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Meeting Agenda


Tuesday, June 10, 2003, 1:00 p.m.
Videoconference Sites:
Executive Building-Videoconference Room 103, 521 South 14th Street, Lincoln, Nebraska
Panhandle Station-High Plains Room, 4502 Avenue I, Scottsbluff, Nebraska
Kearney Public Library-Information Center, 2nd Floor, 2020 1st Avenue, Kearney, Nebraska
State Office Building, Room 207 (2nd Floor), 1313 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska


Meeting Documents:
Choose the links in the agenda
or here for all documents (PDF 3 MB)

1:00 p.m.

Call to order and Roll Call - Lt. Governor Heineman
Notice of Meeting
Approval of March 24, 2003 Minutes* (PDF 104k)
Public Comment
Presentation to Brenda Decker (Recipient, Government Technology Magazine Award)

1:15 p.m. Update on Major Initiatives

A. Telecommunications Infrastructure

  1. NETCOM/CAP - Brenda Decker
    [Pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. § 84-1410 (PDF 76k), the NITC may enter closed session to receive a briefing on "Convergent Transport Backbone Network Services" RFP (SCA-0262), currently under review by the Division of Communications.]
  2. Statewide Telehealth Network (PDF 1.5k) - Anne Byers
  3. Statewide Synchronous Video Network (PDF 98k) - Tom Rolfes
B. Community and Economic Development
  1. Technologies Across Nebraska Survey Results (PDF 88k) - Anne Byers
  2. Status Report on Mini-planning Grants - Anne Byers
C. Delivery of Government and Educational Services
  1. E-government Strategy (PDF 69k) - Rick Becker
  2. Annual E-Government Conference (Nov. 18) Co-sponsorship - Steve Schafer
  3. E-Learning Initiative (PDF 115k) - Jean Jones and Jim Zemke
D. Planning and Accountability
  1. Security Initiatives (PDF 60k) - Steve Schafer

2:15 p.m. Statewide Technology Plan *

Complete Plan (PDF 78k)
- or by section -
Section 1 - Introduction
(PDF 144k)
Section 2 - Goals (PDF 114k)
Section 3 - Action Plan (PDF 155k)
Section 4 - Effectiveness Measures (PDF 214k)

  1. Review of changes to previous version (2002)
  2. Discussion - Does the draft update reflect the NITC's goals and priorities?
  3. Request for approval
2:45 p.m. Other Reports from the Councils, Technical Panel and Staff
  1. Community Council Report - Anne Byers
  2. Education Council Report - Tom Rolfes
    - New Members* (PDF 83k)
  3. State Government Council Report - Steve Schafer
  4. Technical Panel Report
  5. Staff Report
    - E-Government Survey Options (PDF 79k) - Rick Becker
    - Update on use of E-mail Systems (PDF 87k) - Rick Becker
    - I.T. Expenditures - Steve Schafer
3:15 p.m. Other Business
3:30 p.m. Next Meeting Date - September 30th, 1:00 p.m., location to be determined.

(* indicate Action Items.)

Meeting notice was posted to the NITC and Public Calendar Websites on May 27, 2003.
Agenda and meeting materials were posted to the NITC website on June 3, 2003.