officio members. The Attorney General's office ruling on ex-officio members is they have voting authority unless specified by the governing body.

Commissioner Christensen moved and it was seconded by Commissioner Smith to change the wording in Section 6.1 Number of Members to read "16 members, eight representing the k-12 sector, eight representing the PostSecondary sector, and four non-voting ex-officio members representing the...." Roll Call Vote: Adams-Yes, Brown-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Christensen-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, and Smith-Yes. Motion was carried. Commissioner Christensen expressed a concern regarding Department of Education and NEB*SAT and that there must be a balance of the two entities. Commissioner Christensen had to leave the meeting at this time.

Commissioner Smith made an amendment to the previous motion and it was seconded by Commissioner Brown to change the wording in Section 6.1 to read, "16 members, eight representing the K-12 sector, eight representing the PostSecondary sector, and four non-voting ex-officio representatives of the..." Roll Call Vote: Adams-Yes, Brown-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, and Smith-Yes. Motion was carried.

With no further discussion, Lt. Governor requested a vote to approve the Education Council charter as amended. Roll Call Vote: Adams-Yes, Brown-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, and Smith-Yes. Motion was carried.

GOVERNMENT COUNCIL - Gerry Oligmueller, Budget Division Director

Sector Priorities: Mr. Oligmueller was available for questions or comments from the commissioners. Lt. Governor asked for a vote to accept the State Government Sector Priorities as presented for discussion. Roll Call Vote: Adams-Yes, Brown-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, and Smith-Yes. Discussion followed.

Lt. Governor Maurstad moved and it was seconded by Commissioner Smith to strike the language outside the bolded bullet statements, change the stem sentence to read "The sector priorities of the State Government Council of the Nebraska Information Technology Commission are to provide recommendations that support;", and add "ing" to the action verbs at the beginning of each priority statement. Roll Call Vote: Adams-Yes, Brown-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, and Smith-Yes. Motion was carried.

With no further discussion, Lt. Governor requested a vote to approve the State Government Sector Priorities as amended. Roll Call Vote: Adams-Yes, Brown-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, and Smith-Yes. Motion was carried.

Council Charter: Mr. Oligmueller explained the proposed membership changes. The Chief Information Officer replaces the Intergovernmental Data Services member. Additional members include the Supreme Court Adminstrator; Worker's Compensation Court Administrator; Legislative Fiscal Office, Director; Department of Education, Administrator for Education Support Services; and one additional representative from a non-code agency to be appointed by the Commission.

Lt. Governor Maurstad moved and it was seconded by Commissioner Adams to make the following changes: Section 6.2 change the wording to read "Agency Director - Voting:"; Section 6.3 change the wording to read "Others- Voting:" and take off Legislative Fiscal office the list; add "Section 6.4 Others - Non-Voting" to include 6.4.1 Legislative Fiscal Office, Director; Section 7.2 Quorum and Alternates add the word "voting" in front of membership; and Section 7.3 Voting add the word "voting" in front of members. Roll Call Vote: Adams-Yes, Brown-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, and Smith-Yes. Motion was carried.

With no further discussion, Lt. Governor requested a vote to approve the State Government Council Charter as amended. Roll Call Vote: Adams-Yes, Brown-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, and Smith-Yes. Motion was carried.

Commissioner Smith moved and it was seconded by Commissioner Adams to approve the overall Policies and Procedures for Development the Statewide Technology Plan in order to move forward toward developing the specifics of the plan. Roll Call Vote: Adams-Yes, Brown-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, and Smith-Yes. Motion was carried.


Senator Bromm saw a need for coordination and sharing of information between the legislative and executive branches of government. His vision of the NITC is to serve a facilitative role in government, to develop a plan that does not micro-manage. Lt. Governor Maurstad asked if there will be one set or two sets of review criteria and when will it be available. The Senator's expectation is that there will be one set of review criteria that would serve both oversight committees and anticipates its availability within the next couple of months. The Senator provided a written document to the Commission for the record and expressed his willingness to a continual dialogue.


Commissioner Adams moved and it was seconded by Commissioner Brown to reappointment Michael Winkle as the Executive Director for the Nebraska Information Technology Commission. Roll Call Vote: Adams-Yes, Brown-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, and Smith-Yes. Motion was carried.


There was no new business. Commissioner Kosman wanted it stated in the record that western Nebraska representation should be given consideration when forming the councils membership.


Staff will check on Commissioners' availability for a late August meeting to be held in the North Platte area. Commissioner Adams moved and it was seconded by Lt. Governor Maurstad to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 12:25 p.m.

Minutes taken by Lori Lopez Urdiales, Administrative Assistant, and reviewed by staff of the Office of the Chief Information Officer/NITC.

Meeting Minutes