Tuesday, June 10, 2003,1:00 p.m. CT
Video Conference Sites:
Executive Building-Videoconference Room 103, 521 South 14th Street, Lincoln, Nebraska
Panhandle Station-High Plains Room, 4502 Avenue I, Scottsbluff, Nebraska
Kearney Public Library-Information Center, 2nd Floor, 2020 1st Avenue, Kearney, Nebraska
Kearney Site: Greg Adams, Mayor, City of York; Linda Aerni, Chief Executive Officer, Community Internet Systems; L. Merill Bryan, Senior Vice President & Chief Information Officer, Union Pacific; and Dr. Eric Brown, Manager, KRVN Radio
Lincoln Site: Trev Peterson, Attorney, Knudsen, Berkheimer, Richardson, and Endacott, LLP and Dr. L. Dennis Smith, President, University of Nebraska
Scottsbluff Site: Hod Kosman, CEO, Platte Valley Financial Services
Lieutenant Governor Dave Heineman, Chair, and Dr. Doug Christensen, Commissioner, Department of Education
Lieutenant Governor Heineman was called to assess tornado damage caused by the previous evening's storms. In the absence of the Lieutenant Governor, Commissioner Brown chaired the meeting. The meeting was called to order at 1:35 p.m. There were seven members present at the time of roll call. A quorum existed to conduct official business. It was stated that the meeting notice was posted to the NITC and Public Calendar Websites on May 27, 2003 and that the meeting agenda and meeting materials were posted to the NITC website on June 3, 2003.
APPROVAL OF MARCH 24, 2003 MINUTESCommissioner Adams moved to approve the March 24, 2003 (PDF 104k) minutes as presented. Commissioner Bryan seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Adams-Yes, Aerni-Yes, Brown-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Peterson-Yes, and Smith-Yes. Results: 7-Yes, 0-No. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
Commissioner Adams introduced Matt Heller. Mr. Heller is doing an internship through the JD Edwards Program at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The City of York received a mini-grant from Technologies Across Nebraska's Building Information Age Communities Project. The University received funding for this project from the Nebraska Information Technology Commission Community Technology Fund.
In its March 2003 issue, Government Technology Magazine recognized Brenda Decker, Director of DAS-Communications as one its “Top 25: Dreamers, Doers, and Drivers.” This annual award goes to those people in the nation who have played key roles in “strengthening government operations in their jurisdictions and improving the services delivered to citizens.” Commissioner Brown presented the award to Ms. Decker.
UPDATE ON MAJOR INITIATIVESTelecommunications Infrastructure:
NETCOM/CAP, Brenda Decker. The Division of Communications issued an RFP on behalf of CAP (Collaborative Aggregation Partnership). Phase I will carry traffic from Omaha to Lincoln and Lincoln to Grand Island and Kearney. A team made up of University of Nebraska, Division of Communications, State College Systems and K-12 representatives evaluated four bids: Adesta, Dark Fiber Solutions, Alltel and Sprint. The Intent to Award was offered to Alltel on June 10th. Alltel will provide a MPLS (Multiple Protocol Label Switching) network. This type of network allows for use of mixed and multiple networks and different bandwidths. The management of the network would allow services that can be purchased as needed – bandwidth on demand. The cost of this network will save the state and the University of Nebraska approximately $5,000 a month. Ms. Decker entertained questions and comments.
Statewide Telehealth Network Plan (PDF 1.5MB), Anne Byers. The Public Service Commission approved the use of Nebraska Universal Service Fund to support telehealth. The Public Service Commission requested a plan staying under $900,000. Roger Keetle submitted the plan on May 3rd and the steering committee is currently waiting for the Public Service Commission's response. The plan will reduce line costs for hospitals to $200 per month for each T-1 circuit. Hospitals will be asked to pay $50/month for a backbone to connect regional networks. Discussions have occurred between the Telehealth Network Steering Committee and the CAP group regarding the use of the state’s backbone. Ms. Byers thanked the Telehealth Subcommittee, Roger Keetle, the Nebraska Hospital Association for their commitment to this endeavor. Ms. Byers entertained questions and comments.
