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Wednesday, April 25, 2001, 1:30 p.m.
York County Club, 1016 West Elm Street
York, Nebraska

Lieutenant Governor David Maurstad, Chair
Greg Adams, Mayor, City of York, Nebraska
Dr. Eric Brown, Manager, KRVN Radio, Lexington, Nebraska
Dr. Doug Christensen, Commissioner, State Department of Education
Hod Kosman, CEO & President, Platte Valley Financial Services, Scottsbluff, Nebraska
Pamela Vanlandingham, Senior Vice President, CSG Systems, Inc.

L. Merill Bryan Senior Vice President, Information Technologies, Union Pacific
Gary Kuck, CEO, Centurion International, Lincoln, Nebraska
Dr. Dennis Smith, President, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska


Lieutenant Governor David Maurstad called the meeting to order at 1:35 p.m. Roll call was taken. There were six members present. A quorum existed to conduct official business. Lieutenant Governor Maurstad stated that the meeting notice and agenda were posted to the NITC and Public Meeting Calendar on Monday, April 9, 2001.


Mr. Winkle proposed the following changes to the agenda:
  • Moving the TINA/NETCOM RFP Special Report and the Education Council report after the Public Comment (presenters needed to leave meeting for other commitments).
  • Under Special Reports for the Technologies Across Nebraska – Added action item, “Rural and Community Technology Development Planning Group Charter”.

Commissioner Kosman moved to approve the revised agenda. Commissioner Adams seconded the motion.All were in favor. Motion was carried by voice vote.


Commissioner Adams moved to approve the minutes as presented. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion was carried by voice vote.


There was no public comment.

Brenda Decker, Director, Division of Communications, State of Nebraska

The Technical Panel and its Network Architecture Work Group have been reviewing the RFP. It is anticipated that the RFP will be released on April 30th. Maps were distributed to Commissioners indicating existing State of Nebraska networks and WIDEN/NETCOM CONAPS to CORENAPS Network locations. Ms. Decker reminded the Commissioners that the NETCOM RFP is for aggregation of transport only. The Division of Communications is projecting a 10% savings.

Commissioner Christensen arrived at 1:40 p.m.

Ms. Decker provided a brief overview of the seven sections of the RFP: (1) Introduction, (2) Procurement Procedures, (3) Rights of State Government, (4) Participants Network Environment, (5) Transport Specifications, (6) Terms and Conditions, and (7) Attachments. Ms. Decker entertained questions and comments from the Commissioners.

Tom Rolfes, Education Information Technology Manager

Mr. Rolfes reviewed the written Education Council Report provided to the Commissioners. The report included updates on the following: Telecommunications Training Grants; NEB*SAT Penalty fee Proposal; visit from John Morgridge, Cisco Systems, Board Chairman; Education Council Priorities and Action Items; and membership changes.

Anne Byers, Community Information Technology Commission

Ms. Byers introduced Jeanne Saathoff as the new co-chair for the Community Council.

Community Technology Fund Recommendations (PDF 250k)
Originally the Community Council had been informed that due to accounting deadlines and policies, an unused balance from a previously funded project could not be carried over to this fiscal year. Thus, the total amount of available funds had been reduced by $47,874. The amount of available funds was $225,659.60. At that time, the Community Council felt it was important to utilize this amount of funding to award to as many good projects as possible. In order to accomplish this, the Council had recommended reducing the awards to some of the projects. Since the April Community Council meeting, Mr. Schafer identified CIO budget funds totalling $47,874 that could replenish the fund. This allowed full funding to be available for this funding cycle.

Commissioners discussed several options for funding. The following actions were taken:

Commissioner Brown moved to utilize the additional $47,874.69 to fund Community Technology Fund grants. Commissioner Vanlandingham seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Adams-Yes, Brown-Yes, Christensen-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, and Vanlaningham-Yes. Motion was carried by unanimous vote.

Commissioner Adams moved to include the Lower Platte Valley Natural Resources District project for funding. Commissioner Kosman seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Vanlandingham-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Christensen-Yes, Brown-Yes, and Adams-Yes. Motion was carried by unanimous vote.

Commissioner Kosman moved to reinstate grants at the full requested amount. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Christensen-Yes, Brown-Yes, Adams-Yes, Vanlandingham-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, and Kosman-Yes. Motion was carried by unanimous vote.

Ms. Byers asked the Commission for authority to reduce awards, if necessary, to stay within available funds. The Commission gave their approval.

Telehealth Study (PDF 53k). A written summary update on the Telehealth Study had been sent electronically to the Commissioners. There were no questions.

Steve Schafer, Chief Information Officer

The Council has developed the Business Portal Plan and it is posted on the Web site. The Council has also been updating the priorities and action plans and it is anticipated that these will be formally adopted at a future Council meeting.

