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April 20, 2000, 2:00-3:30 p.m.
Varner Hall, Regent's Boardroom, 3835 Holdrege, Lincoln, Nebraska


Greg Adams, Mayor
City of York
Lt. Governor Dave Maurstad
Dr. Eric Brown, Manager
KRVN Radio
Dr. Dennis Smith, President
University of Nebraska
L. Merill Bryan, Senior Vice President
Information Technologies, Union Pacific
Pamela Vanlandingham, Senior Vice President & General Manager, CSG Systems, Inc.
Gary Kuck, CEO & President
Centurion International


Dr. Doug Christensen, Department of Education and Hod Kosman, Platte Valley Financial Services
Tom Conroy, NIS Project; Brenda Decker, Division of Communications; Craig Schroeder, Community Council; Cathy Tenopir, Legislative Council; Dave Wagaman, Budget Office; Walter Weir, University of Nebraska; Rick Becker, Anne Byers, Lori Lopez Urdiales, Tom Rolfes, Steve Schafer and Michael Winkle, Office of the CIO/NITC; Roger Adams, US West; Senator Roger Wehrbein; Michael Beach, NET; and Duane Fisher, Department of Education


Lieutenant Governor Maurstad called the meeting to order at 2:05 p.m. A special welcome was extended to Pamela Vanlandingham, newly appointed NITC Commissioner. Hod Kosman was also recognized as a re-appointed commissioner. Lieutenant Governor Maurstad stated that the meeting date, time and location were posted on the NITC Web site on March 3, 2000. The NITC meeting agenda was posted on the NITC web site and the State Public Notice Calendar on April 12, 2000.


There were no additions, corrections or changes to the minutes.

Commissioner Kuck moved to approve the minutes as presented. Commissioner Bryan seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion was carried by voice vote.

PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment. Lieutenant Governor Maurstad recognized and welcomed Senator Wehrbein, Chair of the Appropriations Committee.


Lieutenant Governor Maurstad served on the broadband paned and provided testimony. Dignitaries that were present included: Senator Robert Kerrey, Representative Tom Latham of Iowa, and Nebraska Senators Curt Bromm, Pat Engel and Bob Wickersham. The Universal Service Fund distribution was addressed. Mr. Winkle added that there were three panels: Broadband, Wireless and Telehealth. Community Council members, Donna Hammack and Dr. Reba Benschoter, provided testimony for the Telehealth panel. Overall, the NITC was well represented. The FCC will be releasing a full report on the hearing. It was commented that this was Mr. Kennard's first visit to Nebraska.


Information Technology Infrastructure Act (LB 1349), Steve Schafer

LB 1349 was enacted by the legislature. Under this bill the Legislature has the sole discretion for allocating funds to specific projects and the NITC has the responsibility of approving the implementation plan of large-scale enterprise projects. The CIO will have the task of monitoring the projects and reporting to the NITC and Legislature. The first project funded by LB1349 is the Nebraska Information System (NIS). NIS would replace the existing accounting and human resources systems currently in place. The funding is reflected in LB 1217. The intent language reaffirms the need for NITC approval. A draft Project Status Reporting form has been developed and is currently being distributed to agencies for comments. The Project Status Reporting Form will be presented to the NITC at the June meeting for adoption. Tom Conroy was introduced as the newly hired Project Manager for the NIS Project. Mr. Schafer entertained questions and comments from the Commissioners regarding the NIS Project. Recommendations and comments from the Commissioners included:

  • Provide a written recommendation to the NITC from the Technical Panel regarding the RFP.
  • Technical Panel review and input in the vendor selection process.
  • Regular reports on the project to the NITC.
  • Compatibility to other systems is crucial.

The following NITC Resolution Regarding NIS Development was proposed:

  1. The Department of Administrative Services is authorized to expend funds appropriated in LB 1217 (2000) Section 65 for work relating to vendor selection, project management, and preparation of a detailed project plan to guide implementation.
  2. The Technical Panel shall review the following documents relating to the NIS: a) the request for proposal, b) the project implementation plan, and c) quarterly status reports. The Technical Panel shall report its findings to the project sponsor and the NITC.
  3. NITC approval of the project implementation plan is required, prior to further expenditure of funds for the NIS.
  4. The implementation plan shall include, but not be limited to, objectives, scope, financial plan, change management, project management and project team, timetable and milestones, and technical requirements.