Statewide Synchronous Video Network (PDF 98k), Tom Rolfes. The Technical Panel established this work group in February 2003. Members include representatives from the K-12 sector, higher education institutions, Telehealth, National Guard, Division of Communications, NETC, Department of Education, NITC, Public Service Commission, and the Omaha metro district. At the May 28, 2003 meeting, groups were formed and assigned specific tasks to accomplish the following timeline:
June 15, 2003: Revise all task group documents and post to NITC SSVWG Web site
June 15-July 30: SSVWG members communicate with and gather feedback from sub-sector peers; complete survey of distance learning networks.
July 30, 2003: All day meeting in Lincoln
August 15, 2003: Circulate first draft of preliminary recommendations
September 10, 2003: Present draft of recommendations to NITC Technical Panel
Late September: All day meeting, Location TBA
Mr. Rolfes entertained questions and comments.
Community and Economic Development
Technology Across Nebraska Survey Results (PDF 88k), Anne Byers. Surveys were sent to 25 applicants for the Community IT Planning and Mini Grant program. Sixteen surveys were returned, yielding a response rate of 64%. The survey results should not be interpreted as representative of all communities in Nebraska. Some of the survey results were reviewed. Recommendations from the survey were as follows:
Status Report on Mini-planning Grants, Anne Byers. Eighteen communities were to submit their IT plans by June 1st but are taking longer. Two communities have hired interns to assist with their IT planning – York and Broken Bow. The workbook has been helpful to communities and it will be revised this summer. Currently, applications are being accepted for the second round of funding for the mini-grants. Applications are due on July 1.
Delivery of Government and Educational ServicesE-government Strategy (PDF 69k), Rick Becker, Government Information Technology Manager. A number of enhancements on the State of Nebraska’s web site will be made over the next few months. Progress is being made in regards to forms automation. Nebrask@Online has developed an online payment process and several interactive licenses. Nebrask@Online’s contract with the state is expiring. The Records Board has issued an RFP for the maintenance of State of Nebraska web site. Bids are due on July 31st with a contract award in September.
Annual E-Government Conference, Steve Schafer, Chief Information Officer. The next E-government Conference is scheduled for November 18th. Government Technology Magazine is a partner and co-sponsor. The League of Municipalities and NACO will be invited to attend. The format will be different. There will be several on-going concurrent sessions of different topics.
E-Learning Initiative (PDF 115k), Dr. Jean Jones and Jim Zemke. Dr. Jones was not available for today’s meeting. Mr. Zemke provided background information on the Statewide eLearning Initiative, as well as activities occurring in the higher education and K-12 sectors. Future activities include:
Security Initiatives (PDF 79k), Steve Schafer, Chief Information Officer. Commissioners were provided a written report prior to the meeting. Mr. Schafer did not review the document but offered to answer any questions and/or provide clarification.
Steve Schafer, Chief Information Officer
There were some changes made in the organization and content of the plan. A new section serves as an introduction and explains the purpose and scope of the plan. The purpose of the Statewide Technology Plan is to set forth the vision and goals for the use of information technology in Nebraska, with a set of action items that will guide the work of the NITC and its councils. The Statewide Technology Plan does not allocate funding among technology projects. Section 2 reflects the mission and goals of the NITC. Council priorities are now included in this section. They represent specific objectives for accomplishing the four NITC goals. Section 3 is the Action Plan. It follows the same format as previous years, except that action items are organized around the four goals of the NITC, rather than being listed by the sponsoring Council. Section 4 provides effectiveness measures, including a summary of progress on last year’s action items. Content is also organized by the NITC goals.
Commissioner Aerni moved to approve the update of the 2003-2004 Statewide Technology Plan. Commissioner Adams seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Bryan-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Brown-Yes, Peterson-Yes, Aerni-Yes, Smith-Yes, and Adam-Yes. Results: 7-Yes, 0-No. The motion carried.
