Network Nebraska Agenda

May 21, 2014 - 1-3 PM CDT

(Video Conferencing - see email for connection directions)


Agenda Items:

1.     Welcome - Roll Call and Introductions and Agenda Additions (visitors)

K-12 Members

Urban Reps

Rural Reps

Educational Service Units

John Stritt - ESU 10 Co-Chair, Governance

Bob Uhing - ESU 1 - NN Application Services, ESUCC Rep.


Rob Hanger, Palmyra/Bennett

Caroline Winchester, Chadron - Marketing


Scott Jones, ESU 16 DL - DEC Reporter, Governance

Betty Getzfred/Julie Dwyer, Pope John XXIII

Network Operations Committee

Kirk Langer - Lincoln PS - NN Application Services

Mike Danahy, ESU 2 - Emerging Technologies - NOC Reporter

Postsecondary Members

Urban Reps

Rural Reps

Public Universities

Mike Ruhrdanz, UNL - NN Application services (I2)

Debbie Schroeder, UNK Co-Chair Governance, Budget

State Colleges

Gene Beardslee, Peru State - State College Reporter

John Dunning, Wayne State, -Emerging Technologies

Independent Universities

Mike Carpenter, Doane - Private College Reporter - NN Application Services

Chris Vaverek, Creighton - Private College Reporter - Governance

Community Colleges

Lyle Neal, SCC - Community College Reporter, Marketing

Tom Peters, CCC - Governance

CAP Liaisons



Brenda Decker, CIO - NNAG Advisor

Michael Winkle, UNL

Leona Roach

Walter Weir, UNL- NN Profile

Rick Golden, UNL - Budget, CAP

Brad Weakly

Ben Mientka

Tom Rolfes, NITC - Recorder, Web Design, Ed Council Reporter.

SuAnn Witt, NDE - Marketing


2.     March Meeting Notes (



3.     Liaison Reports impacting NNAG discussion

   CAP Update - (Tom Rolfes)

4.     Committee Reports (Items in bold face and in red are primary discussion topics)

    Governance (Co-Chairs Deb Schroeder and John Stritt)

NNAG Members 2014-15

NNAG Membership guideline process


Lyle Neal, Community Colleges  - Nominee: Clifton Pee, Metro Community College

Mike Danahy, ESU-NOC - Nominee: Ron Cone, ESU 10

Betty Getzfred, Private K12 - Nominee Darci Lindgren,   Holy Family School at Lindsay

Changes in Urban/Rural alignment - Independent Colleges switch

Co-Chair Selection for 2014-15

 NN Membership Guidelines/Participation Profile - N4a Action Item

Homestead National Park approved for 2014-15 at $1,000 per year through ESU 5

Tiered connection discussion

Would membership consider a tiered pricing (transport and participation) based on NN bandwidth connection with 40 MG as base ($230 K12 per month)?

    10 MG (25% of $230 = $58 per month)

    20 MG (50% of $230 = $115 per month)

    30 MG (75% of $230 = $173 per month)

Memorandum of Agreement - N2a Action Item (John Stritt, Deb Schroeder)

Budget (Deb Schroeder, Scott Jones, Tom Peters, Ron Cone, Tom Rolfes (data gatherer) - (3 Proposed Budget Attachments: Participation, Backbone,Internet)

Collaboration with outside groups - e.g. PSC, legislature (SuAnn Witt)

Ed Council Action Items

Emerging Technologies (John Dunning & Mike Danahy)

Identity Management & InCommon Pilot Project - (Mike Danahy, Jeff Wooters, Seth. Wade Gibson)

OCIO response and ESUCC follow-up

Caching Server - (Brad)

Firewalls/Gatekeepers (Mike Danahy)

IPV6 - New4f Action Item

Classroom Flipping, BYOD

Big Data Transport

NN Application Services - N4b Action Item & N4e Action Item (Bob Uhing, Mike Carpenter, Kirk Langer)

BlendEd (Bob Uhing)

Intrusion Prevention Services - In place 12/1/13 (Brad Weakly, Ben Mientka)

Internet2/Commercial Peering Service - In place 12/1/13 (Michael Ruhrdanz)

Traffic Shaping

Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery

Shared Services - Continued discussion regarding types of services supported under plan.

Marketing - N4d Action Item (Chair: John Stritt - SuAnn Witt)

NN Web site - (John Stritt, Tom Rolfes) PLEASE HELP US GENERATE FAQs

Survey - 4c Action Item (SuAnn Witt, Lyle Neal, Caroline Winchester)

7.  Other Committee Reports:

    Community College (Tom Peters and Lyle Neal)

    State College (Gene Beardslee)

    Private College (Mike Carpenter)

    ESUCC (Bob Uhing)

    DEC (Scott Jones)

    NOC (Mike Danahy)

8.  Next regular meeting - Tuesday, July 15, 2014 - 1-3 PM (Note the Date Change)