March 20, 1998
Nebraska Educational Telecommunications Center
1800 N 33rd Street
Lincoln, Nebraska
Members Present: | |
Lt. Governor Kim Robak, Chair | U.S. Senator Bob Kerrey (via teleconference) |
Greg Adams, Mayor of York | Gary Kuck, President & CEO of Centurion International, Lincoln |
Eric Brown, GM of Station KRVN, Lexington | University of Nebraska President L. Dennis Smith |
Joyce Wrenn, Chief Information Officer, Union Pacific Railroad | |
Members Absent: | |
State Education Commissioner Doug Christensen |
Also Present: | |
Rod Armstrong, State Information Technology Coordinator | Chris Hoy, DAS/DOC |
Rod Bates, Nebraska Educational Telecommunications | Yvonne Norton Leung, Director Governor's Policy Research Office |
Dean Bergman, NDE | Bill Miller, Division of Communications |
Tom Conroy, DAS/CDP | Gerry Oligmueller, DAS/Budget |
Monty Fredrickson, Dept. of Road | Craig Schroeder, RDC/City of Cambridge |
Lyn Heaton, DAS/Budget | Michael Winkle, NET |
The Nebraska Information Technology Commission meeting was called to order at 8:40 a.m. on March 20, 1998 with welcome and opening remarks by Lt. Governor Robak.
It was moved by Greg Adams and seconded by Gary Kuck that the minutes of the NITC meeting as held on December 16, 1997 be approved as presented. Vote: unanimous.
The Education Council report was given by Dean Bergman with their organizational meeting on March 12. It is proposed that the Education Council have two co-chairs-one from the K-12 sector and one from the higher education sector-each with 8 representatives. It was determined that their role needs to be better identified and they need the tools to make decisions. Their next meeting is scheduled for April 16 at 1:00 p.m. in the NDE State Board Room.
Yvonne Norton-Leung presented the Government Council report. It was suggested that the Council needs an action plan to focus on needs, then look at derivative. Further information regarding the Nebraska Information Resources Cabinet subcommittees and other Technology Coordination groups can be found on the web page.
President Dennis Smith joined the meeting in progress at 9:00 a.m. and Senator Bob Kerrey joined via teleconference at 9:12 a.m.
The Community Council report was next presented by Chris Hoy. He indicated that four general areas have been identified to date as top priority and deserving of further research: the Clearinghouse Concept to incorporate a response source for citizen inquiry; a Statewide Plan for Teleliteracy; a Statewide Strategy for Information Technology-based Economic Development; and, a Municipal IT Infrastrucutre Assessment Process. Two additional areas to be added to this list are the Health Sector Infrastructure Needs and Serving Businesses across the State. It was requested that the ED/IT concept be researched as soon as possible. It was recommended that a task force should look into outsourcing ED/IT and report back to the Council. Chris Hoy is to check with Reg Lichty in Senator Kerrey's office regarding the universal fund. President Smith emphasized the need for connectivity across the state and the need to assign working groups to see what is needed and develop a position paper that identify these needs.
It was requested that a listing of everything that is available regarding information technology be developed indicating what is already part of the domain. This could become part of the clearinghouse concept for the public. Senator Kerrey indicated that the private sector is very important and they need this type of information.
Lt. Governor Robak requested an update on LB 924 from Rod Armstrong. He indicated the bill is on select file and should pass the first week in April, effective upon the Governor's signature. Controversial item at this point is the formation of the three councils (education, community and government).
Future key deadlines are as follows: September 15-adopt guidelines for project planning and technology review which include designated rules and identified needs; November 15-prioritize all recommended technology investments; July-develop and review annually overall plan.
Senator Kerrey disconnected from the meeting at 9:55 a.m.
Staff report was given by Bill Miller. Discussion followed regarding Internet 2, assessment of future needs, how we ought to look in year 2000, where we ought to be as a state, the statewide plan to incorporate education, communities and government, the concept of Information Technology principles. It was suggested that Lt Gov Robak and Bill Miller discuss this further with Senator Joyce Hillman. NITA management procedures are available via electronic process versus paper. It was the consensus of the group to continue this procedure. It will be necessary to keep in mind deadlines required by LB 924.
Action Item: Lt Governor Robak requested that Information Technology principles need to be identified. We need an analysis if principles or current policies and standards still serve function or need to be eliminated.
Risk Assessment Document was reviewed. This document will be considered as the backbone for all three Councils. A system will be needed regarding feedback-are we on budget? Are we on schedule? It will be necessary to track projects and modify accordingly. The document will be used to evaluate projects-review technology. Dennis Smith expressed a concern regarding the possibility of the system becoming too bureaucratic.
Action Item: Bill Miller was requested to come up with an easy form regarding Technology Project Risk Assessment Document. It was moved by Dennis Smith and seconded by Joyce Wrenn to include state agencies only at this time. Motion carried.
Michael Winkle reported that a Request for Proposal to hire a consultant to assist in the replacement strategy for the current transponder will go out in March 1998. He emphasized how satellite serves the State of Nebraska in all aspects-government, communities, and education.
Eric Brown left the meeting at 10:55 a.m. and re-joined via cellular phone 15 minutes later.
Bill Miller reviewed the Interstate Fiber Optic in the Right of Way. Discussion followed. Monty Fredrickson of the Department of Roads recommended the need to look at all fiber optic and cable available in the State. North/South links should be included in the RFP. It was moved by Joyce Wrenn and seconded by Greg Adams to develop a Request for Proposal and come back to NITC for approval before proceeding. This would give the Council time to review the RFP proposal before adoption. Motion carried.
It was recommended that Action Items regarding the Vision Statement and the Mission Statement be held over until the June meeting.
Lt. Governor Robak asked for new business. It was recommended that following approval of LB 924 by the Legislature, authority be given to the Lt Governor to proceed with the hiring of an executive director. Final recommendation for approval will be submitted to the Board at their next meeting. It was also recommended to pull all telecommunications providers together-NPPD, Telcos, U.S.West, Cable Companies-for a meeting in one location for discussion.
Lt Governor's office will be contacting NITC members regarding date for June meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 11:25 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dee Matulis
Administrative Assistant
Meeting Minutes