Commissioner Smith moved to adopt the NITC Resolution Regarding NIS Development. Commission Kuck seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Smith-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Vanlandingham-Yes, Adams-Yes, Brown-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, Kuck-Yes. Motion was carried.

Other Legislation. Mr. Schafer distributed an updated Legislation Relating to Information Technology list. LB 929, introduced by Senator Landis, enacted the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act. The NITC has no major role in this legislation. LB 352, an amendment that requires a technology access clause that becomes effective next January, requires the NITC to develop standards and guidelines for access. The Technical Panel will take on this endeavor and will be forming a Work Group. It is projected that a draft policy will be ready by next fall.


Ms. Decker provided a brief background on the study. TINA arose as a recommendation from the NITC at their November 1998 after the Skjei study was released. The NITC agreed to fund $50,000 of the study. Items covered in the update were the themes that have emerged from the study, guidelines for network design and alternative presented by the consultant, Federal Engineering which included the following:

  • Alternative 1 - Maintain the status quo.
  • Alternative 2 - Maintain baseline with extended SONET network telecomm infrastructure Plan.
  • Alternative 3 - Prime contractor with postalized services over a private telecomm infrastructure.

A TINA Advisory Committee was formed to review the alternatives recommended by the consultants. The Advisory Committee consisted of representatives from state agencies and the councils. It is the TINA Advisory Committee's recommendation to explore the "Prime Contractor" concept alternative. Statutorily the Division of Communications can serve state and local governments and other political subdivision on a voluntary basis. The TINA study will be conducting a telecommunications inventory of all Nebraska cities. After building business case, this information will go into the RFP. Ms. Decker entertained questions from the Commissioners.

NITC Resolution Regarding "Prime Contractor" Alternative. Commission Smith moved to adopt and approve the NITC resolution to move forward on pursuing the "prime contractor" alternative. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Maurstad-Yes, Adams-Yes, Smith-Yes, Brown-Yes, Vanlandingham-Yes, Kuck-Yes, and Bryan-Yes. Motion was carried.



Craig Schroeder, Co-Chair, was introduced as new co-chair. Ms. Byers provided a brief history on the development of the Community Technology Fund. A total of twenty-one applications were received. Three programmatic and two technical reviewers evaluated each project. Staff looked at collaborative efforts and did recommend two of the project sponsors should collaborate and submit a statewide e-commerce training project. The top five projects scoring 60+ points were:

  • ONE Library submitted by Norfolk, Columbus, and NECC Libraries
  • Public Internet Access Enhancement submitted by the City of Kearney
  • Public Library System Web Catalog submitted by the Holdrege Public Library System
  • Nebraska E-Business Project submitted by the University of Nebraska, AIM Institute, and the Nebraska Rural Development Commission
  • Web Parent-Teacher Project submitted by Elmwood-Murdock Public Schools

It is the recommendation of staff and the Community Council to fund the top five for a total of $127,868 and that the remaining funds of $72,132 be available for a second round of grants. Applicants will be given a chance to come back for the second round. Ms. Byers and Mr. Winkle entertained questions from the Commissioners.

Commissioner Kuck moved to approve the recommendation of staff to fund the top fivc projects and to use the balance for a second round of grant applications. Commissioner Vanlandingham seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Kuck-Yes, Vanlandingham-Yes, Adams-Yes, and Smith-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Brown-Yes, and Maurstad-Yes. Motion was carried.


Tom Rolfes, Education Information Technology Manager, provided the report in the absence of the co-chairs. At the Council's April 17th meeting, Mike Beach and Rod Bates provided reports regarding the Governor's budget recommendations for Nebraska Educational Telecommunications. Lieutenant Governor Maurstad commented that the language in LB1217 is an indication of the maturity and role of the NITC in the eyes of policy makers. The Education Council adopted and approved three recommendations.Mr. Rolfes attended the NETC meeting that morning in Omaha and the commissioners also supported the Education Council's recommendations. The Education Council hereby recommends to the NITC and NETC that:

  1. Up to $100,000 of FY 2000-01 state building funds be used by NETC to empower the Division of Communications of the Department of Administrative Services with the authority and responsibility to pursue contract negotiation for the statewide aggregation of land-based telecommunication services on behalf of the agencies of state government and political subdivisions;
  2. Up to $611,040 in unspent NEB*SAT project funds be reallocated to fund the Network 3 expansion project from 20 to 30 channels and that the Policies/Procedures/Planning Subcommittee of the Education Council (working in conjunction with NET Engineering) be responsible for delivering the specific recommendations of amounts and projects to be reallocated within 30 days;
  3. The Education Council shall consider the issue of establishing a late schedule change fee and/or drop penalty fee relating to the utilization of the NEB*SAT System and that the Policies, Procedures, Planning Subcommittee of the Education Council (working in conjunction with the NEB*SAT scheduling staff and Education Council-Operations Working Group) be responsible for the specific recommendations of amounts and timelines related to penalties and fees to take effect in the Summer programming period of 2001.

