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Meeting Agenda

Nebraska Information Technology Commission

June 13, 2001, 1:30-5:00 p.m.
State Capitol Building, Room1507
Lincoln, Nebraska
Video Conference Sites:
Panhandle Station-High Plains Room, 4502 Avenue I, Scottsbluff, Nebraska
Kearney Public Library-Media Center Room, 2020 1st Avenue, Kearney, Nebraska

1:30 p.m. Call to Order and Roll Call - Lieutenant Governor Maurstad

1:35 p.m. Notice of Meeting & Approval of April 25th minutes* and May 23rd minutes*-

Lt. Gov. Maurstad

1:40 p.m. Public Comment

1:45 p.m. Report from the Councils, Technical Panel and Staff

1. Community Council – Anne Byers or Council Co-Chairs

a. Council report

b. Council charter modifications* (PDF 360k)

c. Council membership* (PDF 360k)

2. Education Council – Tom Rolfesor Council Co-Chairs

a. Council Report

b. Council charter modifications* (PDF 63k)

c. Council membership* (PDF 64k)

3. State Government Council – Steve Schafer & Rick Becker

a. Council report

b. Council charter modifications* (PDF 42k)

c. Government Technology Collaboration Fund Grant Guidelines* (PDF 20k)

4. Technical Panel – Walter Weir

a. Technical Panel Report

3:00 p.m. 2001 Statewide Technology Plan*– Michael Winkle

1. Section 1: Goals* (PDF 143k)

2. Section 2: Coordination of Information Technology Advisory Groups*(PDF 175k)

3. Section 3: Technical Infrastructure* (PDF 495k)

4. Section 4: Planning and Project Management* (PDF 287k)

5. Section 5: Implementation Plan* (PDF 258k)

4:50 p.m. New Business - Lt. Governor Maurstad

4:55 p.m. Next Meeting Date, Location, and Time - Lt. Governor Maurstad

5:00 p.m. Adjournment

* Indicates action items

The NITC Meeting notice and agenda were posted to the NITC and Public Meeting calendar on Tuesday, June 5, 2001. A revised agenda and links to meeting materials were posted on Thursday, June 7, 2001.