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Nebraska Information Technology Commission

Thursday, June 22, 2000, 9:30-11:30 a.m.
United Nebraska Bank - Community Room
110 West 7th Street, Lexington, Nebraska
Approved Minutes


Greg Adams, Mayor
City of York
L. Merrill Bryan, Senior Vice President
Information Technologies, Union Pacific
Lt. Governor Dave Maurstad,
State of Nebraska
Dr. Eric Brown, Station Manager
KRVN Radio
Hod Kosman, President & CEO
Platte Valley Financial Services
Dr. Dennis L. Smith, President
University of Nebraska


Dr. Doug Christensen, Commissioner
Department of Education
Gary Kuck,President & CEO
Centurion International
Pamela Vanlandingham,Sr. Vice President
CSG Systems, Inc.


Lieutenant Governor Maurstad called the meeting to order at 9:35 a.m. Roll call was taken. There were six members present. A quorum was present to conduct official business. Lieutenant Governor Maurstad stated that notice of the meeting was posted on the NITC and Nebraska Public Notice Calendar web sites on Monday, June 5, 2000.

There were no corrections and/or additions to the April 20, 2000 meeting minutes.

Commissioner Brown moved to approve the minutes as present. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion was carried by voice vote.


There was no public comment.


NIS (Nebraska Information System) status report. Mr. Schafer reported that Tom Conroy has been hired as the Project Manger and Jeff Elliott has been hired as the Finance Leader. As requested by the NITC, the Technical Panel has met with Mr. Conroy to discuss the project. Mr. Conroy agreed to provide regular reports to the Technical Panel.

Recommendation regarding Project Status Reporting Guidelines (PDF 23k). Legislative mandates require the Chief Information Officer to provide status reports of enterprise projects to the NITC, Governor, and the Legislature. The Statewide Technology Plan also included a status reporting system as an action item. Major enterprise projects currently underway for the State of Nebraska are the NIS (Nebraska Information System) project, the Retirement automation project, and CHARTS/SDU. The workgroup of the State Government Council developed a set of guidelines and format for project status reports. The guidelines and format were distributed to all agencies to provide input and comments. A Project Status Reporting web site is currently under development. The prototype is available at: The reports can be received electronically and will be posted to web site. Agencies will be given a protected password to continually update the Project Status Report. Mr. Schafer entertained questions from the Commissioners. Commissioners requested periodic reports of milestones for the larger projects.

Commissioner Kosman moved to approve the recommendation for Project Status Reporting Guidelines and Format. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Smith-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Brown-Yes, and Adams-Yes. Motion was carried.


State of Nebraska home page – Rod Armstrong, General Manager, Nebraska On-Line

Mr. Armstrong provided a brief history on the need for a revision to the present Nebraska State Home Page. The version currently in used was set up to show how stage government works. NOL and agencies want the home page to be more citizen-centric in order to assist them with easy access to information. Mr. Armstrong demonstrated the new prototype which included the following features: focus on areas of information menu; drop down menus; a keyword search; a rotating new sites and news bar; and "ask a librarian" option. The goal is for the user to be 2-3 clicks away from needed information. A privacy statement, along with the disclaimer statement, will be included. NOL is currently working with the Secretary of State's office regarding the privacy statement. The new home page is in final draft form and it is projected to be functioning by July 4th. NOL will receive feedback on a continual basis to improve the web site. Mr. Armstrong entertained questions from the Commissioners. Commissioner Brown suggested contacting the Nebraska Broadcast Association to assist with getting information out to the public about the new State home page.

NITC Clearinghouse and home page – Rick Becker, Government I.T. Manager

Mr. Becker showed a prototype of the new look for the NITC web site that included the Clearinghouse. The development of a Clearinghouse is a legislative mandate stated in LB924. Informational items that remain easily accessible to citizens were the following: the Technical Panel and the Community, Government and Education Councils meetings and activities information; the United 2000 Statewide Technology Plan; and the NITC electronic newsletter. Nebraska On-Line's search engine will be a new feature.

The proposed format for the Clearinghouse will cover the following categories: Citizens, Education, Communities and State Government. Each of these categories will have sub-categories with links to pertinent information. The prototype will be taken to the councils for their recommendations and suggestions.

Discussion followed regarding the following: opportunities for interactive exchange of information; definition of a clearinghouse; use of a glossary of terms; and the Commission's expectations of a Clearinghouse. In lieu of time, Lieutenant Governor Maurstad requested that the Commissioners consider these topics and be prepared to discuss this further at the next meeting. Staff agreed to continue work on the development of the clearinghouse. The url for the prototype is

Report from the Councils

COMMUNITY COUNCIL – Anne Byers, Community I.T. Manager

Ms. Byers distributed the Public Access Database Update report and a sample of the Public Interest Access Site Registration Form. This is a joint effort between the NITC and Library Commission. Currently, information is coming to the office of the CIO/NITC. The Library Commission will be checking on the authenticity of submitted information. Commissioners requested that a documented procedure be developed to assure authenticity of information.

