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Meeting Agenda

Nebraska Information Technology Commission

Tuesday, June 29, 1999, 9:00 a.m.
State Capitol, Room 1507, Lincoln, Nebraska

9:00 a.m. Call to Order/Roll Call Lt. Governor Maurstad
9:05 a.m. Approval of Minutes Lt. Governor Maurstad
9:10 a.m. Public Comment Lt. Governor Maurstad
9:15 a.m. Discussion on the Legislature's perspective regarding the role of the NITC and the State Technology Plan
  • Senator Curt Bromm (Chair, Transportation Committee)
  • Senator Roger Wehrbein (Chair, Appropriations Committee)
10:00 a.m. Report on State Records Boards Imaging, E-Mail and Website Standards
  • Bill Ptacek, Office of the Secretary of State
10:15 a.m. NITC Staff Reports
  1. Satellite/Digital Television Update
  2. NEB*SAT Training Funds Project
  3. Community Technology Fund Project Reports
  4. Government Technology Collaboration Fund Project Reports
  5. 1999 Legislative Issues Report
Michael Winkle
10:25 a.m. BREAK
10:35 a.m. Action Item: Policies and Procedures for Preparing the Statewide Technology Plan
  1. NITC Goals - Michael Winkle
  2. Sector Priorities and Council Charters
    • Donna Hammack, Community Council
    • Jack Huck, Education Council
    • Gerry Oligmueller, State Government Council
  3. Technical Infrastructure Plan - Walter Weir, UNL
  4. Planning and Project Management Requirements - Michael Winkle
  5. Implementation Plan - Michael Winkle
Lt. Governor Maurstad
11:50 a.m. Action Item: Executive Director Appointment for FY99-00 Lt. Governor Maurstad
11:55 a.m. New Business
12:00 p.m. Next meeting, date and time
12:05 p.m. Adjournment