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Tuesday, March 9, 2004, 1:00 p.m.
Videoconference Sites:
Lincoln Executive Building, 521 South 14th Street, Room 103, Lincoln, Nebraska
Panhandle Station-Great Plains Room, 4502 Avenue I, Scottsbluff, Nebraska
Kearney Public Library-Media Center, 2nd Floor, 2010 1st Avenue, Kearney, Nebraska

Lieutenant Governor Dave Heineman, Chair
Linda Aerni, Chief Executive Officer, Community Internet Systems
Dr. Eric Brown, Manager, KRVN Radio
L. Merill Bryan, Senior Vice President & Chief Information Officer, Union Pacific
Dr. Doug Christensen, Commissioner, Department of Education
Hod Kosman, Chairman and President, Platte Valley Financial Services Companies
Trev Peterson, Attorney, Knudsen, Berkheimer, Richardson, and Endacott, LLP
Dr. L. Dennis Smith, President, University of Nebraska

Greg Adams, Mayor, City of York


Lieutenant Governor Heineman called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. There were seven members present at the time of roll call. A quorum existed to conduct official business. It was stated that the meeting notice was posted to the NITC and Public Calendar Websites on February 6, 2004. The meeting agenda was posted to the NITC website on February 27, 2004.


Commissioner Smith moved to approve the November 13, 2003 minutes as presented. Commissioner Peterson seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Brown-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Christensen-Yes, Heineman-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Peterson-Yes, and Smith-Yes. Results: 7-Yes, 0-No. The motion was carried by unanimous vote.


Lieutenant Governor Heineman presented Commissioner Kosman with an appreciation award for his contributions as a commissioner on the Nebraska Information Technology Commission, April 1998 to April 2004. Other Commissioners were invited to give remarks.


Network Nebraska Phase II - Walter Weir, University of Nebraska. The Collaborative Aggregation Partnership group has been working with the Nebraska Hospital Association to implement the telehealth network. Firewalls have been a problem with some of the remaining connections. Education Service Units are very interested in Internet2 and they are exploring grant-funding and provider options for SEGP application traffic and routing. The installation of fiber between the University of Nebraska and state is almost completed. This will permit collaboration between the University of Nebraska and IMServices for disaster recovery. The State of Iowa is interested in connecting to Network Nebraska. Lincoln Public Schools will be buying services from Network Nebraska in August. Mr. Weir thanked everyone who has worked on Network Nebraska. Questions and comments were entertained.

Sponsored Education Group Participation - Tom Rolfes, Education Information Technology Manager. There are currently over 9,000 educational institutions that are part of the SEGP. Thirty-two of those states have statewide educational networks. Nebraska will make the 33rd state. Part of the application process is to designate three K-20 representatives to serve on their Advisory Council. The Education Council has designated the following persons to represent Nebraska: Eddie Elfers, Higher Education; Woody Ziegler and John Stritt, K-12; Pam Holley Wilcox and Terry Dugas, K-20. Nebraska’s Internet2 traffic will flow through the University of Nebraska. Leadership will be needed to encourage usage of Internet2. The University of Nebraska has agreed to pay for the first year of SEGP membership costs beginning July 1, 2004 to June 30, 2005. Beginning July 1, 2005, the $36,000 per year rate will need to be paid by the participating institutions. Transport costs are eligible for E-rate but not the membership fee. Questions and comments were entertained.

Ms. Aerni arrived at 1:24 p.m.

Video Standards Work Group - Mike Beach, Assistant General Manager and Director of Technology, NETC. A brief history of the work group was provided for new Commissioners. The video standard that was approved two years ago is up for review. An additional protocol and criteria has been added for the review. The actual review the whole process should not take as long as the first time and should take approximately sixty days. The Work Group and its membership have been established and approved by the Technical Panel. A recommendation should be ready for approval by the NITC for the June meeting. Questions and comments were entertained.

Discussion followed regarding the legal aspects of using videoconferencing for public meetings. Commissioners Kosman and Aerni expressed concerns regarding travel time and cost to the state. Commissioner Peterson stated that the Real Estate Commission is proposing legislation that is on General File that would allow utilizing videoconferencing for public meetings. Opponents of videoconferencing believe that official meetings should be conducted with everyone in the same room. The Chair and other Commissioners acknowledged that this is an issue, not just for the NITC, but for other state agencies, as well. Communication efforts with legal counsel and policy makers will continue.