Ms. Byers distributed Assessment of Potential Uses of Telehealth Services in Rural Nebraska. Timelines for the survey are as follows:

June 12: Instrument drafted and circulated for comment
June 19: Instrument approved for use
June 20: Pilot test
June 27: First mailing
July 10: Second mailing
July 17: Phone follow-up
July 20: Data entry completed
August 21: Data analysis completed

Timelines for interviews and/or focus groups are as follows:

July 10: Select site
July 17: Select individual and contact local coordinator
August 10: Begin site visit
September 15: Conclude site visits
September 29: Results ready for analysis

Ms. Byers reported that the Telehealth Subcommittee is pleased with the report and direction being taken for the study. Discussion followed as to the significance and timing of the study especially with the TINA study and the statewide infrastructure.

EDUCATION COUNCIL – Tom Rolfes, Education I.T. Manager and Alan Wibbels, Co-Chair

Proposed modification of Education Council charter regarding staggered terms and membership nominations to replace recent resignations (PDF 8k)

Mr. Rolfes informed the Commission that currently all member’s terms will expire as of June 30th including the co-chairs. The following changes to Membership Terms of the Education Council Charter were unanimously recommended at their May 19th Council meeting:

6.4 Change in Membership: If a change in membership becomes necessary due to resignation, removal, or change of job status, the sub-sector or agency represented is responsible for nominating or recommending the replacement member to the Council. The nomination or recommendation will then be approved recommended by a simple majority of the Council members present and forwarded to the NITC for approval.

6.5 Length of Service: The current members will serve until June 30, 2001, with subsequent two-year staggered terms expiring on June 30 of each odd numbered year, corresponding with the evaluation and review period of the Legislature's Transportation and Appropriations Committees, as explained in Section 14-1 of LB924. There is no limit to the number of consecutive terms that can be served.

One-half of the K-12 and one-half of the postsecondary members' terms shall expire on even numbered years and one-half of the K-12 and one-half of the postsecondary members' terms shall expire on odd numbered years.

7. Meeting Procedures

7.1 Chair(s):

7.1.1 The elected Chair or Co-Chairs will conduct the meetings of the Council, oversee the establishment, operation and dissolution of committees, propose meeting agendas, and maintain the general operations of the Council. The Council will follow an informal protocol as defined by Robert's Rules of Order.

7.1.2 The current Chair or Co-Chairs of the Council will serve until June 30, 2001; with subsequent one two-year elected, staggered terms expiring on June 30 of each year.

7.1.3 One Co-Chair shall be representative of K-12 education and one Co-chair shall be representative of postsecondary education.

The nominees unanimously recommended by the Education Council on 5-19-00 for approval by the NITC:

  • Dr. Rob Ziegler, Madison Public Schools Superintendent to replace Dr. Woody Ziegler
  • Mr. Con Dietz, Creighton University Vice President to replace Dr. Uma Gupta
  • Dr. Joseph Preusser, Central Community College President to replace Dr. Richard Gilliland

Commissioner Smith moved to approve the proposed modification of Education Council charter regarding staggered terms and the membership nominations to replace recent resignations. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Kosman-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, Brown-Yes, Smith-Yes, and Adams-Yes. Motion was carried.

Report on NEB*SAT Training Grants (PDF 19k)

Mr. Rolfes reported that twenty-three applications were received. The review committee met on May 1st. There were five applications that were eliminated due to non-compliance. Fourteen of the remaining eighteen applications were funded. The report was provided as an informational item.

Council report (PDF 5k)

Mr. Wibbels reported that the committees that are now part of the Council (formerly part of NEB*SAT) are taking their work seriously and have been meeting regularly. The follow-up focus groups from the Ed Tech 2010 Conference will be submitting white papers related to the Education Council's six priorities. Two members have been nominated to serve on the TINA Technical Advisory Committee. NEHEIT (Nebraska High Education Information Technology) group provided a presentation to the Council about IP-centric networking.

STATE GOVERNMENT COUNCIL – Steve Schafer & Rick Becker

State Government Technology Collaboration Fund grants (PDF 167k)

Mr. Schafer explained the review process. A total of 14 grants were received. Twelve reviewers were selected. Each project grant was evaluated by four grant reviewers (programmatic and business case). Staff discussed the conflict of interest issue. The decision was made to manage the situation by attempting to limit number of reviewers who may have a conflict of interest to 1 per project. A total of $500,000 was available for grants. The State Government Council established E-government as a priority for this grant funding cycle. The State Government Council, at their meeting on June 8, 2000, reviewed the 14 applications for funding from the Government Technology Collaboration Fund and recommended that the following projects be funded, (some with conditions):

$41,000.00 - Request #2000-01, Nebraska Arts Council, E-granting conversion project

Condition for the applicant:

    1. Create a steering committee, with representatives from at least three other agencies which manage grants (e.g. HHS, University of Nebraska, Crime Commission, Dept. of Education), to aid in the review and selection of an electronic grant application.

