May 21, 2007, 1:30-3:00 p.m.

Governor's Residence-Lower Level Meeting Room,
1425 H St., Lincoln, Nebraska




Dennis Berens, HHSS, Office of Rural Health

Joni Cover, Nebraska Pharmacists Association

Kimberly Galt, Creighton University School of Pharmacy and Health Professions

Steve Henderson, Office of the CIO

Alice Henneman, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension in Lancaster County

Ron Hoffman, Jr., Mutual of Omaha

C.J. Johnson, Southeast Nebraska Behavioral Health Information Network and Region V Systems

Jim Krieger, Gallup

Jeff Kuhr, Three Rivers Public Health Department, Fremont

Ken Lawonn, NeHII and Alegent Health

David Lawton, HHSS, Public Health Assurance

Dr. Keith Mueller, UNMC College of Public Health

Kay Oestmann, Southeast District Health Department

John Roberts, Nebraska Rural Health Association

Nancy Shank, Public Policy Center

Mary Steiner, HHSS Finance and Support, Medicaid

September Stone, Nebraska Health Care Association

Marie Woodhead, (representing Congressman Jeff Fortenberry)

Dr. Delane Wycoff, Pathology Services, PC

Henry Zach, HDC 4Point Dynamics




Steve Grandfield or Susan Courtney, Blue Cross Blue Shield

Daniel Griess, Box Butte General Hospital, Alliance

Donna Hammack, Nebraska Statewide Telehealth Network and St. Elizabeth Foundation

Harold Krueger, Western Nebraska Health Information Exchange and Chadron Community Hospital

Senator Mick Mines, Nebraska Legislature




Lieutenant Governor Sheehy called the meeting to order at 1:33 p.m. and stated that the meeting announcement was posted on the NITC Web site on April 26, 2007 and on the Nebraska Public Meeting Calendar Web site on May 1, 2007.  The meeting agenda was posted to the NITC and the Nebraska Public Meeting Calendar Web sites on May 1, 2007.  Copies of the Nebraska Open Meeting Act were located on the west and east ends of the meeting table.


Lt. Governor Sheehy stated that the NITC eHealth Council will serve as a conduit working along with the Community Council and the State Government Council in advising the Legislature on eHealth issues in Nebraska.  Senator Mick Mines also serves on the council but was not available due to legislative duties today.


For the purpose of roll call, members introduced themselves.  There were 20 members present.  A quorum existed to conduct official business.




There was no public comment.



David Lawton, Public Health Surveillance, Administrator

Nebraska Health and Human Services Systems


Dr. Lawton gave an overview of e-Health related initiatives in the state and how they interface with the federal agenda.



Anne Byers, NITC Community I.T. Manager


The meeting agenda included links to the clearinghouse as well as a review of Inventory of Nebraska eHealth Initiatives.   The clearinghouse is still in its development.  Ms. Byers asked for members for additional information or ideas for the inventory.   Members suggested including information on Simply Well, NEDDS, EMS, and creating separate entries for the HISPC Steering Committee and Creighton Health Services Research Program.  Members agreed that a best practices section would be beneficial as well.



Lieutenant Governor Rick Sheehy


Lieutenant Governor Rick Sheehy stated that the mission of the Council is to foster the collaborative and innovative use of eHealth technologies through partnerships between public and private sectors, and to encourage communication among eHealth initiatives in Nebraska.


The charge to the eHealth Council is to:


  • Assist the Nebraska Information Technology Commission in developing, reviewing and updating the statewide technology plan.
  • Review the current status of healthcare information technology adoption by the healthcare delivery system in Nebraska.
  • Address potential security, privacy and other issues related to the adoption of interoperable healthcare delivery system in Nebraska.
  • Evaluate the cost of using interoperable healthcare information technology by the healthcare delivery system in Nebraska.
  • Identify private resources and public/private partnerships to fund efforts to adopt interoperable healthcare information technology;
  • Support and promote the use of telehealth as a vehicle to improve healthcare access to Nebraskans;
  • Recommend best practices or policies for state government and private entities to promote the adoption of interoperable healthcare information technology by the healthcare delivery system in Nebraska.


Co-chairs. Lt. Governor Sheehy appointed Keith Mueller, Kim Galt and Dan Griess to serve as co-chairs.  Members were encouraged to designate an alternate.  Lt. Governor Sheehy had to leave the meeting.  Dr. Galt presided over the rest of the meeting.


Charter.  The group agreed that the charter was acceptable but that they would like the option of revisiting the document.  Mr. Berens distributed a vision statement and stated that he’d like the vision statement to be discussed further possibly at a future meeting. 


Length of Service.  By group consensus it was agreed to allow Ms. Byers to designate staggered term assignments.  There was a concern that the consumer perspective is not represented on the Council.  It was suggested to form a consumer work group or to possibly hold consumer stakeholder forums.


Frequency of Meetings.  Since this is a new council, members recommended meeting monthly in the beginning until it is determined at a later date whether to meet bi-monthly or quarterly.  Members requested that the first meetings be utilized to learn about the initiatives occurring in the state and recommended that the meetings be 3-4 hours in duration.  Ms. Byers would like input for presentations for the next meeting.


Before prioritizing or developing a work plan, the group wanted more time to have this as an agenda item for the upcoming meetings.


Mr. Berens distributed the draft “HISPC (Health Information Security and Privacy Committee) State of Nebraska Report 3: Consumer Views about Privacy and Electronic Health Information Exchange  In addition to the draft report, Mr. Berens distributed a document titled “Challenges for Policy Makers Regarding HIT




With no further business, Dr. Galt adjourned the meeting at 3:03 p.m.


Meeting minutes were taken by Lori Lopez Urdiales and reviewed by Anne Byers and the eHealth Council Co-Chairs.