Status Report on Mini-planning Grants (PDF 75k) - Anne Byers, Community Information Technology Manager. Ms. Byers highlighted events occurring in the eight communities participating in the IT Planning and Mini-grant Program Year 1: Edgar, Crawford, Broken Bow, Alliance, Brown/Rock/Keya Paha Counties, York, West Point, and Fillmore. Seven of the eight communities have completed their technology plans. Participants are now working on implementing their plans. Program Year 2 participants have been conducting community assessments: Ord, Maskell, Homer, Dakota City, Lexington, Hastings, and Seward (soon to be joining). Other topics included in the report were the Tri-State Video Conference, the TANgents newsletter, E-commerce coordination, and publicizing the IT Planning and Mini-Grant Program efforts. Questions and comments were entertained. (Click on link above for more detailed information.)


eGovernment Initiatives (PDF 75k) – Steve Schafer, Chief Information Officer. Highlights covered in the report included: forms automation is moving forward; some interactive applications have been completed and others are in progress or being planned; and the Public Meeting Calendar now has a “nebAnnounce” feature that alerts users when public meetings are entered, updated or deleted. A press release is being planned to announce this new feature. Future enhancements being planned for 2004 and 2005 (subject to approval by the State Records Board): strategy for interactive applications for all professional licenses; address change utility; integrating business registration functions of different agencies; Motor Carrier Services Portal (similar to; local portal/services integration; improved search capabilities; and monitoring other states for applications that can be implemented in Nebraska. Questions and comments were entertained. (Click on link above for more detailed information.)

State Technology Spending Overview (PDF 60k) – Steve Schafer. The report is the initial effort in collecting information on IT spending for the state. Reports were generated from NIS (Nebraska Information System). Reports are still being developed for reporting I.T. salary expenses. For future reports, determination of I.T. spending per project or “activity based” spending may be considered rather than by agency. Questions and comments were entertained.


Agency Comprehensive Planning (PDF 204k) – Steve Schafer. The State Government Council and the Technical Panel have reviewed and accepted the form and process for final approval by the NITC.

Security Initiatives (PDF 82k) – Steve Schafer. The Security Work Group has been meeting regularly. In March, Omni Tech will repeat Phase II of the 2003 Study to confirm that previous vulnerabilities have been eliminated and to identify any new ones. A grant from the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency will focus on business continuity for core DAS functions that support other agencies. An RFP has been released to hire a consultant. (Click on link above for more detailed information.)

Steve Schafer, Chief Information Officer

Every 2 years, the biennial budget process requires the NITC to prioritize budget I.T. requests. The NITC has requested a more proactive role. The following are Proposed Changes to Policies and Practices for Guiding Investments (PDF 97k):

  1. Statewide Technology Plan - Add a new section to the Statewide Technology Plan that lists a small number of initiatives (6 to 9) that the NITC may actively promote for the ensuing 1 to 3 years.
  2. Agency Comprehensive Information Technology Plan - A new section would give agencies the opportunity to describe current and proposed efforts that relate to one or more of the projects on the list of strategic initiatives in the Statewide Technology Plan.
  3. Project Proposal Forms and Technical Reviews. No changes in the project proposal form or technical reviews are needed.
  4. Gap Analysis for Strategic Initiatives. NITC staff would analyze budget requests and project proposals in terms of their impact on the list of strategic initiatives.
  5. NITC Recommendations on Technology Investments. The report from the NITC to the Governor and Legislature would include both the list of prioritized projects and the gap analysis regarding strategic initiatives. The NITC would also have the opportunity to develop recommendations regarding those initiatives.

Adoption of the 2004 Statewide Technology Plan is planned for the June meeting. The list of Strategic Initiatives (PDF 604k) for inclusion in the Statewide Technology Plan had been shared with the Commissioners prior to the meeting for their review. Lieutenant Governor Heineman recommended that the Statewide Wireless Public Safety Communications System Initiative be put on hold until June so that the project can explore funding options.