The Community Council met in May to adopt action items included in the Statewide Technology Plan. Other business was previously reported.
EDUCATION COUNCIL, Tom Rolfes, Education Information Technology Manager
At the May meeting, the council had two action items – Recommendation to the NITC for 2003-2004 Action Items and Membership Recommendations. An Internet2 presentation co-sponsored by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the Education Council followed the May 16th business meeting.
The Education Council unanimously voted to forward the following membership recommendations to the NITC for final approval:
Higher Education Renewals: Jack Huck (Community College System), alt. Bill Path and Tom Krepel (State College System) alt. Robin Smith
Higher Education New Members: Chuck Lenosky (Independent Colleges and Universities-Replacing Dietz) alt. Jerry Harnisch and Rob Manzer (Independent Colleges and Universities-Pro tem O’Neill) alt. Thomas O’Neill, Jr.
K-12 Education Renewals: Linda Engel (Public School Teachers) alt. Renee Bose; Joe LeDuc (Private/Parochial School Teachers) alt. Tom Korta; Ed Rastovski (School Administrators) alt. Keith Rohwer; and Al Schneider (Educational Service Units) alt. Wayne Bell
K-12 Education New Member: Michael Pate (Boards of Education-Pro tem Bartels) alt. Linda Richards
Commissioner Kosman moved to approve the Education Council's membership recommendations (PDF 83k). Commissioner Byran seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Brown-Yes, Peterson-Yes, Aerni-Yes, Smith-Yes, Adam-Yes, Kosman-Yes, and Bryan-Yes. Results: 7-Yes, 0-No. The motion carried.
STATE GOVERNMENT COUNCIL, Steve Schafer. The council has met once since the last NITC meeting. The State Government Council updated the action items and also discussed technical standards/guidelines recommendations for state government.
TECHNICAL PANEL REPORT, Walter Weir, Chair. The Technical Panel has met twice since last the NITC meeting. In April, the panel traveled to Kearney to tour the University Nebraska-Kearney and Good Samaritan Hospital. Mr. Weir complimented Ms. Decker, as well as Sid McCartney, on their work and efforts with NETCOM. The Technical Panel will be assisting with the development of a business plan for the new state network.
STAFF REPORTE-government Survey Options, Rick Becker, Government Information Technology Manager. One option is to have staff work with Nebrask@Online to develop a web-based survey. Another option would be to contract for a scientific survey at a cost of approximately $20,000. Another option is to utilize national reports that have already been done. After discussion of the options, Mr. Schafer was directed to pursue the web-based survey.
Update on E-mail Systems, Rick Becker, Government Information Technology Manager. At their meeting on May 8th, the State Government Council identified 12 topics for further review as possible technical standards, guidelines or enterprise solutions. Revising the Electronic Mail Standard is one of the topics the Council is considering. Interest stems from the phasing out of the OfficeVision product; interest in greater efficiency and economy; and security related issues.
I.T. Expenditures, Steve Schafer, Chief Information Officer. Staff has been researching several different resources and is pulling the data for a report. Agencies have submitted IT plans but have found out that some of them did not include any information on IT spending. It is anticipated to have a report for the September meeting. Another source of information will be the new NIS accounting system but there are details of this particular feature that need to be worked on before it’s implementation.
Commissioners would like an update on the NIS Project and implementation for the next meeting. Commissioner Bryan was thanked for the panel presentation conducted at the March meeting.
OTHER BUSINESSThere was no other business.
The next meeting of the Nebraska Information Technology Commission will be held on September 30th, 1:00 p.m. CT, location to be determined.
With no further business, Commissioner Adams moved to adjourn. Commissioner Bryan seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion carried by voice vote.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:08 p.m.
Meeting minutes were taken by Lori Lopez Urdiales and reviewed by the staff of the Office of the CIO/NITC.
Meeting Minutes