Walter Weir, Chief Information Officer, University of Nebraska

The Technical Panel has continued to meet every second Tuesday of the month and have been engaged in the following activities:

  • Approval of grant reviewers for the Community Technology Funds,
  • Review of the NIS implementation plan and the TINA/NETCOM RFP,
  • Review and updating of the Statewide Technology plan,
  • Adoption of a resolution to work with the GIS steering committee on standards development
  • Progress reports from the Work Groups. Representatives from the Education Council have been included on the video standards work group. The Work Group anticipates a recommendation will be ready by July 1st. Mr. Schafer reported that the Security Work Group is working on implementation phase of the Security Policies and has hired a consultant to assist with documenting procedures. All state agencies have been informed about the Security Policies. Mr. Schafer reported that the E-government Architecture Work Group has developed a draft document and it has been posted for comments. The Accessibility Work Group will be meeting soon.


Legislative Update. Rick Becker, Government Information Technology Manager, reported that LB827 is currently On Final Reading following the adoption of a comprise amendment. Commission Brown requested information on examples of success stories. Gene Hand, Public Service Commission, stated that the Public Service Commission would like to build a relationship with the NITC regarding grant monies for community projects. Lieutenant Governor Maurstad stated that it would have been beneficial had the NITC been part of the amendment discussions regarding the administration of these monies. He also stated that the Governor is appreciative of the efforts of the NITC.

Statewide Technology Plan. Mr. Winkle reported that all three Councils and the Technical Panel have been updating their priorities and action plan items. It is anticipated that the plan will be ready for the NITC review and approval at the June meeting.

NITC Goals and Visions (PDF 55k). There were no additions or changed proposed by the Commissioners.

Commissioner Christensen moved to approve the NITC goals and visions as presented. Commissioner Kosman seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Kosman-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, Vanlandingham-Yes, Adams-Yes, Brown-Yes, and Christensen-Yes. Motion was carried by unanimous vote.

Mike Overton, Chair, Criminal Justice Information System
Al Curtis, Director, Crime Commission

Originally over 25 agencies were represented on the CJIS Advisory Committee. Eighteen are still part of the committee. Mr. Overton provide an overview of the CJIS Goals and current projects. Questions and comments were entertained. Lieutenant Governor Maurstad stated that this was a good example of collaboration and coordination among agencies at different levels.

Steve Schafer, Chief Information Officer

Governor Johanns has initiated an emphasis on e-government to business efforts for state government. An inventory of business forms has been completed and it is posted on the web site. The goals of the Business Portal plan include: to develop downloadable forms; to automate forms; to develop a standard approach to forms; and to integrate functions that allow agencies to share information.

Michael Winkle, N.I.T.C. Executive Director

The University of Nebraska’s Technologies Across Nebraska is an initiative that is exploring ways that the University can assist communities with technology and economic development. The group has been reaching out to communities and entities that provide technology training and economic development support for input and suggestions. In support, the Community Council has proposed to form a “Rural and Community Technology Development Planning Group” (PDF 186k) that would be charged with the following responsibilities:

  • Inventory and assess current programs and strategies that address community IT leadership and planning, intellectual infrastructure, and telecommunications infrastructure in communities.
  • Identify specific groups, duplication and collaborative opportunities regarding information technology needs in communities including IT leadership and planning, intellectual infrastructure, and telecommunications infrastructure.
  • Make recommendations regarding program development.
  • Inventory community based IT planning groups in the state.
  • Work with the Technologies Across Nebraska initiative to review, make recommendations, and develop Information Technology toolkit resources for communities.
  • Conduct a series of meetings with members of community IT communities to review the Planning Group activities outlined in this document and solicit feedback.
  • Make action item and policy recommendations to the Community Council and the NITC by September 30, 2001.

Commissioner Kosman moved to approve the Charter of the Rural and Community Technology Development Planning Group. Commissioner Adams seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Brown-Yes, Christensen-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, Vanlandingham-Yes, and Adams-Yes. Motion was carried by unanimous vote.

Lieutenant Governor Maurstad suggested having one of the commissioners serve on the planning group. Commissioner Brown agreed to serve on the planning group.


There was no new business.


There will be a special meeting of the NITC on Wednesday, May 23, 2001, Varner Hall-Videoconference Room, 3835 Holdrege Street, in Lincoln, to review the NIS (Nebraska Information System) Implementation Plan. The regular meeting of the NITC will be held on Wednesday, June 13th, 1:30 p.m.. A Lincoln location will be determined.

Minutes were taken by Lori Lopez Urdiales and reviewed by staff of the Office of the CIO/NITC.

Meetng Minutes