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Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, December 14, 1999, 9:00 a.m.
University of Nebraska-Varner Hall, 3835 Holdrege, Board Room
Lincoln, Nebraska

MEMBERS PRESENT: Brenda Decker, DAS - Division of Communications; Ruth Michalecki, University of Nebraska; Michael Winkle, NITC Executive Director; and Steve Schafer, State Chief Information Officer.

OTHERS PRESENT: Rick Becker, Government Information Technology Manager; Tom Rolfes, Education Information Technology Manager; Lori Lopez Urdiales, NITC/CIO Administrative Assistant; Tom Conroy, DAS-Information Management Services; Rick Golden, UNL Computing Services Network; and Paul Sautter, NETC.

CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL: In the absence of the chair, the meeting was conducted by Steve Schafer. Mr. Schafer called the meeting to order at 9:11 a.m. Roll call was taken. Three members were present at the time of roll call. Mr. Schafer announced that public notice was given by electronic means by posting the meeting date, time, location and agenda via the web site on December 7th and a revision posted on December 8th.

PUBLIC COMMENT: There was none.


Corrections to the minutes included the following: (1) Under "Public Comment" change sentence to read "There was none."; (2) Correct the spelling of Bob Beechum to Bob Beecham; and (3) Under "ESU" third paragraph, first bullet, change the word "acknowledge" to "acknowledged".

Mr. Winkle moved to approve the November 9, 1999 minutes as amended. Ms. Decker seconded the motion. Voice vote: All were in favor. Motion carried.


Retirement System, Anna Sullivan - The development of a IT plan was approved by the NITC, the Council and Appropriations. The plan has four phases. Phase I and Phase II of the plan were funded for this biennium. Currently, the work is done manually. A document can be handled by eighteen different staff and the turn-around time is 90 days for processing. The consultant is finishing Phase I of the IT plan. He has considerable experience with automation of retirement systems. His recommendation for the IT system also addresses the need to re-engineer the current system. The business case and risk analysis for the IT plan are being developed. There are companies that can provide a template which can be customize to meet the client's needs. In order to complete the next phases of the plan, a deficit request for a project manager, two or three subject matter experts, and a call-center will be submitted.

Ruth Michalecki arrived at 9:20 a.m.

The Technical Panel would like to review the consultant's study when completed. Ms. Sullivan informed the Panel that the consultant will be available the morning of January 10th if they would like to consult with him. Members will consider changing the January meeting date to the 10th.

TINA, Brenda Decker - December 15th is the due date for the monthly report from the consultant which will hopefully include a draft report. The consultant, Doug Silverman, would like to meet with individuals regarding the recommendations and what will be submitted in the report. The consultant will be available on December 21st. Ms. Decker will get to members after speaking with Mr. Silverman.

Security Architecture, Tom Conroy - Other state agencies (Department of Roads and Health & Human Services) participated in the second session. It was evident that there is a wide variety of levels of security and protection needed from agencies. The recommendation most likely will be a standards based approach with database development that would accommodate other needs. The study findings are due the second week in January. A draft may be available for the January meeting. Mr. Conroy will provide a web site address for information on the study. Mr. Becker will post the link on the NITC web site.


Part 4.B Project Proposal Form and Assessment Document - This portion of the Statewide Technology Plan is near completion. A reminder was given to members to get any last comments and recommendations to staff prior to the NITC January meeting.

Part 3 Technical Infrastructure - After discussion of the need to further define the categories, it was by group consensus to have the NITC approve the framework for Part 3. Staff will provide status reports to the NITC as this section is developed. It was also decided to wait until the meeting with the TINA consultant and to discuss this portion of the Statewide Plan at the December 21st meeting.

Part 5.C Strategic Direction for Technical Infrastructure - This portion of the statewide plan includes the action plans from the councils. The Technical Panel should include Action Items also. The following concerns were raised regarding the action items: operational aspects; policy and procedures; wording; and the need for action items to be realistic and doable. The Technical Panel decided to have a working session on December 21st to discuss possible action items from the Technical Panel.


Change Domain Names ( Steve Schafer reported getting a question if this was a directive for all agencies. Ms. Decker clarified that it is not a directive to change domain name. It was a recommendation only.

Providers Meeting: At the last Providers meeting held by the Office of the CIO/NITC, the group wanted to meet again in December. Division of Communications has an extensive list of all telco providers. After discussion, it was decided to bring the group together in late February to review the adopted statewide plan and then bring them back together again in April to review the TINA recommendations and begin discussions about rates.

Gardner Group Article: Per Mr. Conroy's request, Mr. Becker distributed copies of the article Garndner Group article to members for information purposes.

ESU RFP - Rick Golden just received word from Alan Wibbels, that the consortium was disappointed in the rates proposed through the RFP process. The ESU's would like to speak to Mr. Golden about working with UNL to provide services.

NEXT MEETING DATE: The next meeting will be held January 10th or 11th, 1999, 9 a.m. Mr. Schafer adjourned the meeting at 10:40 a.m.

Minutes taken by Lori Lopez Urdiales, CIO/NITC Administrative Assistant and reviewed by Rick Becker, Government I.T. Manager.

Meeting Minutes