$62,000.00 - Request #2000-02, Crime Commission, NCJIS Enhancement

$50,000.00 - Request #2000-03, Department of Revenue, Common Business Identification Number

$32,300.00 - Request #2000-09, UNL-Conservation and Survey Division, Creating Digital Access and Archiving of the Conservation and Survey, Division Aerial Photography Collection

Condition for the applicant:

    1. Provide a briefing to the GIS Steering Committee on this project.

$151,440.00 - Request #2000-12, DAS - IMServices, Generic Internet Licensing Application

Conditions for the applicant:

    1. Establish a steering committee of participating agencies.
    2. Coordinate efforts with Nebraska Online.
    3. As part of the requirements analysis, include the other agencies which submitted GTCF applications relating to licensing (Dept. of Natural Resources and Board of Engineers & Architects/Board of Geologists).
    4. After completing Phase 1 (Analysis) and prior to expending more than $53,040 of grant funds, provide a report to the State Government Council including the results of the analysis and a plan for any further expenditures.

$50,000.00 - Request #2000-13, DAS - IMServices, Lotus Notes Collaboration Research and Test Environment

The total amount of recommended funded awards totaled $386,740.00.

Lieutenant Governor Maurstad requested that the Commissioners consider funding the Volunteer Service Commission project. It is a small agency with few state dollars. Most of its funding comes federal dollars that must be matched. Discussion followed.

Commissioner Kosman moved to approve the State Government Council's Government Technology Collaboration funding recommendations with the addition of the Volunteer Service Commission's grant project. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion. Roll call vote:Kosman-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, Brown-Yes, Smith-Yes, and Adams-Yes. Motion was carried.

The Commissioners expressed appreciation for the State Government Council's work and recommendation report. Mr. Schafer commended Rick Becker for his efforts.

Council report. Mr. Schafer reported that the Council has met twice since the last Commission meeting on May 11th and June 8th. The Security Architecture Workgroup has been working on a draft for Security Policies. It will be available in July for broader distribution and discussion. E-government has been a topic of discussion at meetings. It is projected that the State will conduct another E-government conference in the Fall. Agency comprehensive IT plan are due July 1st. Staff will be summarizing information from the I.T. plans. The Council will utilize this to develop the state's e-government strategy. It was suggested to have someone (possibly from Policy and Research Office) come to the future meeting and provide a briefing and what is happening nationally with the issues of sales tax and e-commerce.

TECHNICAL PANEL – Walter Weir, Chair

Technical Panel nomination for member representing Assistive Technology. At the April 20th meeting, the NITC approved the membership expansion of the Technical Panel to include an individual with assistive technology expertise. Mr. Weir presented the nomination of Dr. Christy Horn, Compliance Officer, Director, of the Accommodation Resource Center and Co-Director of the Center for Instructional Innovation at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, to serve on the Technical Panel.

Commissioner Smith moved to approve the nomination of Dr. Christy Horn on the Technical Panel. Commissioner Bryan seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Adams-Yes, Brown-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, and Smith-Yes. Motion was carried.

Mr. Weir reported that the Technical Panel has three active work groups: Security Architecture, Network Architecture (also serving as the TINA Technical Advisory Committee), and E-Commerce. The Technical Panel has been discussing the process for review and compilation of the information of state agencies I.T. plans. As requested by the NITC at their last meeting, Mr. Weir distributed a draft Confidentiality Statement to the Commissioners for discussion at a future meeting.

STAFF REPORT – Michael Winkle and Tom Rolfes

Status Report and Update on Statewide Technology Plan Action Items (PDF) . Mr. Winkle reported that staff and council continue to work on the action plan items. Staff will update the Status of Action Plans document and will have the status report up on the website within the next couple of weeks.

Update on NITC Newsletter. The first NITC electronic newsletter was sent out on June 1st to the Commissioners, councils membership, the Technical Panel and others who indicated as interest in receiving information. Mr. Rolfes reported that there are currently 581 subscribers and will be up to 600 after July 1st.

Timeline and process discussion regarding biennium budget review (PDF 15k) . The grant review process utilized for the Community Technology Fund and Government Technology Collaboration Fund grants proved to be effective for rating and prioritizing projects. Mr. Winkle proposed utilizing this method for the state biennium budget requests. Staff are currently preparing a list of reviewers for the technical and programmatic reviews of a request. Once reviewed, scoring summaries will be routed to the appropriate councils for prioritization at their meetings in October. Two approaches were discussed for the NITC biennium budget review process: 1) the NITC can discuss, review and prioritize all three prioritized lists submitted by the councils; or 2) organize a committee comprised of representative from each of the three councils to discuss, review and prioritize all three lists for final approval by the NITC. The Commission indicated by group consensus to form a review committee comprised of council members. At its November 6th meeting, the NITC will review and make decisions regarding a final prioritized list of appropriation requests.


Commissioner Smith moved to reappoint Michael Winkle as the NITC Executive Director for another term. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Bryan-Yes, Brown-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Adams-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, and Smith-Yes. Motion was carried.


There was no new business.


The next NITC meeting will be held on Monday, November 6th, in Lincoln, Nebraska. The location and time to be determined.


Lieutenant Governor Maurstad adjourned the meeting at 11:43 a.m.

Minutes were taken by Lori Lopez Urdiales, Administrative Assistant, and reviewed by Michael Winkle, NITC Executive Director.

Meeting Minutes