Commissioner Smith moved to adopt the list of Strategic Initiatives, excluding the Statewide Wireless Safety initiative, for inclusion in the Statewide Technology Plan. Commissioner Bryan seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Smith-Yes, Peterson-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Heineman-Yes, Christensen-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Brown-Yes, and Aerni-Yes. Results: 8-Yes, 0-No. The motion was carried by unanimous vote.

As an information item, an update on Action Items (PDF 125k) of the 2003 Statewide Technology Plan had been sent to the Commissioners prior to the meeting.


Community Council – Anne Byers

Membership Nomination. The Rural Development Commission has had a representative serve on the Community Council. At their last meeting, the council approved the nomination of Lisa A. Dominisse, current Director of Rural Development for the Department of Economic Development.

Commissioner Peterson moved to approve the nomination of Lisa A. Dominisse (PDF 55k) as a new Community Council member. Commissioner Aerni seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Aerni-Yes, Smith-Yes, Peterson-Yes, Brown-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Heineman-Yes, and Christensen-Yes. Results: 8-Yes, 0-No. The motion was carried by unanimous vote.

Education Council – Tom Rolfes

The council’s activities had been covered earlier in the Update on Major Initiatives - Network Nebraska, Video Synchronous Standards and SEGP. The Education Council would like feedback from the Commissioners on eLearning and other initiatives proposed per their action items. Lieutenant Governor Heineman acknowledged and expressed appreciation for the Council’s work.

State Government Council

Email Work Group (PDF 67k) - Rick Becker, Government Information Technology Manager. The work group’s report identified six goals:

  1. Provide for secure e-mail communications within state government.
  2. Provide for regular, server-based backup of all state government e-mail, and assure that business recovery is possible.
  3. Allow for gateway-based blocking of viruses and Spam.
  4. Provide a unified e-mail directory for all state employees that provides information about the security of sending intra-agency e-mail communications.
  5. Revise the standard to only include vendor-supported software.
  6. Provide a low cost e-mail alternative.

The next steps will be to establish the standards and guidelines to be reviewed by the NITC for action at the June meeting. (Click on link above for more detailed information.)

Enterprise Architecture (PDF 100k) – Steve Schafer. The State Government Council has agreed to move forward with this endeavor. It is a huge effort but it is an opportunity for agencies to address potential enterprise aspects on projects currently being undertaken. NASCIO will be assisting. (Click on link above for more detailed information.)

Technical Panel - Walter Weir, Chair

Lori McClurg, Director of the Department of Administrative Services, and Mr. Weir presented the recommended “Standards and Guidelines for Acceptable Use Policy – State Communications Network” for the NITC’s approval. The major change is in determining essential personal business. Commissioners indicated that Instant Messaging and signatures were not addressed in the document. (Click on link below for more detailed information.)

Commissioner Christensen moved to approve Standards/Guidelines: Acceptable Use Policy – State Communications Network (PDF 96k). Commissioner Peterson seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Christensen-Yes, Heineman-Yes, Bryan-Yes, Kosman-Yes, Brown-Yes, Peterson-Yes, Smith-Yes, and Aerni-Yes. Results: 8-Yes, 0-No. The motion was carried by unanimous vote.

Technical Panel member, Kirk Langer, has been promoted to Director of Technology for Lincoln Public Schools. Since the last NITC meeting, the Technical Panel approved the Proposed Changes to Policies and Practices for Guiding Investments in Information Technology, Accessibility of Information Technology Work Group Charter, the revised agency I.T. form, and membership of the Statewide Synchronous Video Network Work Group. Other items covered but no action taken by the Technical Panel included the following: review of the results of a VoIP test conducted in Kearney; and an update on DENC (Distance Education Network Completion) Grant.


Lieutenant Governor Heineman announced that a press conference is being planned to update the media on Network Nebraska and the statewide telecommunications backbone. The tentative date is March 29th, 9:30 a.m. to be held possibly at the Peter Kiewit Institute, University of Nebraska-Omaha campus. Commissioners were invited.


The next meeting of the Nebraska Information Technology Commission is scheduled for June 3, 2004, 1 p.m. The locations will be announced at a later time.

Commissioner Smith moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Peterson seconded. All were in favor. The motion was carried by voice vote.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:35 p.m.

Meeting minutes were taken by Lori Lopez Urdiales and reviewed by staff of the Office of the CIO/NITC.

Meeting Minutes