Commissioner Smith moved to adopt and approve the Education Council's recommendations. Commissioner Bryan seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Bryan-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, Kuck-Yes, Vanlandingham-Yes, Smith-Yes, and Adams-Yes, and Brown-Yes. Motion was carried

Mr. Rolfes reported that the Education Council will experience changes in membership in the next few months – Chancellor Moeser, Dr. Richard Gilliland and Dr. Woody Ziegler will be resigning. The subcommittees have been working regularly. On May 9th, the Training Group will meet to discuss the training grant applicants. The Policy, Procedures and Planning committee will be meeting within the next 30 days. The follow-up task groups from the Ed Tech 2010 Conference are working on white papers covering the six priorities of the Education Council. These will go to the Education Council by July 1st and will then go to the NITC.


Mr. Schafer reported that the Council has met twice since the last NITC meeting, March and April. The March 9th meeting was mostly an informational updates and reports from the following: NOTES collaboration working group, E-mail working group, Security architecture working group, and Project status reporting working group; Imaging, e-mail, and Web standards project; NIS project; Retirement project, and the TINA Study. The April 13th meeting included updates on the IT retraining program, work groups. The council adopted the project status reporting guidelines form. The Government Technology Collaboration Fund grants are due May 1st. The Secretary of State office is starting a pilot project regarding e-mail retention guidelines and archiving. The Council has one vacancy. Dennis Zimmerman, representing the private sector, has resigned due to time restraints. The Council will have a recommendation for approval at the NITC June meeting.


Technical Panel Membership. Mr. Weir reported that at the April 11th meeting, Mark Schultz, presented information on the Technology-Related Assistance for Individual with Disabilities Act, which has been in existence since 1988. There is a provision in the act that states "a designee to any committee, council, or similar organization created by the State to assist the State in the development of the information technology policy of the State. In order for states to receive federal funding, they need to comply. It is the recommendation of the Technical Panel to expand the technical panel to include a member with expertise in assistive technology.

Commissioner Bryan moved to expand the membership of the Technical Panel to be in compliance with Technology-Related Assistance for Individual with Disabilities Act. Commissioner Adams seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Brown-Yes, Kuck-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Adams-Yes, Vanlandingham-Yes, and Smith-Yes. Motion was carried.

Alternate membership change. Mr. Weir reported that Tom Conroy who was the alternate for Brenda Decker on the Technical Panel, has been hired as the Project Manger for NIS Project. The Technical Panel recommends Steve Henderson, Acting Administrator for IMS, as the alternate for Brenda Decker.

Commissioner Adams moved to approve Steve Henderson as the alternate on the Technical Panel for Brenda Decker. Commissioner Vanlandingham seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Adams-Yes, Brown-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Kuck-Yes, Maurstad-Yes, Smith-Yes, and Vanlandingham-Yes. Motion was carried.

Mr. Weir reported that the Technical Panel has established an Architecture Work Group. Commissioner Smith requested that the Technical Panel develop a one or two page document regarding "confidentiality" on the web.


Update on Statewide Technology Plan Action Items- Michael Winkle:

Mr. Winkle distributed a draft document to Commissioners listing updated information on the action items. Mr. Schafer developed format. Staff would like to have a format that would be posted to the web site in order to communicate to commissioners and other interested person on the status of action items in the statewide plan. Mr. Winkle requested feedback and suggestions via email as soon as possible.


Lieutenant Governor Maurstad announced that a conference is being held this fall dealing with security. A number of entities will be involved. The dates of the conference will be posted on the web site.


The next meeting of the NITC will be held on June 21st in Lexington, Nebraska. Time has not been set. Items on the agenda will include a web site clearinghouse prototype, approval of Government Technology Collaboration grants, and Technical Panel issues.


With no further business, the Lieutenant Governor Maurstad adjourned the meeting at 3:20 p.m.

Minutes were taken by Lori Lopez Urdiales and reviewed by Michael Winkle, Office of the CIO/NITC.

Meeting Minutes