as revised and adopted by the GIS Council on February 1, 2012
The GIS Council is a public body under the Nebraska Public Meetings law. As a result, some of the operating procedures for the board are specified by law. Those include the following:
1. Reasonable advance public notice of each Council meeting must be given. Advanced public notice of subcommittee meetings must also be given if the subcommittee is authorized to act on behalf of the Council or if a majority of the Council will attend the subcommittee meeting.
2. The method of publication for each meeting is to be recorded in the minutes of that meeting.
3. The members of the Council are to receive advance copies of the tentative agenda.
4. Except for items of an emergency nature, the agenda shall not be altered later than 24 hours before the scheduled commencement of the meeting.
5. The public must be given the right to attend and speak at meetings of the Council.
6. Any action taken on any question or motion shall be by roll call vote of the Council in open session.
7. The minutes of each meeting shall be available within ten workings days of the meeting.
8. The Council may go into closed session only for the reasons identified in the Public Meetings law.
The Council has the authority to specify other voting policies and procedures that are not inconsistent with the Public Meetings law or other laws governing the Council's responsibilities. The Council hereby adopts the following procedures relative to voting and the conduct of meetings:
1. Quorum. A quorum of the Nebraska GIS Council shall consist of at least fifty (50%) percent of the duly authorized members. Duly authorized members shall include all representatives appointed by the Governor and the ex-officio state officers identified by law or their designees.
2. Designees of Ex-Officio Members. An ex-officio state officer may appoint a permanent designee for service on the Council or may make such designation on a meeting-by-meeting basis. Each designation shall be in writing, state the time period for such designation, and be provided to the chairperson of the Council before the designee votes on any matter before the Council or participates in Council discussions.
3 Preparation and Distribution of the Agenda. Except for emergency situations, the tentative agenda shall be provided to all Council members no less than five working days prior to the meeting.
4. Vote Required. The affirmative vote of at least at least a majority of the Council members present shall be required to take action and make determinations.
5. Rules of Order. Unless otherwise specified within these voting policies and procedures, the Council will follow procedures outlined in Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
6. Subcommittees. The Council may establish subcommittees or working groups as deemed necessary. Subcommittee(s) or working groups may include individuals who are not members of the Council. The action of subcommittees shall be advisory and not binding on the Council, except that the Council may authorize a subcommittee of Council members and/or ex-officio designees, to act on behalf of the Council for specific purposes.
Election of GIS Council Officers
Procedures adopted at March 13, 1996, May 15, 1996, and February 1, 2012 meetings
Elected Officers
Terms of Office, Term Limits and Order of Ascension
- Term of office will be one year, expiring on January 1.
- The Vice Chair will assume the Chair role after completing his or her term.
- The past Chair can be elected to the Vice Chair position after completing his or her Chair role.
Election Procedures
Floor will be open for nominations for Vice Chair since Chair role is determined by prior Vice Chair.
- Nominations for Vice Chair will begin in October through November of each year and submitted to the GIS Council Coordinator.
- Nominations can occur up till nominations are closed prior to voting at the December meeting.
- Nominations will require a second.
- Motion needed to cease nominations.
- Nominations are subject to a vote by secret ballot.
- Voting by specific individuals appointed by Governor to the GIS Council and by state agency directors who are by statute members of the GIS Council or their designee, by virtue of a designation letter.
- Names are to be read as ballots are opened.
- Election of individuals, not agencies or their designees.
- In the event there is no Vice Chair to take on the role of Chair, nominations will proceed in the same manner as stated above but start with the Chair first for nominations and voting followed by the Vice Chair position.